When I purchased my Instant Pot a few years ago I didn’t think twice about having the Yogurt function included because I knew I would never make homemade yogurt. Bacteria, fermentation, boil, cool, incubate…so much potential room for error…no thanks. However, I finally got up the nerve to give it
SAS' Leonid Batkhan demonstrates a popular "divide-and-conquer" efficiency strategy using SAS/Connect®.
Many countries in Europe have in previous years experienced increased price competition for general insurance products. Especially in Southern Europe, the competition has been very fierce, fueled by online price comparison websites. In Spain, Portugal and Greece, there has been a substantial drop in average premiums for products like motor,
As I discussed in a previous article, the simple block bootstrap is a way to perform a bootstrap analysis on a time series. The first step is to decompose the series into additive components: Y = Predicted + Residuals. You then choose a block length (L) that divides the total
Through the M4 and M5 competitions, we've seen the promising performance of machine learning approaches in generating forecasts. The SAS whitepaper "Assisted Demand Planning Using Machine Learning for CPG and Retail" describes a role for ML in augmenting the demand planning by guiding the review and override of statistical forecasts.
Last week I read an article that suggested writing a “done” list at the end of each day before identifying the 2-3 priority “to do” items for tomorrow. Ok, I’ll bite. Over the last several months I have been trying all sorts of organization and efficiency habits, so I decided
From mental health to biodiversity, SAS is committed to using data for social innovation, committing our resources, analytics expertise and software to tackle global issues. It's a vital undertaking, and we can't do it alone -- strategic partnerships are key to these efforts. Here's a quick overview of our top
On The DO Loop blog, I write about a diverse set of topics, including statistical data analysis, machine learning, statistical programming, data visualization, simulation, numerical analysis, and matrix computations. In a previous article, I presented some of my most popular blog posts from 2020. The most popular articles often deal
If you've been stuck at home a lot lately, and think you have run out of movies to watch -- think again! Here is a list of big-budget movies you might not have seen, because they flopped (lost lots of money). Follow along as I show you how I created
This, the third of three posts on our hot-fix process, provides a spreadsheet and tips to track and manage your SAS®9 environment.
Trusting myself, my body, my sensations, and my experience has been monumental in helping me sustain active living and well being. Fitness must address the human being, not just the human body and staying well requires me to trust my intuition, my experience, and my own tolerance to challenges. It
For ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, you can use a basic bootstrap of the residuals (called residual resampling) to perform a bootstrap analysis of the parameter estimates. This is possible because an assumption of OLS regression is that the residuals are independent. Therefore, you can reshuffle the residuals to get
Editor's note: This blog post is part of a series of posts, originally published here by our partner News Literacy Project, exploring the role of data in understanding our world. Infographics are one of the most visual ways to tell stories with data. They are designed to catch the reader’s eye, and they use
Last year, I wrote more than 100 posts for The DO Loop blog. In previous years, the most popular articles were about SAS programming tips, statistical analysis, and data visualization. But not in 2020. In 2020, when the world was ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic, the most-read articles were related
CTOからのあなたへの招待状 ~リアルワールドのためのグローバルデータサイエンス・ハッカソンイベントを開催~ 世界中のどこかにいる有志のあなたへ 従来からSASをご愛顧頂いている皆様、そして、これから新たに出会う皆様、こちらはSAS Instituteでございます。今回は、非常にInspired+Greatなニュースをお届けさせていただきます。 それは、SASがグローバルでHackinSASというデータサイエンス・ハッカソンイベントを開催するということです! 今回のイベントでは、グローバルで参加者を募集しています。もちろん、従来のSASユーザのみならず、開発者やオープンソースユーザ、学生の方々、Startup企業の方々、またはテクニカルパートナーの方々、誰でも参加可能なイベントです。また、今回イベントの主旨としては、皆様の周りにあるデータを用いて、そのデータから有用な情報を得て、リアルワールドのビジネス課題・社会問題を解決するためのソリューションや、よりクリエイティブなデータの使い道を発見することを目指しています。詳細は後述するイベント詳細情報をご参照ください。 SASは長年、データから有用な情報を得て、その情報をリアルワールドの社会問題・環境問題、そしてビジネス課題解決に貢献できる製品やソリューション、そしてサービスを開発し、そのナレッジを貯蓄してきました。また、たくさんのユーザの方々との関わり合いの中で得られた情報などもとても有益なものでした。ハッカソンイベントはまさに、そのような様々なナレッジや発想を持っている皆様に切磋琢磨できる舞台を提供しています。 まずSASのエグゼクティブ・バイス・プレジデント兼最高執行責任者兼最高技術責任者のOliver Schabenbergerからのメッセージをご覧ください。 クリック! では、イベント詳細情報は下記となります。 1.開催スケジュール ハッカソン全期間スケジュール 2020年12月17日-2021年2月15日 チームとテーマの登録期間。 この期間中に、あなたのチームを結成しましょう。そして、課題を定義し、サマリをご提出ください。 2021年1月―2月 リソース確保期間。 この期間中に、ハッカソンをするための無料イネーブルメントリソースを活用して、優位に立ちましょう。 2021年3月 ハッカソン正式開始期間。 この期間中に、あなたとチームメンバーの創造性を輝かせる時がきます。データとSASを使って課題を解決しましょう。 2021年4月 最終ラウンド期間。 最終ラウンドに参加できるチームが選定され、SAS Vector Labsチーム(SAS Innovation Hub)に紹介され、更なる課題解決のためのアプリケーション開発を行うことが可能です。 Virtual SAS® Global Forum 2021(2021年春に開催予定) 2021年のSAS Global Forumで優勝者の結果が公開されます! 事前ライブキックオフミーティング 2021年1月13日13:00 – 14:00オンラインで開催 開催概要: SASのエグゼクティブ・バイス・プレジデント兼最高執行責任者兼最高技術責任者のOliver Schabenbergerが、この他に類を見ないグローバルハッカソンとは何か、そしてビジネスの課題解決や社会貢献のためにアナリティクス、AI、オープンソースをどのように創造的な方法で活用できるのかについてお話します。 ハッカソンズ・インターナショナルのCEOであるAngela Bee ChanとSASのプロダクト・マーケティング・マネージャーであるMarinela Profiの魅力的な対談が行われます。彼らはこのハッカソンの中でできるコラボレーションと、HackinSASが単なる競争以上の価値あるものであるかをお話します。
Have you been stuck at home, dreaming up the next big trip you'll take after this pandemic is over? How will you pick a really cool location to visit? Perhaps you can ask your friends for suggestions. My co-worker (and lunch buddy) John recommended the Grand Prismatic Spring. Here's a
May you be healthy, safe, and surrounded by those your love this holiday season! We're looking forward to seeing you in the new year. Until, check out the RFC's Video Library for Kasey's 12 Days of Fit-mas Workout, recordings of our live streamed classes, guided meditations, and crafts and more! Or,
Recently, Dana and I had the opportunity to spend an hour with our HCC staff talking about managing stress and coping with change. We were grateful for the time to support our SAS Healthcare Heroes. We pulled together such great content that I want everyone to have access to it,
Romania’s energy and utilities market is thriving. The country has a high level of energy independence, thanks to oil and gas reserves in the Black Sea, and there is also activity in the solar energy market. However, many utilities companies are struggling to make appealing offers to customers, and there
A good public transportation system is crucial to develop smart cities, particularly in great metropolitan areas. Network optimization algorithms can be applied to better understand urban mobility, particularly based on a multimodal public transportation network.
When you perform a linear regression, you can examine the R-square value, which is a goodness-of-fit statistic that indicates how well the response variable can be represented as a linear combination of the explanatory variables. But did you know that you can also go the other direction? Given a set
When a medical emergency strikes, can you be certain where your ventilators are? When lives are at stake, delays become deadly. Hospital administrators and clinicians are under enormous pressure to properly track vital equipment so they can easily find it. Yet ageing hospital systems aren’t always up to the task.
Tis the season for my annual, fun Christmas themed blog post! This is the seventh year and my tenth song. I hope you enjoy this 2020 holiday song (to the tune of Rockin' around the Christmas Tree). Hackin around the Decision Tree at the SAS party hackathon Data science algorithms
The Smart Cities movement continues to forge ahead and evolve, led by innovative municipalities of all sizes. One of the towns at the forefront is Cary, North Carolina, adjacent to the Research Triangle Park and home of the SAS world headquarters. Cary Chief Information Officer Nicole Raimundo and her team
Predictive models are a critical component for automated and augmented decision making. As this deployment pattern becomes more widely adopted, two competing priorities emerge. How can we deliver more models faster while being certain of accurate and consistent performance? The key to solving this dilemma is in the automated testing
A note from Udo Sglavo: This post offers an introduction to complex optimization problems and the sophisticated algorithms SAS provides to solve them. In previous posts of this series, we learned that data availability, combined with more and cheaper computing power, creates an essential opportunity for decision-makers. After looking at network analytics
It takes a lot of companies collaborating in a lot of new and different ways behind the scenes to make AI work seamlessly on the front lines. We see this all the time in our work on AI. Processing power is one of the most obvious examples – when clients
Find out the most popular SAS Users YouTube channel how to tutorials, and learn a thing or two!
If you have plotted data on a map, you have probably tried to estimate the geographical (or visual) 'center' of map areas, to place labels there. But have you ever given any thought to the "center of population"? This is one of the myriad of statistics the US Census Bureau
In this article, we summarize our SAS research paper on the application of reinforcement learning to monitor traffic control signals which was recently accepted to the 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Vancouver, Canada. This annual conference is hosted by the Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation, a non-profit corporation that promotes the exchange of ideas in neural information processing systems across multiple disciplines.