The acceptance-rejection method (sometimes called rejection sampling) is a method that enables you to generate a random sample from an arbitrary distribution by using only the probability density function (PDF). This is in contrast to the inverse CDF method, which uses the cumulative distribution function (CDF) to generate a random
Don McMillan - America's top nerdy comedian -- is a featured entertainer at SAS Explore, Sept 11-14 in Las Vegas.
I love the world of science because it’s measurable and can be replicated. I’m also a strong believer in natural remedies because they have been documented for centuries and grow on our beautiful Mother just have to know what you’re looking for. While I certainly appreciate pharmaceuticals and believe
As insurance continues to evolve, the link between analytics, AI and organizational success has never been more apparent. Marvin Pestcoe serves on the boards of Hamilton Insurance and Catalina Insurance. He is a fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society. In short, he understands the connection between analytics, AI and insurance
It might be more down to organic growth rather than a strategy that many large-scale organisations today operate in a multi and hybrid cloud environment. But orchestrating a mix of cloud and on-premise infrastructure is a growing challenge. Despite the benefits of flexibility, scalability, security and avoiding a single point
There are dozens of common probability distributions for a continuous univariate random variable. Familiar examples include the normal, exponential, uniform, gamma, and beta distributions. Where did these distributions come from? Well, some mathematician needed a model for a stochastic process and wrote down the equation for the distribution, typically by
SAS integration with Microsoft Word empowers you to streamline your company’s data analysis, enhance reporting capabilities, and unlock valuable marketing insights, all with the power of SAS Viya.
As a member of the SAS Data Ethics Practice, I was excited to collaborate with teams at the SAS Hackathon to learn more about their ideas for trustworthy AI. Artificial Intelligence has the potential to make a difference in the real world, and partnering with the hackathon teams was a
Pasta is a staple in the American diet and a food loved by many (myself included!). Not only is pasta versatile, affordable, and easy to prepare, but absolutely delicious. While traditional pasta contains a little bit of protein – about 7 grams per 2-ounce serving – there are several alternative
Let X be any rectangular matrix. What is the trace of the crossproducts matrix, X'*X? Interestingly, you do not need to form the crossproducts matrix to compute the answer! It turns out that tr(X'*X) equals the sum of the squared elements of X. Theorem: For any matrix, X, the trace
In a previous article, I discussed the Wilcoxon signed rank test, which is a nonparametric test for the location of the median. The Wikipedia article about the signed rank test mentions a variation of the test due to Pratt (1959). Whereas the standard Wilcoxon test excludes values that equal μ0
If you are like me, you spend most of your day sitting. The average adult in the US spends 8-12 hours of their day sitting. Whether you are sitting because your work requires it or you have reduced mobility due to an injury or condition, you can improve overall fitness
From within PowerPoint, you can use the SAS menu available through SAS for Microsoft 365, to access SAS Visual Analytics reports' graphical visuals.
Wilcoxon's signed rank test is a popular nonparametric alternative to a paired t test. In a paired t test, you analyze measurements for subjects before and after some treatment or intervention. You analyze the difference in the measurements for each subject, and test whether the mean difference is significantly different
At SAS, where you start doesn’t have to be where you end; and there’s ample opportunity for internal career mobility. Ronaldo Aoki is a great example – since he started his career at SAS, he’s made multiple internal moves, and his most recent shift came with an exciting geographic move
A previous article discusses standardized coefficients in linear regression models and shows how to compute standardized regression coefficients in SAS by using the STB option on the MODEL statement in PROC REG. It also discusses how to interpret a standardized regression coefficient. Recently, a SAS user wanted to know how
Despite returning to a semblance of normalcy, research shows that a vast number of students still find themselves in the midst of a mental health crisis. It comes as no surprise to educators and parents alike, as the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on relationships and social support – key
By simply logging into SAS Viya from Outlook, data visualizations can give you immediate information about key metrics and business performance through AI-powered explanations.
Do you have fond childhood memories of eating marshmallowy, chocolatey or fruity bowls of breakfast cereal and digging into those boxes for a new pencil topper, sticker or magical color-changing spoon? Do you also remember being hungry (dare I say hangry) within an hour or so of breakfast? What about
This weekend I was in the car with my son and his spouse, and they were listening to one of their new favorite bands. When they got to a song I liked, I asked my son to add it to my playlist. His spouse had never heard of this playlist
Traffic services, more specifically, unsafe driving, impact people every single day. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, nearly 43,000 people died in U.S. traffic crashes in 2021, the highest number in 16 years, with deaths due to speeding and impaired or distracted driving on the rise. Pedestrian fatalities
Have you ever been in a meeting and heard, “We should leave that to the IT department to figure out. That’s a system thing”? I have observed this attitude among insurance professionals my whole career. It was almost as if anything that had to do with IT systems was radioactive!
A previous article shows an example of a Markov chain model and computes the probability that the system ends up in a terminal state (called an absorbing state). As explained previously, you can often compute exact probabilities for questions about Markov chains. Nevertheless, it can be useful to know how
SAS takes its pledge to support US veterans and military families to heart. So, when the 2022 the PACT Act expanded Veterans Affairs (VA) health care and benefits for those exposed to toxic substances, a collective team at SAS pulled together to help inform the community. Expanding Care for Our
The need to use less energy is becoming critical to manufacturers worldwide. The transition to a clean energy economy drives new developments in the energy sector. Manufacturers must find ways to reduce energy use to stave off growing internal production costs and remain competitive. Let’s discuss why the global energy
Discover real-world tips for creating a winning collections strategy.
Mother Nature gives us everything we need. I have heard that statement more than once, especially as a naturopath. We just need to pay attention. When I needed a little calm in my life decades ago, I remember taking walks near my house and seeing passion flowers growing in the
Using SAS for Microsoft 365, you can enhance your Excel spreadsheets with additional insights from SAS Viya via one seamless integrated experience.
A previous article shows how to model the probabilities in a discrete-time Markov chain by using a Markov transition matrix. A Markov chain is a discrete-time stochastic process for which the current state of the system determines the probability of the next state. In this process, the probabilities for transitioning
I had the privilege of attending the Open Data Science Conference (ODSC) in London and it was an incredibly enriching experience. Immersed in a gathering of like-minded professionals and experts, ODSC provided a captivating platform to delve into the latest advancements in the field of data science. From exploring the