Behörden und Innovation: Was sich nicht gerade nach einer Traumpaarung anhört, hat in der Praxis reichlich Potenzial.
Behörden und Innovation: Was sich nicht gerade nach einer Traumpaarung anhört, hat in der Praxis reichlich Potenzial.
Stefan Jäger, Referent im Büro des Oberbürgermeisters Frankfurt, sprach mit uns über AI-Impulse im Amt und dergleichen Vereine.
From sports and health data to environmental and policy data, our data visualization experts have used SAS technologies to explore and present analyses on hundreds of topics throughout the year. We've selected some of the best in this end-of-year roundup to showcase their skills and SAS technologies, and to demonstrate
Los científicos de datos altamente calificados y los profesionales analíticos escasean a medida que las organizaciones luchan por encontrar soluciones a problemas empresariales cada vez más complejos. En este entorno, las soluciones de Analítica Avanzada y de Inteligencia Artificial (IA), se presentan como propuestas idóneas, construidas para la velocidad y
A diario los directivos y dueños de las empresas toman decisiones que tienen impacto en sus negocios, por lo que, al incorporar la analítica en sus procesos, pueden tomar mejores decisiones, incluso cuando se tienen que evaluar miles o millones de alternativas como parte de una actividad cotidiana. Sin embargo,
I saw an article that claimed Donald Trump recently tweeted 123 times in one day. This got me wondering how many times he typically tweets during a day, and whether this number has changed over the years. This seems like it might be a good topic to analyze with a
I can tell that my area (Wake county, NC) has a growing population, because the traffic keeps getting worse and worse. But it's a little difficult to quantitatively gauge growth by looking at traffic congestion. Therefore let's have a look at a more direct measurement - the actual population data!
If you don't have a SAS/Graph license, then you're probably using the ODS Graphics 'sg' procedures that come with Base SAS to create your graphs and maps. And if you've tried plotting data on a map, you probably noticed that SGmap lets you overlay point-data on an OpenStreetmap, but you
The Local Government Association has concluded that in the last 10 years, there has been a reduction in funding of 60p for every £1.
North Carolina recently re-drew the congressional district boundaries for the upcoming 2020 election. Here's a copy of the new map, from the ncleg.gov website: A couple of years ago, I created an enhanced version of the 2016/18 map, and I thought I'd do the same for the new 2020 map...
Los datos, y sobre todo su significado y usabilidad, se han ido transformando con el tiempo. Anteriormente hablar de datos era pensar en unos y ceros, en tablas estáticas o incluso en materiales que no se aprovechaban. Hoy, pensar en datos es pensar en la fuente principal de las historias,
The English language can be a bit tough to learn. One reason is that sometimes words can have more than one meaning. For example, the word shady can mean "of doubtful honesty or legality," or it can mean "giving shade from sunlight." Which of those meanings am I thinking about,
Analytics is a game-changer in detecting procurement fraud. It is by far the most efficient way of doing so.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Value-Based Payments (VBP), health care’s new magic, “silver bullet” that will solve all our fraud problems. Last month, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a press release entitled, “HHS Proposes Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute Reforms to Support Value-Based and
US military veterans are mission-focused, team-oriented and natural leaders that benefit any organization that hires them. Many of today's veterans organizations use data and analytics to help transition military members and their spouses find rewarding civilian careers. SAS supports those efforts and we're also proud to offer many programs to
The public sector is finally changing. Artificial intelligence is gradually finding its way into its administrative structures.
According to the Price Waterhouse Cooper 2018 Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey, the reported rate of economic crime is on the rise, up to 49% in 2018. That makes the use case I want to share particularly relevant, no matter what industry or sector you're in. This use case
I was recently reading David Mintz's excellent SESUG 2018 conference paper on Five Crazy Good Visualizations and How to Plot Them, and saw a map that caught my eye. David showed how to create a similar map, but with completely different data - I decided to try creating a map
Por Juan Sebastián Niño Customer Advisory Analytics SAS Colombia En Colombia, y probablemente en toda América Latina, existe un juego para niños llamado Policías y ladrones. Dentro del juego, un grupo de niños son los ladrones y el otro grupo son los policías. Mientras que los ladrones deben correr a
En la actualidad es una prioridad estar preparado y responder de una manera rápida y eficaz a las amenazas de fraude que se han incrementado en años recientes. Detectar y prevenir el fraude son tareas que deben considerar múltiples canales y líneas de negocios y que pueden ser monitoreados en
El éxito en el desarrollo e implementación de las iniciativas analíticas empresariales requiere que se tengan propósitos claros, una alineación con los objetivos del negocio, una adecuada captura y calidad de datos, una gestión y mejoramiento continuo de los modelos analíticos desarrollados y no menos importante, la operacionalización o puesta
¿Se puede utilizar un programa de análisis para todos los tipos de lenguajes de programación y todos los niveles de usuarios? ¿Cómo se puede garantizar la coherencia entre sus modelos y acciones resultantes? Con las tecnologías analíticas actuales, la conversación sobre analítica abierta y analítica comercial ya no es una
Cada vez más organizaciones se están moviendo a la nube, pero hay cierta información delicada que quiere mantenerse bajo una capa adicional de seguridad. Con la implementación de soluciones de software y servicios administrados de forma remota (RMSS), aún es posible experimentar los beneficios de la nube, sin que las
Empecemos por aclarar un concepto que hoy se presta fácilmente a confusiones. El Aprendizaje Profundo (Aprendizaje Profundo o “AP”) es un tipo de Aprendizaje Automático que entrena una computadora para que adquiera algunas capacidades de los seres humanos, como el reconocimiento del habla, la identificación de imágenes o plantear predicciones.
Lately we've been hearing a lot about "record low unemployment" in the news. Being a data guy, I wanted to see it for myself. Follow along as I create some custom unemployment graphs from the official data for California and New York (two of our most populous states). Or, if
North Carolina is one of those key "swing states" that might possibly decide a national presidential election. And with such an election coming up next year (2020), I thought I would have a look at the voter registration data to see how it has changed since the previous presidential election
Around the world, combating public sector fraud is a major problem. "Benefits cheats" get the most media attention, but are by no means the biggest loss. Tax fraud is also a huge issue. And some estimates suggest that procurement fraud could dwarf both in terms of both scale and complexity.
A nivel mundial, la matrícula de mujeres en áreas como Tecnología de la Información y Comunicaciones (TIC) es particularmente baja, con un tres por ciento, al igual que en otras como Ciencias Naturales, Matemáticas y Estadística, con un cinco por ciento, e Ingeniería, Manufactura y Construcción, con un 8 por ciento. En
I was born in a country (Brazil) where voting is mandatory. Most of my family still lives there, and now that I live in the US, they ask me about American politics all the time. One thing that often catches them by surprise is that not only is voting not
It’s been over a year since my previous blog post, so it seemed like a good time for a refresh. Also, it’s just over a year since the EU implemented GDPR. This regulation promised users could take back control of their data and opt-in/opt-outs, while businesses could get fined up