We will use prescriptive analytics and optimization to select a stock portfolio that maximizes returns while taking risk tolerance into account.
We will use prescriptive analytics and optimization to select a stock portfolio that maximizes returns while taking risk tolerance into account.
If you are a government leader, or one of the millions of people employed in the public sector globally, these last 100 days have probably been the most challenging of your lifetime. It is also an unprecedented opportunity to show how dedicated public servants and their agencies can best serve
To respond to these demands the Police service will need to adapt and use every potential technology to support their officers in this unprecedented time.
This month we celebrated International Nurses Day at a time when nurses and other health care professionals have never been so needed. This important day also fell on what would have been Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday. Most people know Florence Nightingale as the famous nurse who saved hundreds of lives during the
As many individuals and organisations are finding out, today’s supply chains are incredibly long and complex. Goods can cross many borders, often several times, to complete a final product. Most of the time, as consumers, we don’t know or care about such issues. However, the coronavirus crisis and concerns around
To achieve this kind of Intelligent Decisioning across hundreds of thousands of customer accounts, you can’t rely on manual analysis.
This article shows how to perform two-dimensional bilinear interpolation in SAS by using a SAS/IML function. It is assumed that you have observed the values of a response variable on a regular grid of locations. A previous article showed how to interpolate inside one rectangular cell. When you have a
SAS partners with Appalachian State University on the World Bee Count initiative to support bee health.
One of the problems that trips up experienced SAS users when they begin to use SAS Enterprise Guide is a result of simple geography. The SAS Enterprise Guide application runs here, on your desktop. The SAS Workspace session (which accesses data and cranks through your analysis) runs over there, on
The analytics lifecycle and transition requires unique skills, such as programming and modelling. I think telcos don't have enough analytics experts.
If you're close to my age, you probably remember Joe Walsh's song Ordinary Average Guy. That song popped into my head when I was writing this example about moving averages, so I encourage you to listen to it while reading the blog post. Many people are looking at graphs lately
I've previously written about linear interpolation in one dimension. Bilinear interpolation is a method for two-dimensional interpolation on a rectangle. If the value of a function is known at the four corners of a rectangle, an interpolation scheme gives you a way to estimate the function at any point in
Dr. Ryan McGarry might have the most uncanny timing of any documentary producer in history. Just weeks before the novel coronavirus began to saturate headlines, the emergency medicine physician’s Netflix documentary series Pandemic hit the screens of millions of viewers. Six months ago, many of the subjects featured in the
Developing a loan approval application is a sensitive task since automatically approving loans to customers who will default can be costly for a lender. SAS enables quick and easy development and exposure of decision-making models from a single source. A simple and robust environment can make decisions less prone to errors.
It’s Mental Health Month and the COVID-19 pandemic has increased awareness of the importance of caring for our mental health and wellbeing. If you’re someone who has lived with a mental health condition prior to COVID-19, now is the time to tap into the skills and resources you have been
This post is the second in our Young Data Scientists series, featuring the motivations, work and advice of the next generation of data scientists. Be sure to check back for future posts, or read the whole series by clicking on the image to the right. Kai Woon Goh is
Few of us expected to experience problems with retailers during the lockdown. Most people have, after all, been happily buying online for years. Why would anything change just because some physical shops closed for a while, or some people could not go out? However, the challenges went a bit deeper
学生の皆さん、おうち時間をどのようにお過ごしでしょうか。「自宅にいる時間が多くなったけど何を勉強したらいいかわからない」「この機会にSASの認定資格を取ってみたいから勉強の進め方を知りたい」と考えている方に、本記事ではSAS Academic Hubを紹介したいと思います。 SAS Academic Hubには、前回のブログで紹介したSAS Learning Subscriptionに含まれているe-learningやSAS認定資格の申し込みページが集められていて、自分の勉強目的からコースを選択してステップを進めることで知識を習得できたりSASの認定資格の学習ができたりする、学生と教員向けのポータルです。 それでは、SAS Academic Hubについて、学生向けに「どんな学習コースが提供されているのか」「使用するときのポイント」「学生にとってのメリット」を紹介します。 1.学習コースを選択しましょう SAS Academic Hubには合計8個の学習コースがあり、そのうち6個のコースでSASの認定資格のために活用することができるようになっています。ここから自分の興味にあうコースを選択してください。 コースを選択すると、次のページは4つのStepに分かれています。 Step1: ソフトウェアへのアクセスについて Step2: 学習 Step3: 試験対策の紹介と模擬問題 Step4: 実際の認定試験への案内 各ステップにはソフトウェアにアクセスできるウェブページや教材、e-learning、ビデオなどが割り振られています。またそれらにはMore informationが付いていて、そのページに何があるかを簡潔に紹介しています。 2.学習コースを進めましょう 今回は、SAS言語を初めて使う人向けで、プログラミングをする際に意識しておきたいプロセスなどを学習することができるGetting Started with SAS/ SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SASを例に、実際の学習コースを紹介します。 Step1:ソフトウェアへのアクセス この学習コースで必要なソフトウェアが提供されているページを紹介しています。このステップでそのページからソフトウェアにアクセスすることで、次のステップで学習する内容を自分でも演習することができます。 Step2: 学習 実際にLessonを受講します。ここでは、前回のブログで紹介したSAS Programing1:EssentialがLessonに割り振られています。Lessonの詳しい内容は前回のブログで紹介していますので、是非参考にしてください。 Step3: 試験対策の紹介と模擬問題 受講した学習内容が試験内容に含まれているSASの認定資格の試験対策を紹介しています。模擬問題も提供されています。 Step4:
The COVID-19 pandemic has driven up awareness of behavioral health need to new levels. As we honor Mental Health Month, schools, governments, and private companies are all talking about how to support people’s behavioral health. This is wonderful progress compared to our global history of speaking of mental health and
A staggering number of Americans have been bitten by the cardio bug at some point in their lives. Even for those who do not particularly enjoy endurance exercise often rely heavily on cardio as an exercise staple. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Easily accessible from a space and
Over the last few months, almost every aspect of life has been affected by the impacts of COVID-19. Whether you’re adjusting to working remotely, balancing working with kids or navigating a caregiving situation, we’re all facing new challenges and unanswered questions. Balancing career and caregiving can be challenging during the
As we continue the fight against COVID-19 and reflect on the pandemic response, it’s in our nature to look for opportunities to work together and help others. Indeed, we’ve seen numerous acts of heroism alongside tragic stories of loss. In the research community, we are inspired by efforts to find
This article shows how to find local maxima and maxima on a regression curve, which means finding points where the slope of the curve is zero. An example appears at the right, which shows locations where the loess smoother in a scatter plot has local minima and maxima. Except for
In recent years, we have seen huge changes in the areas of logistics and supply chain management. And it is no exaggeration to say that those are only the tip of the iceberg. These changes are the result of a number of factors coming together. Arguably the biggest trigger for
Wir haben die Chance, eine echte Datenkultur wachsen zu lassen. Mglw. wollen wir gar nicht mehr der Hase, sondern der Igel sein.
I recently showed how to use linear interpolation in SAS. Linear interpolation is a common way to interpolate between a set of planar points, but the interpolating function (the interpolant) is not smooth. If you want a smoother interpolant, you can use cubic spline interpolation. This article describes how to
As we continue to process and understand the ongoing effects of the novel coronavirus, many of us have grown used to viewing COVID-19 dashboards and visualizations, including this popular coronavirus dashboard from SAS. If you are more accustomed to building graphs and visualizations using the SGPLOT and SGPANEL procedures, this
Adoption of the Artificial Intelligence of Things has never been more relevant for both industry and governments. A recent study by IDC and SAS found that a significant predictor of organizational ability to deliver value from the IoT is the use of AI. This is likely to become even more
In the first of a three-part series of posts, SAS' Funda Gunes and her colleague Ricky Tharrington summarize model-agnostic model interpretability in SAS Viya.
Executivos e consumidores na região estão mais otimistas em relação ao futuro, apesar de preocupações sobre a economia regional, segundo estudo da Economist Intelligence Unit A preocupação com os rumos da economia global é generalizada, mas executivos e consumidores latino-americanos estão mais confiantes sobre o futuro da economia pós-coronavírus do