Testing people for coronavirus is a public health measure that reduces the spread of coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a US infectious disease expert, recently mentioned the concept of "pool testing." The verb "to pool" means "to combine from different sources." In a USA Today article, Dr. Deborah Birx, the coordinator
지난 몇 달, 코로나19로 인한 팬데믹으로 전 세계는 다양한 변화를 경험하고 있습니다. 경제와 헬스케어 시스템은 물론, 우리의 일상과 일하는 방식까지 바꿔놓았습니다. 세계 최대 분석 컨퍼런스인 ‘SAS 글로벌 포럼 2020’을 SAS 글로벌 포럼 역사상 최초로 온라인으로 개최하게 된 것도 그 같은 변화 중 하나일 것입니다. SAS 글로벌 포럼은 전 세계 경영진과 산업별
Meet Jim West in our first post in the new Humans of SAS Services series.
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the vulnerability of pharmaceutical supply chains. Pharma companies are focusing on risk management to improve the resilience of their networks. Most of the measures they will take, including on-shoring, over capacities and redundancies, will lead to higher costs. To decrease inventory levels across these new
A previous article discusses the pooled variance for two or groups of univariate data. The pooled variance is often used during a t test of two independent samples. For multivariate data, the analogous concept is the pooled covariance matrix, which is an average of the sample covariance matrices of the
I progetti di analytics sono complessi, ma gli aspetti tecnici spesso non sono i più complicati. Uno degli elementi più importanti è la gestione degli stakeholder. I clienti – e utilizzo il termine cliente perché anche se la richiesta proviene da un collega interno, in questa situazione è importante gestirlo
The first time I saw a formula for the pooled variance, I was quite confused. It looked like Frankenstein's monster, assembled from bits and pieces of other quantities and brought to life by a madman. However, the pooled variance does not have to be a confusing monstrosity. The verb "to
In May, I joined several SAS colleagues, academics, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, and other information and technology specialists for the first-ever IMI PIONEER Hackathon for prostate cancer research. A few weeks later, as I watched the SpaceX launch on TV, it occurred to me that space trips and cancer research have
You may be familiar with the online text Forecasting: Principles and Practice, by two of the very top contributors in the field, Rob Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos. (Both are at Monash University in Australia. Rob was longtime Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Forecasting, and George is currently President of
코로나19가 전 세계로 확산하면서 기업들은 비즈니스 방식에 혁신을 더하며 디지털 마케팅에 총력을 기울이고 있습니다. 특히 고객의 필요를 예측하고 고객과 적시에 소통하기 위한 방법으로서 멀티채널 마케팅이 그 어느 때보다 중요해지고 있습니다. 이와 함께 ‘멀티채널 마케팅 허브’에 대한 관심도 높아지고 있습니다. IT 리서치 전문 기업인 가트너(Gartner)는 멀티채널 마케팅 허브를 ‘기업의 커뮤니케이션을 조율하고
If the regulation is delayed, many insurers have embarked on the LDTI journey while focusing on Business Continuity efforts.
If you have ever run a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality, you have encountered the Kolmogorov D statistic. The Kolmogorov D statistic is used to assess whether a random sample was drawn from a specified distribution. Although it is frequently used to test for normality, the statistic is "distribution free" in
Recently we announced a new strategic partnership with Microsoft to further shape the future of AI and analytics in the cloud. This commitment will make it easy for SAS customers to move their analytics workloads to the cloud. And it will introduce SAS technologies to millions of Azure customers through
Le point de vue et l’approche développée par SAS Toute entreprise ou organisation est confrontée au risque de contrepartie, dès lors qu’elle est en relation avec un tiers. Ce risque est inhérent à toute relation commerciale entre deux entités (personnes morales et/ou physiques), mais également aux dispositifs financiers tels que
“SAS co-founder and Executive Vice President, John Sall used to say, ‘SAS was born on a farm, raised on drugs and grew up in the industry,’” recalled Dr. Herb Kirk, explaining the legacy of SAS use in the agriculture and pharmaceutical sectors before expanding into all industries. Before joining SAS
Teknik mimari çeşitli bir konudur- ancak bazı sorular tekrar tekrar gündeme gelir. Altyapıyı, açık kaynak politikasını, IoT veri yönetimini, paydaş katılımını kapsayan geniş yelpazenin tamamı, kurumsal mimarların oynadığı rolün giderek daha önemli bir hale geldiğine işaret ediyor. Bu yazımda son 12 ay boyunca en sık sorulan on soru ve müşterilerime
인류가 전례 없는 전투를 치르고 있는 가운데, 우리나라는 코로나19 모범 대응 국가로 큰 주목을 받고 있습니다. 여기서 한발 더 나아가 그 어느 국가보다 앞서 포스트 코로나19 를 준비하고 있습니다. 하지만 코로나19는 끊임없이 존재감을 드러내며 정부와 지자체, 공공기관의 의사결정자들을 당혹스럽게 하고 있습니다. 이 위기를 효과적으로 헤쳐나가고 또 다른 위기를 막기 위해서는
Sometimes in matrix computations, it is important to display the nonzero elements of a matrix. This can be useful for visualizing the structure of a sparse matrix (one that has many zeros) and it is also useful when describing a matrix algorithm (such as Gaussian elimination) that introduces zeros at
Adverse outcomes, and the rapid spread of COVID-19, have accelerated research on all aspects of the disease. You may have found it overwhelming, and very time-consuming, to find relevant and specialized insights in all the scientific literature out there. To aid researchers in quickly identifying relevant literature about key topics
Intelligent Decisioning can help telcos adapt to disruption, meet new demands and plan for the future.
In the preceding two posts, we looked at issues around interpretability of modern black-box machine-learning models and introduced SAS® Model Studio within SAS® Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning. Now we turn our attention to programmatic interpretability.
Kim Kaluba explains how connecting data to decisions helps create resiliency.
If you're my kids, the term, “continuous integration,” might have you thinking about how much time you’ve spent lately with the family, and “continuous delivery” is what's been happening on the front porch the past few weeks. But to a software developer, these terms mean something entirely different. Combined and
An Essential Role for Intelligent Decisioning in Telecommunications
오늘 6월 17일(미 동부 시간 기준 16일) 온라인으로 개최한 ‘SAS 글로벌 포럼 2020’에서 SAS는 최신 클라우드 기술을 접목해 의사결정 과정을 가속화하는 AI 기반 엔터프라이즈 분석 플랫폼의 최신 버전 ‘SAS 바이야 4(SAS® Viya® 4)’를 공개하고 마이크로소프트와 클라우드 전환 가속화를 위한 전략적 파트너십 체결을 발표했습니다. 클라우드로 전환하는 비즈니스 IT 트렌드에 발 맞추어
A previous article shows how to use the iml action to read a CAS data table into an IML matrix. This article shows how to write a CAS table from data in an IML matrix. You can read an overview of the iml action, which was introduced in SAS Viya
As the Virtual SAS® Global Forum 2020 is running live online, we have a guest blog post today from Udo Sglavo, Vice President of Analytics R&D at SAS. Udo is a long time colleague and co-editor (with me and Len Tashman) of Business Forecasting: Practical Problems and Solutions. In this
SAS users help drive innovation, providing feedback on SAS products through various mediums, including customer advisory boards, communities, SASware ballot ideas and SAS Global Forum. The SAS User Feedback Award is presented annually to a user whose recommendations and insights lead to significant improvements to SAS software. This year SAS
It’s official: NASA no longer builds spaceships. They’ve outsourced that task. According to NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine, "We're going with commercial partners. NASA is not purchasing, owning and operating the hardware. We're buying the service." Why? Because NASA needs to focus on exploring space, not building the transportation to get