SAS' Fijoy Vadakkumpadan, a computer vision expert, sheds light on how loadImages works in SAS Viya.
A conversation with BASF, Damien Caby, Senior Vice President, who is responsible for the global business unit Oilfield & Mining Solutions.
In my new book, I explain how segmentation and clustering can be accomplished in three ways: coding in SAS, point-and-click in SAS Visual Statistics, and point-and-click in SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning using SAS Model Studio. These three analytical tools allow you to do many diverse types of
The evolution of service is simplicity and clarity. Build for the digital future of service today.
To get better at something, you need to practice. That maxim applies to sports, music, and programming. If you want to be a better programmer, you need to write many programs. This article provides an example of forming the intersection of items in a SAS/IML list. It then provides several
I had heard of oil pulling before starting naturopathy school but as we dove into the world of oral health, I became fascinated with incorporating ancestral methods into modern life. We learned about the history, how it promotes a clean mouth (which is the entry system to our gut) and
The introduction of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)’s new policy on pricing practices in the general insurance market is one of the biggest shake-ups the insurance industry has seen in more than a decade. It’s not just a significant implementation challenge that needs to be delivered in a short deadline.
Frequentemente ouvimos falar de transformação digital e digitalização. O certo é que, entre ser uma empresa digital e ser uma entidade que toma decisões cem por cento baseadas em dados e em conhecimento empírico, há um longo caminho a percorrer, principalmente se não contarmos com as ferramentas adequadas. Por mais
Following on from my introductory blog series, Data Science in the Wild, we’re going to start delving into how you can scale up and industrialise your Analytics with SAS Viya. In future blogs we will look at how you can augment your R & Python code to leverage SAS Viya
Discuss with Danilo McGarry (Member of the EU AI Alliance), Jacques Ludik (Author of Democratizing Artificial Intelligence to Benefit Everyone), Thomas Keil (SAS)
I’ve written before about how the COVID-19 crisis has forced UK government departments to accelerate their digital transformation, and proved that it’s possible to put policy into practice in weeks, rather than months or years. Amidst the dark cloud of the pandemic, it’s important to acknowledge silver linings where we
After my recent articles on simulating data by using copulas, many readers commented about the power of copulas. Yes, they are powerful, and the geometry of copulas is beautiful. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of copulas. This article creates a bizarre example of bivariate data,
We need, in other words, to democratise analytics in the true sense of the word, by making them accessible to everyone.
In 2012, Data Scientist was dubbed the sexiest job of the 21st century by Harvard Business Review and it is one of the most in-high demand jobs in the world. Data has become a key part of every organization as technology flourishes. As the world become increasingly digitized, businesses are
I am a long-time SAS 9 Administrator, I feel very confident in my understanding of SAS 9 administration. I will admit I don’t know everything, but I have been administering SAS since the days of SAS 9.1.3. I often tell my students I am a general practitioner when it comes
Vivemos num mundo cada vez mais digital e trabalhamos, igualmente, em organizações cada vez mais digitais. Isto traduz-se em inúmeras mais-valias que culminam em processos mais rápidos, eficazes e assertivos (e que facilitam efetivamente o dia-a-dia dos colaboradores), mas a verdade é que também coloca as organizações num grau de
There is a growing group of customers who want to use digital channels. They are also prepared to give businesses more information.
Who's to say that 'north' should always be at the top of a map? Perhaps in certain situations, you might want 'south' (or some other direction) to be at the top. Perhaps you're one of our crazy Australian customers who looks at the world a little differently. Well, whatever the
If you’ve ever traveled, you know the excitement of getting to explore a whole new place. After a year of quarantine, people are desperate for that feeling again. As Covid-19 restrictions lift, travel companies need to be prepared for the substantial amount of customer data that will become available. With
If you can’t go more than a few days (or maybe even a few hours) without hearing the words “There’s nothing to eat” or “What else is there to eat?” chances are you live with a teenager. Between their increased energy needs during growth spurts and variations in day-to-day schedules,
In a previous article, I discussed various ways to solve a least-square linear regression model. I discussed the SWEEP operator (used by many SAS regression routines), the LU-based methods (SOLVE and INV in SAS/IML), and the QR decomposition (CALL QR in SAS/IML). Each method computes the estimates for the regression
Following is Editor Len Tashman's preview of the new issue of Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting. Preview of Foresight #62 (2021:Q3) This 62nd issue of Foresight has been heavily “infected” by the COVID pandemic. Stephan Kolassa’s book review of Resurrecting Retail by Doug Stephens raises the question of whether the
Understanding the problem Working with character data of different encodings across different systems can occasionally result in failures to translate or transcode that data from its source format to a destination format. When using a SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME engine to query DBMS data, this scenario can end up causing errors when
In computational statistics, there are often several ways to solve the same problem. For example, there are many ways to solve for the least-squares solution of a linear regression model. A SAS programmer recently mentioned that some open-source software uses the QR algorithm to solve least-squares regression problems and asked
How do I stack up in terms of digital maturity against my manufacturing peers? This is a question that I have been asked many times. The fear of missing out creates unbearable pain. Trade wars and the COVID-19 pandemic exposed some of the manufacturing wounds: tight margins, supply chain risks,
I hope you're all doing well, in this year of plagues and locusts! I'm sure I don't even need to mention which plague I'm talking about. But what about the locusts? Are you up on your entomological studies? Follow along, and see if you really know what locusts are... Locusts
One of the lesser-known effects of COVID-19 has been on analytical risk models. Around the world, the pandemic has created a new reality. The situation became so unpredictable that financial institutions’ risk models lost their ability to make accurate predictions. Past performance, it turned out, was very definitely not a
Foot pain, no matter what you like to do for exercise, is a super bummer and, when you head to a medical professional to get it checked out, the answer is often the dreaded "stop exercising." Foot pain can often be prevented with regular “maintenance”. Always warm up and cool
In general, it is hard to simulate multivariate data that has a specified correlation structure. Copulas make that task easier for continuous distributions. A previous article presented the geometry behind a copula and explained copulas in an intuitive way. Although I strongly believe that statistical practitioners should be familiar with
This is the second post in a series covering parallel processing in SAS Viya. The first post served as an introduction to parallel processing. It covered parallel processing uses in data science and the SAS Viya products that facilitate it. There are countless opportunities for using parallel processing within data