Durante la última década, la inteligencia artificial ha evolucionado para dar respuesta a la necesidad de gestionar volúmenes ingentes de datos que no paran de aumentar. Ahora, se ha convertido en una herramienta imprescindible para las empresas. De hecho, según nuestro estudio ‘Resiliency Rules’, el 92% de los directivos españoles
Tag: AI
Insurers have faced significant headwinds in the last few years. The insurtech market continues to grow, even if it’s had the wind taken out of its sails recently due to funding for start-ups drying up and following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. But another contender and digital disruptor has
In the first of this two-part blog series, we discussed why corporate sustainability is gaining momentum and explored the benefits and challenges it brings to business. Let’s dive into some practical tips on how to facilitate sustainability transformation within your organization: 1. Analyse your current situation with a future-oriented approach
A Fraude no setor bancário não é um tema recente, mas a pandemia e, mais tarde, a guerra tiveram impacto no setor, como aliás demonstra a quarta edição do relatório sobre a cibersegurança em Portugal do Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança (CNCS) "A mitigação progressiva da pandemia e o surgimento de uma
‘SAS 이노베이트 2023’에서 최신 AI, 클라우드 분석 기술 및 사례 발표 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS가 5월 8일부터 10일까지(미국 현지 시간) 미국 플로리다주 올랜도에서 ‘SAS 이노베이트 2023(SAS Innovate 2023)’ 행사를 개최했습니다. ‘SAS 이노베이트’는 전 세계 산업별 전문가와 오피니언 리더들이 참석하는 SAS의 연례 비즈니스 컨퍼런스입니다. 이번 행사에서는 SAS Viya 제품의 놀라운
Finir ses études, c’est aussi la promesse exhilarante d’avoir toute sa vie devant soi et de ne pas savoir ce que la carrière a en réserve pour nous. On prend une seule décision et juste comme ça, on gère l’analytique de l’une des meilleures équipes du rugby au monde. Voilà
As businesses continue to evolve and adapt to the changing landscape of the global economy, decision-making has become increasingly complex. To stay competitive and meet the growing demands of customers, businesses must adopt new technologies and strategies to streamline their operations and enhance the customer experience. This is where AI
The concept of sustainability has evolved significantly over the past few years. It is no longer just a trendy buzzword but has become an essential element of business models. Major multinational companies such as IKEA, PepsiCo and Amazon lead sustainability transformation by setting ambitious goals and implementing new initiatives. IKEA
Platforma SAS® Viya® oferuje wiele algorytmów klasy uczenia maszynowego (machine learning, ML) czy sztucznej inteligencji (artificial intelligence, AI) do trenowania modeli predykcyjnych (klasyfikacyjnych itp.), takich jak lasy losowe (random forest) czy wzmocnienia gradientowe (gradient boosting), jak również modele uczenia głębokiego (deep learning). Choć wielokrotnie potwierdziły one swoją przydatność w praktyce,
Soaring costs are hitting the public sector hard, squeezing budgets and making it difficult to deliver vital services at a time when many are in high demand. Government departments were told they need to ‘identify savings to manage pressures from higher inflation’ in last year’s Autumn Statement – but how
Using machine learning to correlate factors and characteristics that appear gradually during childhood in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in support to identify others at risk. How prevalent is ASD? Well, it depends on who you ask, but it’s generally accepted that 1-2.3% of children have been diagnosed. And
ChatGPT from OpenAI has changed how the general public thinks about AI. What does this mean for analytics practitioners?
With the cost-of-living crisis continuing and the UK now in a recession, industries have to acclimatise to shifting market trends and consumer behaviour to maintain revenue and hit sales targets. The telecommunications industry is susceptible to consumers’ different priorities in times of economic hardship - many consumers will stick with
Vor gut zwei Jahren hat die für den DACH-Raum (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz) zuständige Niederlassung des US-amerikanischen Software-Herstellers SAS Institute begonnen agile Methoden im Software-Vertrieb einzusetzen. Die Hauptmotivation für den damaligen Start der Initiative lag in der Hebung ungenutzter Potentiale im Zusammenhang mit der Generierung von Neugeschäft (auch als Demand- bzw.
Inzicht krijgen in de kracht van analytics én leren omgaan met analytische software. En dat terwijl je gewoon een spel speelt. Dat is de SAS Energy Game. Inmiddels hebben al honderden studenten het spel gespeeld en daarmee hun analytische vaardigheden versterkt. Meer mensen kennis laten maken met analytics Data is
From rising operating costs to wage inflation, business leaders are facing challenges on an unprecedented scale. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, this is driving the need for more in-depth data gathering, understanding and insight generation to inform smarter decision making and identify cost-saving opportunities. Some might remember
Mesmo com a tecnologia disponível atualmente, é muito difícil prever quando, onde e como podem ocorrer danos causados pelo clima. Custos com inundações devem crescer exponencialmente nos próximos 20 anos e a crise climática é uma ameaça constante. Infelizmente, desastres naturais nunca deixarão de existir, mas podemos fazer nosso melhor
A digitalização acelerada ao longo dos anos desde a Covid-19 deixou alguns legados para organizações, e a importância de construir uma cultura baseada em dados está entre eles. Afinal, dados impulsionaram a criação de novos modelos de negócio, mas também transformaram a forma pela qual empresas operam, administram seus talentos
Many businesses across the United Kingdom (UK) face price increases, cutbacks, or potential closures as they grapple with rising energy costs. The utilities market is facing its biggest challenge. It is set to be under scrutiny for a long time - with a supply shortage, inflation, rising demand and the
SAS Summercamp brings innovations to next level The words curious, passionate, accountable and authentic best describe the atmosphere around the SAS office in Huizen during the SAS D[N]A Lab Summercamp 2022. From 16-19 August, the Dutch SAS office was transformed into a real Summercamp, including an actual campsite. During this
In the modern world, hyperautomation is a way to speed up the development and launch of new digital products and processes – but how exactly can this be done? Throughout part 1 and part 2 of this blog series, we’ve been looking at what hyperautomation is and what it looks
Uma das mulheres mais bem-sucedidas do mundo do poker, Liv Boeree joga profissionalmente há 13 anos e fica impressionada com a maneira com que o jogo vem sendo revolucionado pelo uso da tecnologia nesse período. Familiarizada com o mundo dos dados, Liv queria se especializar em física antes de se
Hoe gebruik je analytics en artificiële intelligentie (AI) om op grote schaal waarde te genereren voor je organisatie? De praktijk leert ons dat de meeste modellen hier niet in slagen. SAS ontwikkelde daarom met CGI een unieke ‘Smart Factory in a Box’-workshop. De Smart Factory in a Box is een
La disrupción de nuestra vida como la entendíamos hasta ahora ha impulsado y puesto en valor la importancia de la transformación digital. La repentina y urgente necesidad de trabajar desde casa, mientras se mantenía la comunicación con colegas y clientes, avivó un rápido cambio en nuestra forma de trabajar. Esto,
Customer acquisition and retention primarily fall on sales and marketing teams. But every department within an insurance company has a role to play in these activities. Claims handling is a great example. Any insurer's performance at this emotionally charged time is their litmus test. It can determine whether customers renew
Anyone in the insurance industry knows that fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated and their crimes more difficult to identify. Insurance fraud in the UK costs an estimated £3 billion per year – but only around a third of that is detected. Whilst opportunistic fraud poses a problem to the industry and
Data is crucial for the development of artificial intelligence (AI) applications. However, the rapid availability of data is a challenge due to increasingly strict privacy regulations. A possible solution is to use synthetic data. Gartner predicts by 2024 that 60% of the data used to develop AI and analytics applications
More newsworthy than ever, since the pandemic, the so-called ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is one of the hottest topics in any organization, any industry. No surprise, ESG investing continues to soar in 2022. Did I tell you I work for a company that has a solar farm, bees and
I was recently told that an organization had tried to implement AI for forecasting in supply chain but had failed due to poor data. This got me thinking about exactly what the impacts of poor data would be. And whether the approaches I had applied elsewhere could help. It's probably
Gartner first openly used the term "hyperautomation" in 2019. But what is it? How will it benefit your organization? And what are we hyperautomating? In this post, I discuss what we are hyperautomating and how the convergence of technology and decision maturity made it possible. If you are still curious about