
Analytics | Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
Crossover and mutation: An introduction to two operations in genetic algorithms

This article uses an example to introduce to genetic algorithms (GAs) for optimization. It discusses two operators (mutation and crossover) that are important in implementing a genetic algorithm. It discusses choices that you must make when you implement these operations. Some programmers love using genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are heuristic

Analytics | Risk Management
DooHo Lee 0
ESG와 스트레스 테스트 기반의 기후 리스크 관리

전 세계적으로 기후변화 대응과 지속가능발전을 위한 금융기관의 역할이 강조되고 있습니다. 이를 위한 금융기관의 노력을 지원하기 위해 SAS는 딜로이트와 함께 지난 10월, 금융권 기후 리스크 관리를 위한 ESG 세미나를 개최했습니다. 그 중 일부를 소개합니다. 금융기관이 기후 리스크를 관리해야 하는 이유 기후 리스크는 크게 물리적 리스크와 전이 리스크로 구분됩니다. 물리적 리스크는 농업에

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Caroline S Payne 0
Accelerate the UK forward with digital transformation across government #BuildBackBetter

Caroline Payne, Head of Customer Advisory, SAS UK Public Sector Team Digital innovation across governments around the world has accelerated in the last 18 months as leaders turn to data and technology to deliver rapid responses to the pandemic. Public organisations have had to move quickly, whilst being acutely aware

Mike Gilliland 0
M6 Financial Forecasting Competition announced

M6 Financial Forecasting Competition The Makridakis Open Forecasting Center has announced the M6 Financial Forecasting Competition, to begin in February 2022. This will be a "live" competition running through February 2023, with a focus on forecasts of stock price (returns) and risk, and on investment decisions based on the forecasts.

Analytics | Data for Good | Students & Educators
Lee Ellen Harmer 0
Engaging students with data literacy

When students hear the word data, they may envision measurements that scientists collect, or perhaps it has something to do with the social media platforms they love. Many students struggle to understand where data comes from and how it can help us make decisions and better understand our world! They may not make a connection with computer science either. Just as

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