Digital channels open the door to synthetic identity fraud. Luckily, artificial (AI, that is) can defeat synthetic.
Digital channels open the door to synthetic identity fraud. Luckily, artificial (AI, that is) can defeat synthetic.
Most introductory statistics courses introduce the bar chart as a way to visualize the frequency (counts) for a categorical variable. A vertical bar chart places the categories along the horizontal (X) axis and shows the counts (or percentages) on the vertical (Y) axis. The vertical bar chart is a precursor
With unemployment at a three-year high, the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has hit the UK hard. While significant progress has now been made on the clinical side of the crisis, and the success of the vaccination programme is a cause for optimism, the impact on the economy will
This is another in my series of blog posts where I take a deep dive into converting R graphs into SAS graphs. Today we'll be working on pie charts. I know, I know ... you visualization 'purists' might be wagging your finger at me, and saying "pie charts are no good."
As mentioned in my article about Monte Carlo estimate of (one-dimensional) integrals, one of the advantages of Monte Carlo integration is that you can perform multivariate integrals on complicated regions. This article demonstrates how to use SAS to obtain a Monte Carlo estimate of a double integral over rectangular and
A previous article shows how to use Monte Carlo simulation to estimate a one-dimensional integral on a finite interval. A larger random sample will (on average) result in an estimate that is closer to the true value of the integral than a smaller sample. This article shows how you can
If I were to say that we live in uncertain times, that would probably be an understatement. Therefore, I won’t say that. Oops, I already did. Or did I? For centuries, people around the world have been busy scratching their heads in search of a meaningful answer to Shakespeare’s profoundly
The time for experimenting with artificial intelligence (AI) is over. In a COVID-19 climate, it is important to be able to quickly scale up analytical models to industrial processes. SAS believes the solution can be found in democratizing AI. Most manufacturing businesses have large amounts of data at their disposal.
Numerical integration is important in many areas of applied mathematics and statistics. For one-dimensional integrals on the interval (a, b), SAS software provides two important tools for numerical integration: For common univariate probability distributions, you can use the CDF function to integrate the density, thus obtaining the probability that a
These days I'm hearing from people who are feeling out of place. Of course they want a world without COVID-19 and for life to feel like it used to. But as others make future plans and celebrate the potential return to "normal", they are feeling hesitant or more uncomfortable than
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most popular topics in the tech industry, along with IoT, cloud and blockchain, to mention just a few. Although it is a very promising technology, it is also connected with very high expectations, quite often beyond the capabilities that AI provides today. As
A previous article discusses how to interpret regression diagnostic plots that are produced by SAS regression procedures such as PROC REG. In that article, two of the plots indicate influential observations and outliers. Intuitively, an observation is influential if its presence changes the parameter estimates for the regression by "more
Readers of my earlier post Discover Visual Analytics Report Paths with REST APIs asked for ways to export SAS Visual Analytics (VA) report content programmatically. I know this is a topic of interest from many VA report designers. So, I think it’s better to write something on this and I
According to the Forbes and SAS panel of experts, the biggest technological revolution in humankind’s history is happening right now. To be a part of it, companies need to build their own sets of ethical artificial intelligence principles. Tackling the ethical issues is the key to successfully harnessing the incredible
SAS' Leonid Batkhan reveals a fuss-free way to halt SAS program execution and terminate SAS session in batch-processing scenarios.
We all know we need to eat more vegetables. Frozen vegetables can be a quick and easy way to add more vegetables to almost any meal, and these days the frozen vegetable aisle is loaded with options!
When you fit a regression model, it is useful to check diagnostic plots to assess the quality of the fit. SAS, like most statistical software, makes it easy to generate regression diagnostics plots. Most SAS regression procedures support the PLOTS= option, which you can use to generate a panel of
We live in a data-driven world. With touchpoints rapidly multiplying, consumer data continues to increase in volume and complexity. Insights derived from these touchpoints are crucial to improving the context of customer experiences. Investments in digital transformation to achieve a 360-degree customer view are now a necessity. Businesses need to
Interview with VW: Patrick van der Smagt, director of the Volkswagen Group's Machine Learning Lab.
The List Table can be more than just a black-and-white ledger style visual. There are many other enhancements such as alternating row colors, abbreviated values, display rules, etc.
Machine Learning models are becoming widely used to formulate and describe processes’ key metrics across different industry fields. There is also an increasing need for the integration of these Machine Learning (ML) models with other Advanced Analytics methodologies, such as Optimization. Specifically, in the manufacturing industry, SAS explored state-of-the-art science
*This interview was recorded last summer, but the realities of the pandemic and alcohol use are still relevant today and so I am re-sharing this post. We continue to experience unique stressors, uncertainty, grief and isolation. This video provides specific steps you can try today to assess and alter behaviors
Artificial intelligence undoubtedly remains a key trend when it comes to picking the technologies that will change how we live, work and play in the near future. As always, with great power comes great responsibility. There are many benefits that AI solutions bring to the world. But poor design or
In 2020 alone, the global losses from natural disasters amounted to a staggering US$210 billion! This is just short of the 2020 GDP of Portugal, or a little more than twice the market cap of HSBC, Europe’s largest bank. The causes of these huge losses include drought-fuelled wildfires, severe floods
This article shows how to use PROC SGPLOT in SAS to create the scatter plot shown to the right. The scatter plot has the following features: The colors of markers are determined by the value of a third variable. The outline of each marker is the same color (such as
SAS Conversation Designer is available with every offering that also includes SAS Visual Analytics. Users can easily access Visual Text Analytics capabilities from SAS Conversation Designer with minimum additional configuration.
Written by RFC Staff. Known for their fancy turns and agility, Recreation and Fitness Center (RFC) staff innovatively support SAS employee health with fitness, wellness, and recreation programs. We pride ourselves on being part of SAS's wellness team inspiring and empowering those who inspire and empower with the most trusted
Linear programming (LP) and mixed integer linear programming (MILP) solvers are powerful tools. Many real-world business problems, including facility location, production planning, job scheduling, and vehicle routing, naturally lead to linear optimization models. Sometimes a model that is not quite linear can be transformed to an equivalent linear model to reduce
A Deep-Q Network (DQN) is a reinforcement learning technique that attempts to model the actions that perform best in each state in real-time.
As I sit and write this blog, the rain is coming down. The rain absorbs into the plants and Earth and supplies its liquid goodness to the aquifers in the ground promoting life above. Earth is a water planet and our bodies are 70% water. We started our beginnings in