As AVT expands into domain specific topics, the shape of the programme will evolve. I am looking forward to seeing what the next cohort of participants will choose to love about AVT.
Recently, I saw a graphic on Twitter by @neilrkaye that showed the rapid convergence of a regular polygon to a circle as you increase the number of sides for the polygon. The author remarked that polygons that have 40 or more sides "all look like circles to me." That is,
In the early days and weeks of any widespread global health concern, particularly in a fast-moving outbreak like the coronavirus, there are many unknowns. Data visualization can be a good starting point to understand trends and piece data points together into a meaningful story. The ability to visualize the spread
Almost five years ago I took a big leap and changed jobs. After interning and then four years working as a hospice social worker, I was ready for something different. My heart was and will always be with hospice work, but I wanted to learn something new. When you work
In a previous article, I discussed the binormal model for a binary classification problem. This model assumes a set of scores that are normally distributed for each population, and the mean of the scores for the Negative population is less than the mean of scores for the Positive population. I
I caught up with Jaimy van Dijk, one of our youngest female SAS Data Scientists who has proven herself to be a true Rockstar.
While I am a woman in computer science, let me start by saying that I’m a reluctant coder. I have an eye for data but find the abstract nature of many computer languages to be very challenging and not something I typically love. My first experience with coding was in
Two weeks ago we looked at the first two steps in effecting forecasting process change: Justify your suspicions with data Communicate your findings That was the easy part. So why is it that so many organization realize they have a forecasting problem, yet are unable to do anything about it?
Voor een succesvolle digitale transformatie is een innovatiecultuur noodzakelijk. Hoe realiseer je dit in de publieke sector?
Companies face a stark choice between optimising customer experience and minimising fraud. But what if they could do both?
Fifty years ago, as the women’s liberation movement was gaining momentum in the U.S., my maternal great-grandmother, Pearl, worked in a factory sewing American flags while volunteering with the Girl Scouts and caring for her grandchildren. My paternal grandmother, Greta, also worked in local factories while caring for her family.
I'm a planner, and my plan was to have a completely natural birth and to breast feed only. This plan was written in stone (or so I thought). Long story short – my birthing plan flew out the window. One of my complications was very high blood pressure, which refused
Did you know that you can use SAS Enterprise Miner 15.1 to easily create an ASTORE? You can create an ASTORE from an HP SVM node, an HP FOREST node, and also from some SAS Viya Code Nodes! This blog will show you how.
Suppose that a data set contains a set of parameter values. For each row of parameters, you need to perform some computation. A recent discussion on the SAS Support Communities mentions an important point: if there are duplicate rows in the data, a program might repeat the same computation several
Musik neu labeln mit KI: "Und irgendwann stand vor uns ein Gewinn von 10.000 Euro. Wir wussten nicht, was wir damit machen sollten.“
Let’s face it. Data sharing between platforms in health care just isn’t easy. Patient data privacy concerns, incompatible file formats, asynchronous identifiers … I’ve heard it all. From the electronic health record (EHR), picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) to discrete processes like pharmacy or departmental information systems, achieving some
Banking and Financial, this industry has been on the edge investing in anti-fraud technology, anti-money laundering technology, anti-cybercrime technology.
A colleague recently posted an article about how to use SAS Visual Analytics to create a circular graph that displays a year's worth of temperature data. Specifically, the graph shows the air temperature for each day in a year relative to some baseline temperature, such as 65F (18C). Days warmer
Wir können durch unseren technologischen Vorsprung den Landwirten eine bessere Entscheidungsgrundlage geben.
Jim Harris explains the relevance of DevOps, DataOps and ModelOps for data analytics practitioners.
If you use SAS macro variables in your programs (who doesn't?), then the SAS Macro Variable viewer is immensely useful to see current macro var values.
I'm a bit of a boat paddling enthusiast, as you might have guessed from some of my previous paddling blog posts. The amount of exertion in race-paddling is similar to running - the longest race I've paddled in a race so far was 13 miles (half-marathon distance). But in the
"Deshalb befinden wir uns in einer ewigen Schleife der technisch-ethischen Diskussion."
Is it getting harder and harder to find empty Excel spreadsheets cells, as you run out of columns and rows? Do your spreadsheet cell labels have more letters than the license plate on your car? Do you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night in cold
The ROC curve is a graphical method that summarizes how well a binary classifier can discriminate between two populations, often called the "negative" population (individuals who do not have a disease or characteristic) and the "positive" population (individuals who do have it). As shown in a previous article, there is
Last summer, I joined a growing trend: I took an online course on machine learning algorithms run by Stanford University.
In my office is a coaster with this quote from Kathleen Norris: “Anything, everything, little or big, becomes an adventure when the right person shares it.” The right person could be anyone, but for the sake of our annual Work/Life relationship series, I'm thinking about romantic partners. In the context
Ridgeline plots are useful for visualizing changes in the shapes of distribution over multiple groups or time periods. Let us look at an example of how we can create this plot using the SGPLOT procedure that is part of the ODS Graphics Procedures. For this example, we will plot the
SAS Technical Training Consultant Mary Kathryn Queen introduces you to SAS Data Studio's Suggestions feature.
Wer sind wir? Üblicherweise stellen sich nur menschliche Philosophen diese Frage. Doch mit Einzug von Künstlicher Intelligenz ist auch Unternehmensleitern angeraten, solches zu fragen. Nicht, dass sich welche für IT-Dienstleister halten, doch in Wahrheit Personaldienstleister sind. Was ja nicht schlimm wäre, solange sich das Produkt verkauft. Doch mit zunehmender Globalisierung