
Artificial Intelligence
Michel Sayag 0
L’Intelligence Artificielle dans la sphère publique & les Collectivités

L'Intelligence Artificielle dans nos sociétés impacte nos modes de vie et habitudes (assistants de navigation d’aide à la conduite, alertes d’activités douteuses sur nos comptes bancaires, …). Dans le monde de l'entreprise, elle favorise l’émergence de nouveaux marchés et améliore l’efficacité commerciale.Les cas d'utilisation de l'IA se développent. Récemment dans

André Novo 0
O futuro da eficiência no setor público está no uso inteligente dos dados

Como utilizar soluções tecnológicas de análise de dados para garantir ganho de eficiência, de produtividade, e oferecer respostas mais rápidas e assertivas na solução de problemas? Essas são questões comumente levantadas por diversas organizações privadas, e a busca por resultados as obrigam a buscar essas respostas. No setor público, entretanto,

Work & Life at SAS
Josh Morgan 0
Mental health recovery during COVID can be complicated by the workplace

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and Recovery Month, which have the important goals of preventing suicide and promoting the idea that recovery from behavioral health conditions is achievable. Amid an unprecedented year of stressors, 2020’s awareness months around behavioral health conditions have become more relevant to far more people.  In recognition of the challenges and changes in people’s work lives,

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
José Mutis O. 0
Analítica avanzada, una de las tecnologías que ayudan a la reactivación de las empresas en Colombia… y en toda Latinoamérica

Ser más eficiente gastando menos recursos Vender más (aún en estos tiempos) Tener unido a los equipos de trabajo, a pesar de las distancias Mantener seguro el entorno TIC de la empresa ahora desde casa Tomar las decisiones correctas en medio de escenarios de incertidumbre Afectación directa a la producción

Analytics | Data for Good
Josh Morgan 0
Mental health and criminal justice connections studied in innovative California program

Getting people with mental health conditions the help they need is a top priority for many Californians, according to a recent California Health Care Foundation report. In 2004, Golden State voters approved the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). Enacted into law in January 2005, MHSA has generated approximately $15 billion

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Customer Intelligence
José Mutis O. 0
Conciencia situacional, ¿cómo las tecnologías exponenciales ayudan a tomar mejores decisiones frente al COVID-19?

Los gobiernos y los diferentes sectores están creando protocolos para reactivar muchas de las actividades que solíamos hacer antes de la pandemia reduciendo los riesgos. Ante esta nueva etapa de apertura y reactivación, ¿se ha puesto a pensar en el tipo de decisiones que tiene que empezar a tomar ahora?

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good | Data Visualization
Melanie Carey 0
Are your hospital resources at risk of hitting capacity?

How have healthcare providers and governmental agencies predicted the fast-changing, potentially exponential increase in the need for medical services and equipment through the various stages of the COVID-19 pandemic? Mathematical techniques that attempt to model and understand the likely spread of the disease have been instrumental. The SEIR model is

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Carlos Pinheiro 0
Mobility tracing: Helping local authorities in the fight against COVID-19

The current state of policy enforcement during an infectious disease pandemic is mostly reactive. Public health officials track changes in active cases, identify hot-spots and enforce containment policies primarily based on geographic proximity. By combining telecommunications data -- which we turn into mobility information -- with public health data of

Analytics | Data Visualization | Machine Learning
Jihye Yoo 0
[SGF시리즈#2] 인구이동분석, 접촉자 추적.. 팬데믹 극복을 위한 분석 기술

질병 확산을 억제하고 경제적 영향을 최소화하기 위해서는 인구가 어떻게 이동하는지 분석하고, 지역 내 접촉자를 추적하여 적절한 의사결정을 해야 합니다. 이번 SGF 시리즈에서는 인구 이동 분석과 접촉자 추적 등 SAS 분석 기술이 어떻게 팬데믹 극복을 위한 의사결정을 지원하는지에 대한 SAS 짐굿나잇 회장과 스티브 베넷 글로벌 정부기관 프랙티스 부문 이사의 세션을 소개합니다.

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Visualization
Jihye Yoo 0
코로나19 대시보드가 갖춰야 할 7가지 핵심 데이터

인류가 전례 없는 전투를 치르고 있는 가운데, 우리나라는 코로나19 모범 대응 국가로 큰 주목을 받고 있습니다. 여기서 한발 더 나아가 그 어느 국가보다 앞서 포스트 코로나19 를 준비하고 있습니다. 하지만 코로나19는 끊임없이 존재감을 드러내며 정부와 지자체, 공공기관의 의사결정자들을 당혹스럽게 하고 있습니다. 이 위기를 효과적으로 헤쳐나가고 또 다른 위기를 막기 위해서는

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
José Mutis O. 0
SAS, Microsoft y el futuro de la analítica

Quienes seguimos el Virtual SAS Global Forum 2020 realizado este 16 de junio, tuvimos la oportunidad de disfrutar una conferencia de talla mundial hecha de manera virtual, como bien lo describió nuestra Vicepresidente Mundial de Marketing, Jennifer Chase. Asimismo, tuvimos la oportunidad de presenciar múltiples anuncios hechos durante este día, tal

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data for Good
Melanie Carey 0
Speed up your COVID-19 research with text analysis: step-by-step

Adverse outcomes, and the rapid spread of COVID-19, have accelerated research on all aspects of the disease. You may have found it overwhelming, and very time-consuming, to find relevant and specialized insights in all the scientific literature out there. To aid researchers in quickly identifying relevant literature about key topics

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
José Mutis O. 0
La analítica y la reimaginación del mundo: lo que veremos en el Virtual SAS Global Forum 2020 #SASGF

El año pasado hablábamos de las descomunales capacidades de cómputo y de cómo las organizaciones y los gobiernos podían transformar todos estos datos en mayor inteligencia de negocios. Este año, el mundo ha cambiado para todos y la analítica avanzada; la toma de decisiones basada en la proyección de escenarios;

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