You've probably heard of the stupid 'challenges' where people usually end up hurting themselves (cinnamon challenge, Carolina reaper pepper challenge, etc). I thought it might be more helpful to society to have a challenge that could actually help people, rather than hurting them! Therefore I came up with the Halloween
SAS study (i.p. w. Harvard Business Review, Accenture, Intel) to learn more about how companies are enhancing their business.
Two pieces of advice stood out for me in Tom Siebel's book: re-educate your leadership team and pick your partners carefully.
The EFFECT statement is supported by more than a dozen SAS/STAT regression procedures. Among other things, it enables you to generate spline effects that you can use to fit nonlinear relationships in data. Recently there was a discussion on the SAS Support Communities about how to interpret the parameter estimates
なぜ“sasctl”が必要なのか? オープンソースとの統合性はSAS Viyaの一つの重要な製品理念であり、そのための機能拡張を継続的に行っています。その一環として”sasctl”という新しいパッケージがリリースされました。SAS Viyaでは従来から、PythonからViyaの機能を使用するために”SWAT”パッケージを提供しており、SAS Viyaのインメモリー分析エンジン(CAS)をPythonからシームレスに活用し、データ準備やモデリングをハイパフォーマンスで実行することができるようになっていました。しかし、データ準備やモデル開発は、アナリティクス・ライフサイクル(AI&アナリティクスの実用化に不可欠なプロセス)の一部のパートにすぎません。そこで、開発されたモデルをリポジトリに登録・管理して、最終的に業務に実装するためのPython向けパッケージとして”sasctl”が生まれたのです。 sasctlの概要 sasctlで提供される機能は、大まかに、3つのカテゴリーに分けられます。 また、この3つのカテゴリーは、お互いに依存する関係を持っています。 1.セッション sasctlを使用する前に、まずSAS Viyaのサーバーに接続する必要があります。(この接続は、ViyaマイクロサービスのRESTエンドポイントに対して行われることに注意してください) SAS Viyaのサーバーへの接続は、セッションのオブジェクトを生成することにより行われます。 >>> from sasctl import Session >>> sess = Session(host, username, password) この時点で、sasctlはViya環境を呼び出して認証し、この後のすべての要求に自動的に使用される認証トークンを受け取りました。 ここからは、このセッションを使用してViyaと通信します。 2.タスク タスクは一般的に使用される機能を意味し、可能な限りユーザーフレンドリーになるように設計されています。各タスクは、機能を実現するために、内部的にViya REST APIを複数回呼び出しています。例えば、register_modelタスクではREST APIを呼び出し、下記の処理を実行しています: リポジトリの検索 プロジェクトの検索 プロジェクトの作成 モデルの作成 モデルのインポート ファイルのアップロード その目的としては、ユーザーがPythonを使って、アナリティクス・ライフサイクルで求められるタスクを実行する際に、sasctlの単一のタスクを実行するだけで済むようにすることです。 >>> from sasctl.tasks import register_model >>> register_model(model, 'My Model', project='My Project') 今後も継続的に新しいタスクを追加していきますが、現在のsasctlには下の2つのタスクを含まれています:
The connection between SAS Viya and the Austrian mountains Friends from Tyrol recently visited me in Burgenland at Lake Neusiedl. Tyrol is an area famous for really high mountains. Tourists from all over the world come to Tyrol to experience the fantastic views and hikes. So my friends laughed when
Validating and testing our supervised machine learning models is essential to ensuring that they generalize well. SAS Viya makes it easy to train, validate, and test our machine learning models.
Vivemos um tempo onde, quer nos sectores produtivos da nossa economia, quer em toda a área de prestação de serviços, se tem vindo a perspectivar a introdução de novas tecnologias de automatização de tarefas. Os avanços científicos e a maturidade de conhecimento que foram sendo alcançados num conjunto vasto de
I recently wrote about how to use PROC TTEST in SAS/STAT software to compute the geometric mean and related statistics. This prompted a SAS programmer to ask a related question. Suppose you have dozens (or hundreds) of variables and you want to compute the geometric mean of each. What is
In a recent video blog, I discuss forecast accuracy as a parameter for measuring the ability to forecast and plan demand. I further argue for the use of causal data as a key input to understanding historical demand and forecasting/planning future demand. Forecast accuracy is often claimed NOT to be
The SAS Championship golf tournament is happening this week, here in Cary, North Carolina! If you're following along and watching the scores, you might wonder how they're doing compared to past years, and what kind of scores it generally takes to win. Follow along as I plot the data from
Proper data prep means faster, better analytics. Guest blogger Jenine Milum shares tips.
What can data tell us about the easiest hole at your favorite golf course? Or which hole contributes the most to mastering the course? A golf instructor once told me golf is not my sport, and that my swing is hopeless, but that didn’t stop me from analyzing golf data!
Estimations suggests that 65% of children entering primary school now will be doing jobs that do not yet exist.
In a previous article, I mentioned that the VLINE statement in PROC SGPLOT is an easy way to graph the mean response at a set of discrete time points. I mentioned that you can choose three options for the length of the "error bars": the standard deviation of the data,
Thanks to recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning, image recognition has become a reality.
In Greece we conduct a SAS Hackathon. This will focus on wildfires - come and join!
It is always great to read an old paper or blog post and think, "This task is so much easier in SAS 9.4!" I had that thought recently when I stumbled on a 2007 paper by Wei Cheng titled "Graphical Representation of Mean Measurement over Time." A substantial portion of
Foresight Editor-in-Chief Len Tashman's Preview of the Fall 2019 Issue This 55th issue of Foresight opens with an article from Phillip Yelland, Zeynep Erkin Baz, and David Serafini of the Data Science/AI team at Target: Forecasting at Scale: The Architecture of a Modern Retail Forecasting System. The challenge of scale
At the #AISummit early this summer, I was interested to see that one of the most popular demos on the SAS stand was of object detection. A camera was detecting the nature of an object waved in front of it and tracking it moving through the livestream. This was a
Fraud detection is a wide field. Every organisation experiences the implementation differently.
We've had record high 90+ degree temperatures here in the southeast US this past week (September / October), and it has made me appreciate having an air conditioner. Indeed, air conditioners were pretty much invented here in North Carolina (see Eric Cramer). They are used in pretty much every building
Nowadays, geeks are increasingly cool, and we’re all proud to let our inner geek out in public. This wasn't always so ...
Die PyData-Südwest-Gruppe hatte zum 3. Meetup mit über 100 Gästen bei SAS in Heidelberg eingeladen.
I frequently see questions on SAS discussion forums about how to compute the geometric mean and related quantities in SAS. Unfortunately, the answers to these questions are sometimes confusing or even wrong. In addition, some published papers and web sites that claim to show how to calculate the geometric mean
Surprise! The data team does more than you think to implement certain legislative actions.
Did you know the first SAS® Users Group event took place before SAS was incorporated as a company? In 1976, hundreds of early SAS users gathered in sunny Kissimmee, FL to share tips and offer feedback before SAS was even officially a company. Our users have continued to influence the
New payment methods will deliver huge improvements in speed of transaction, but also provide challenges.
Industrial leaders need an #IoT #analytics platform and a strategy that generates intelligence in lockstep with business needs.
There are several different kinds of means. They all try to find an average value from among a set of numbers. Although the most popular mean is the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean can be useful for problems in statistics, finance, and biology. A common application of the geometric mean