
Artificial Intelligence | Internet of Things | Machine Learning
Isabelle Wirth 0
Miele interview: Why are networks important for digitisation in IoT?

IoT projects show through their versatility again and again how important interdisciplinary cooperation and partnership formation between companies is nowadays. In order to guarantee success, organisations must pay special attention to the interaction of hardware, software and research. The European 4.0 Transformation Center (E4TC) on the campus of Aachen University, Germany,

Joseph Kneen 0
Being a SAS Academic Mentor

I am Joseph Kneen from SAS Ireland, and I want to share my story about my passionate work with students here at Dublin. In recent years what I have really loved doing is passing on knowledge, teaching others to use and get the most from technology. An added advantage is that I have a good excuse to go off and learn other

Analytics | Internet of Things
Léonie Valencia 0
Über die aktuelle Rolle, die das IoT für Unternehmen spielt

Um sich bei IoT-Projekten einen gewissen Erfolg zu sichern, gewinnt die Zusammenarbeit für verschiedenste Unternehmen aus vielfältigen Bereichen immer mehr an Bedeutung. So müssen beispielsweise für die Implementierung einer smarten Produktionsumgebung Hardware-, Software- und Infrastrukturhersteller gemeinsam Know-how entwickeln und anwenden. Das E4TC am Campus der RWTH Aachen beschäftigt sich mit

Analytics | Students & Educators
Lisa Morton 0
College-bound students with visual impairments learn to independently analyze data

This summer the Accessibility and Applied Assistive Technology team at SAS launched a new course that teaches students with visual impairments how to independently analyze data, which is a critical skill that all students need for success in college and their careers. However, many students with visual impairments don’t have

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
SAS, 인공지능(AI) 부문 매출 105% 성장

SAS, 인공지능(AI) 부문 매출 약 105% 성장...업계 평균 대비 4배 가량 높아 IDC 보고서, SAS의 임베디드 AI 및 오픈소스 기술 통합에 주목... AI 비즈니스 성장세 높이 평가 짐 굿나잇 SAS 공동 창립자 겸 CEO “SAS의 AI 및 분석 기술을 바탕으로 다양한 산업의 기업 고객이 새로운 비즈니스 경쟁력을 제고할 수 있도록

Analytics | Internet of Things
Léonie Valencia 0
Chancen im Bereich IoT: die Perspektive des Verbindungstechnologieanbieters Bossard

IoT-Projekte sind äußerst facettenreich und gerade für Unternehmen, die nicht aus dem IT-Bereich kommen, eine große Herausforderung. Um die eigenen Produkte „smart“ zu machen, müssen sich Hersteller mit ganz neuen Themen wie Sensortechnik, Softwarelösungen und IoT-Infrastrukturen auseinandersetzen. Das bedeutet, dass unter anderem die Bildung von Partnerschaften und generell eine intensivere

Andy Davies 0
So what is a data scientist?

The concept of analysing increasingly complex data to inform decision making is very relevant to policing today. Data science can and should support modern police forces to serve their communities. But what do we mean by data science and data scientists? One dictionary definition of a data scientist is: “a

Advanced Analytics | Machine Learning
Tim Clark 0
Can the artificial intelligence of things make the supply chain intelligent?

As you will have read in my last blog, businesses are demanding better outcomes, and through IoT initiatives big data is only getting bigger. This presents a clear opportunity for organisations to start thinking seriously about how to leverage analytics with their other investments. Demands on supply chains have also

Leonid Batkhan 0
Selling sand at the beach

Have you ever thought of selling sand on the beach? Neither have I. To most people the mere idea is preposterous. But isn’t it how all great discoveries, inventions and breakthroughs are made? Someone comes up with an outwardly crazy, outlandish idea, and despite all the skepticism, criticism, ostracism, ridicule

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