The purpose of this article is to show how to use SAS to create a graph that illustrates a basic idea in a binary classification analysis, such as discriminant analysis and logistic regression. The graph, shown at right, shows two populations. Subjects in the "negative" population do not have some
¿Qué pasa cuando algo tan poderoso como IA libera el potencial del talento humano? Click To Tweet Este paradigma implica cambios en la cultura de las organizaciones a través de la combinación de Innovación, Talento y Tecnología. Pero la transformación digital va más allá de generar utilidades y reducir costos,
What if you suspect something is wrong with your forecasting process? What if the process is consuming too much time and too many resources, while still delivering unsatisfactory results (lousy forecasts). What can you do about it? This post looks at the first two steps to effecting meaningful forecasting process
Um dos principais focos do SAS é entregar, aos clientes, soluções comprovadas e inovadoras que garantam a melhoria do seu desempenho e os ajudem a diferenciar-se dentro da sua área e mercado de atuação. Ajudá-los a tirar o máximo proveito de cada ferramenta faz também parte da missão do SAS,
Are you a statistical programmer whose company has adopted SAS Viya? If so, you probably know that the DATA step can run in parallel in SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS). As Sekosky (2017) says, "running in a single thread in SAS is different from running in many threads in CAS."
Most model assessment metrics, such as Lift, AUC, KS, ASE, require the presence of the target/label to be in the data. This is always the case at the time of model training. But how can I ensure that the developed model can be applied to new data for prediction?
This post describes a fully automated validation pipeline for analytical models as part of an analytical platform, which has been set up recently as part of a customer project.
Let us now take a look at a well-known metaphor for test case development in the software industry. We are referring to the idea of the “test pyramid."
In total, there are four posts in this blog series, this is the first post describing some basic principles of the DevOps (or ModelOps) approach.
Maybe you are new to AI and analytics. Or maybe you have been working with data and analytics for decades, even before we called this work data science or decision science. As the industry has broadened from statistics and analytics to big data and artificial intelligence, some things have remained
A previous article shows how to interpret the collinearity diagnostics that are produced by PROC REG in SAS. The process involves scanning down numbers in a table in order to find extreme values. This can be a tedious and error-prone process. Friendly and Kwan (2009) compare this task to a
There are many ways to add more "visual impact" to your maps. Some techniques grab the users' attention, but often don't add anything useful to the message the map is trying to convey (such as 3D tricks, or flashy/gratuitous images and infographics). I encourage you to design maps that have
Presence of machine learning is a complementary to human decision-making within the public sector.
What do a Pulitzer prize-winning author, an Emmy award-winning TV personality and one of the top 5 influencers in the world have in common? They’ll all be at SAS Global Forum this year. It’s where analytics enthusiasts and executive thought leaders meet to share strategies, get training in abundance, and
This blog is a part of a series on the Data Science Pilot Action Set. In this blog we review all nine actions in Python. Have you noticed the button bar in the upper right-hand corner of the SAS Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning Programming Guide? This button bar
Having trouble easily moving software from one environment to another? Surely this ought to be an uncomplicated process, especially in the modern age of technology! However, let us consider an analytical model built in a design environment to detect fraudulent credit card transactions. This is now ready to be rolled
The Johnson system (Johnson, 1949) contains a family of four distributions: the normal distribution, the lognormal distribution, the SB distribution, and the SU distribution. Previous articles explain why the Johnson system is useful and show how to use PROC UNIVARIATE in SAS to estimate parameters for the Johnson SB distribution
Alors que certains annonçaient encore récemment la mort du commerce de détail en magasin, prédiction confortée par la croissance explosive d'Amazon, nous avons clairement vu se profiler une seconde vie des magasins en nous promenant dans les couloirs du Javitz Center de New York pendant la NRF 2020. Le commerce
The amount of data collected and analyzed by hospitals and health care organizations across the world was already on the rise, but the global pandemic has sharpened the focus on data even more. With trends changing not daily, but hourly, during the pandemic, health care professionals struggle to monitor larger
You can represent every number as a nearby integer plus a decimal. For example, 1.3 = 1 + 0.3. The integer is called the integer part of x, whereas the decimal is called the fractional part of x (or sometimes the decimal part of x). This representation is not unique.
Starting your data scientist journey? Want to build your own predictive models? SAS' Xavier Bizoux shows you how to use SAS Visual Analytics to identify which model likely to perform the best.
Fraud is a major issue for businesses across all industries, regardless of their size and industry in which they operate. The costs can be enormous (in extreme cases, even fatal) and include far more than the direct costs of any particular type of fraud. Companies must also deal with the
While Brexit has distracted us for the past few years, a far more subtle but important revolution has been happening right under our noses. Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a crucial part of our day-to-day. Self-learning machines are embedded in services or devices used by three-quarters of global consumers. And
The digital world around us is full of data that needs analysing. Maths has become visibly more important.
This blog is a part of a series on the Data Science Pilot Action Set. In this blog, we discuss updates to Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning with the release of Viya 3.5. In the middle of my blog series, SAS released Viya 3.5. Included in Viya 3.5 was the
A SAS programmer wanted to create a graph that illustrates how Deming regression differs from ordinary least squares regression. The main idea is shown in the panel of graphs below. The first graph shows the geometry of least squares regression when we regress Y onto X. ("Regress Y onto X"
Cancer touches nearly everyone. You probably know at least one person who's been diagnosed with cancer -- many of us know many more than one. It's the second leading cause of death worldwide, behind cardiovascular disease. World Cancer Day is observed this year on February 4, and is meant to
요즘 네이버, 구글 등 각종 검색 포털 창에 ‘데이터’를 입력하면 어떤 키워드가 가장 먼저 완성될까요? 빅데이터? 데이터 분석? 물론 두 단어의 인기는 산업을 불문하고 여전히 뜨겁지만😊 그 못 지 않게 2020년 1월, 화제의 중심에 선 키워드가 있죠. 최근 뉴스 기사들을 통해 모두가 짐작했을 주인공, 바로 ‘데이터 3법’입니다. 지난 1월 9일,
The COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak has been in the news a lot lately, and everyone is probably looking for a quick/easy way to see the data. The best visualization I've seen so far is this dashboard by Johns Hopkins. Here's a screen-capture: But before we dive into the data analysis, let's
Recent high-profile money laundering cases have affected the reputation of the EU's financial system. In response, the European Commission is taking immediate action – faster than ever – to close the gaps. On November 2018, only six months after the adoption of the Fifth EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5AMLD), the