This article uses an example to introduce to genetic algorithms (GAs) for optimization. It discusses two operators (mutation and crossover) that are important in implementing a genetic algorithm. It discusses choices that you must make when you implement these operations. Some programmers love using genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are heuristic
Recently, the news has been all abuzz about William Shatner traveling into space. This was a cool event because he's the oldest person who has traveled into space (at 90 years old) ... and he was also the iconic Captain Kirk from the original Star Trek television series. This got
전 세계적으로 기후변화 대응과 지속가능발전을 위한 금융기관의 역할이 강조되고 있습니다. 이를 위한 금융기관의 노력을 지원하기 위해 SAS는 딜로이트와 함께 지난 10월, 금융권 기후 리스크 관리를 위한 ESG 세미나를 개최했습니다. 그 중 일부를 소개합니다. 금융기관이 기후 리스크를 관리해야 하는 이유 기후 리스크는 크게 물리적 리스크와 전이 리스크로 구분됩니다. 물리적 리스크는 농업에
More than four decades ago, SAS developed a breakthrough system that helped farmers and researchers better understand and analyze crop yields and livestock production. It was pioneering work that laid a foundation for the emerging field of advanced analytics. While SAS has continued to grow and serve many other industries,
Have you ever thought of a sweet potato as ugly? These tuberous, root vegetables are a holiday staple, but the sweet potato industry prefers a certain size, shape and weight for them to make it to your grocery store. Many farmers even leave the potatoes deemed “ugly” in the fields,
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are one of the newer machine learning algorithms that data scientists are tapping into. When I first heard it, I wondered how can networks be adversarial? I envisioned networks with swords drawn going at it. Close… but I can assure you that no networks were harmed in the making of this article.
Sometimes we can learn as much from our mistakes as we do from our successes. Recently, I needed to solve an optimization problem for which the solution vector was a binary vector subject to a constraint. I was in a hurry. Without thinking much about what I was doing, I
Caroline Payne, Head of Customer Advisory, SAS UK Public Sector Team Digital innovation across governments around the world has accelerated in the last 18 months as leaders turn to data and technology to deliver rapid responses to the pandemic. Public organisations have had to move quickly, whilst being acutely aware
The rumors are true - The Graph Guy is retiring! I've been working at SAS for about 30 years, and had lots of fun stretching the limits of SAS' graphing & mapping software over the years. But I've decided to retire while I'm still young enough to pursue a lot
“No one wants to be sold to, not even the most eager buyer in the world,” says Farnoosh Brock, a corporate trainer, speaker and writer. Brock is also an engineer and author of the book, The Serving Mindset: Stop Selling and Grow Your Business. She is a proponent of selling
Munich Re (Dr. Nivien Shafik), pronovaBKK (Stefan Lodyga) und AOK Rheinland-Hamburg (Verena Kartz) geben Impulse.
Construction is the second largest industry in the world with a market value of $12.5 trillion, accounting for 13% of the world’s GDP. Financial services are the only industry ahead of construction, with a market value of $22.5 trillion. There are many differences between the two industries, but the most
SAS' Udo Sglavo and Jan Chvosta discuss the power of a regression framework and choosing the correct regression model.
Many optimization problems in statistics and machine learning involve continuous parameters. For example, maximum likelihood estimation involves optimizing a log-likelihood function over a continuous domain, possibly with constraints. Recently, however, I had to solve an optimization problem for which the solution vector was a 0/1 binary variable. To solve the
Overlapping social issues and additional uncertainties – not to mention a global pandemic - have led to a massive spike in people seeking mental health support. Much of that extra demand has been absorbed virtually. Canada’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, for example, has seen its monthly demand for
SCUBA diving is one of those activities that should be on your bucket list - everyone should experience it at least once! But where should you go diving? ... Coral reefs are always popular - and they are typically in shallow water, making it an 'easy' dive. But, being in
With data, we can proactively advocate for changes to systems and policies. See how it's done.
O combate à fraude é um benefício para o mundo! Quem o afirma é Carla Costa Paes, Inspetora na Inspeção-Geral da Administração Interna, que nos falou sobre a importância do combate à fraude, os motivos que levam à existência de falhas e do papel da tecnologia neste complexo processo. Segundo
In a matrix-vector language such as SAS/IML, it is useful to always remember that the fundamental objects are matrices and that all operations are designed to work on matrices. (And vectors, which are matrices that have only one row or one column.) By using matrix operations, you can often eliminate
M6 Financial Forecasting Competition The Makridakis Open Forecasting Center has announced the M6 Financial Forecasting Competition, to begin in February 2022. This will be a "live" competition running through February 2023, with a focus on forecasts of stock price (returns) and risk, and on investment decisions based on the forecasts.
An ideal quartet formation of a rock band consists of a voice, an electric guitar, a bass, and a drum kit. What else do we need to enjoy our favorite tunes and get inspired? There's another great quartet that could bring you fresh ideas and that is the insurance industry.
SAS' Udo Sglavo interviews colleague Jan Chvosta, director of Scientific Computing at SAS, on regression analysis and how it works.
Resetting the risk dial – empowering the UK public sector to build back better. Public sector organisations in the UK had to respond rapidly to the pandemic when lockdown was announced in 2020. Policy changes were issued in quick succession and departments had to scramble to implement new solutions safely
“You have to have a left and right-brained approach to marketing. It’s important to leverage data, but you also have to spark creativity and inspiration so you can appeal to the head and heart of your customers.” - Jenn Chase, SAS EVP and CMO The marketing landscape continues to change. Whether
A reader asked whether it is possible to find a bootstrap sample that has some desirable properties. I am using the term "bootstrap sample" to refer to the result of randomly resampling with replacement from a data set. Specifically, he wanted to find a bootstrap sample that has a specific
Su negocio necesita tomar decisiones inteligentes a partir de datos confiables que generen resultados confiables. La analítica está ayudando a las empresas a entender su entorno de negocio y tomar las mejores decisiones para maximizar su valor. El mundo de negocios, al que la pandemia y los fenómenos políticos, económicos
When students hear the word data, they may envision measurements that scientists collect, or perhaps it has something to do with the social media platforms they love. Many students struggle to understand where data comes from and how it can help us make decisions and better understand our world! They may not make a connection with computer science either. Just as
Since 2015, the number of Americans who to listen to at least one podcast per month has increased by approximately 40 million people. The number of podcast listeners has also ballooned globally in tandem with a rise in smart speaker adoption. People are consuming them at home, on the go
IDC measures advanced & predictive analytics in its annual Worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics Software Market Shares* report – and has consistently ranked SAS as the #1 market leader for over two decades!
Las empresas buscan innovar constantemente y lanzar productos novedosos al mercado. Sin embargo, por la urgencia de adelantarse a la competencia, pueden pasar por alto etapas como investigar más a fondo el mercado y conocer las necesidades de los consumidores. Para que un proyecto de innovación alcance el éxito que