David Loshin explains how to set up a data catalog that will help you get more value from a data lake.
My daughter is a junior in high school, and for almost every semester she’s taken an online course as part of her studies. This semester she’s taking Spanish 3, an advanced level course where every word of instruction is spoken in Spanish. Each morning she joins the class from our
The singular value decomposition (SVD) could be called the "billion-dollar algorithm" since it provides the mathematical basis for many modern algorithms in data science, including text mining, recommender systems (think Netflix and Amazon), image processing, and classification problems. Although the SVD was mathematically discovered in the late 1800s, computers have
This is the sixth post in my series of machine learning best practices. If you've come across the series for the first time, you can go back to the beginning or read the whole series. Aristotle was likely one of the first data scientists who studied empiricism by learning through
News flash: My favorite SAS code editor is SAS Enterprise Guide. However, my favorite general purpose text editor is Notepad++, and I often find myself using that tool for viewing SAS log files and for making small modifications to SAS programs. Judging from the popularity of this SAS Support Communities
The U.S. was really fortunate in having the recent total solar eclipse pass through so many of its states! This gave lots of people an opportunity to see it, with just a short (or moderate) drive. I think a little kid spoke for all of us when they said "Let's
The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) is a new European-wide regulation that requires European banks to make it easier to share customer transaction and account data (where the customer has given their consent) with third party providers, and it's the current hot topic across the payments industry in Europe. As
What’s your favorite time of day? For me, it’s the morning with a cup of coffee, just as the sun starts to appear on the horizon, emitting a pleasant warm glow. My least favorite part of the day? Mornings without coffee when that same big ball of light makes a
I have been working in the field of Professional Certification and Licensure for roughly 10 years. In that time, I've worked with and observed close to 40 IT certification programs and there has been a recurring question I've encountered at each stop. While it is often phrased differently, it means mostly the same
Die Geburtenrate in Deutschland befindet sich derzeit auf dem höchsten Niveau seit 33 Jahren. Eine erfreuliche Entwicklung, und zugleich stellt es Eltern vor die schwere Entscheidung, welchen Namen der Nachwuchs tragen soll. Zahlreiche Webseiten und Bücher bieten Hitlisten und Namensbeschreibungen an, um die Auswahl zu erleichtern. Oder sollte man das
There is an expression in the military that goes something like this: Military leaders train and prepare for the next war using available information, which typically means they're planning for the last (previous) war -- and that's a recipe for disaster. So what does this have to do with utilities
모든 것을 실시간으로 실행하고, 실시간으로 평가하는 바야흐로 ‘스트리밍 시대’입니다. 길을 걷다가 들리는 음악을 그 자리에서 검색하고 스트리밍으로 재생해 듣습니다. 스마트폰 메신저나 소셜 미디어(SNS)를 통해 바로 공유할 수도 있죠. 월드컵과 올림픽 등 스포츠 경기는 물론 대선 토론과 개표 현황 등 정치 이벤트까지 케이블 TV나 페이스북 라이브를 통해 실시간으로 시청합니다. 기업에서는 어떨까요? 매월,
In this guest blogger post, Chris Gray of Gray Research weighs in on the discussion of forecasting vs. budgeting. Chris Gray on Forecasting vs. Budgeting Generally I agree with Steve Morlidge’s points about the differences between forecasts (or sales plans) and budgets, and the fact that they are unlikely to
All statisticians are familiar with the classical arithmetic mean. Some statisticians are also familiar with the geometric mean. Whereas the arithmetic mean of n numbers is the sum divided by n, the geometric mean of n nonnegative numbers is the n_th root of the product of the numbers. The geometric
Chris Gray of Gray Research is a longtime contributor to the practice of Sales and Operations Planning. He is author of several books on S&OP, software selection, and other supply chain related areas, including Sales and Operations Planning Standard System (2007). In 2006 he co-authored Sales & Operations Planning –
“어떤 알고리즘을 사용해야 할까요?” 수많은 종류의 머신러닝 알고리즘을 맞닥뜨린 초급자 분들이 가장 많이 물어보는 전형적인 질문인데요. 사실 이 질문에 대한 답변은 하단 내용을 비롯한 수많은 요인에 따라 달라집니다. 데이터의 크기, 품질, 특성 가용 연산(계산) 시간 작업의 긴급성 데이터를 이용해 하고 싶은 것 그렇기에 숙련된 데이터 과학자(Data scientist)조차도 여러 알고리즘을 직접
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) invests in education and training to create the next generation of conservation leaders from around the world. These leaders go on to have a powerful influence on the fate of the world’s most biodiverse and vulnerable places. While scores of leaders benefit from WWF’s support, many
Get on with your day faster by taking a self-service approach to data preparation.
Hopefully if you're viewing the eclipse today, you'll be using one of the safe methods that won't harm your eyes! ... But if you're somewhat of a trickster, here's an optical illusion you can send your friends after the eclipse, that might make them wonder (just for a second) if
When you implement a statistical algorithm in a vector-matrix language such as SAS/IML, R, or MATLAB, you should measure the performance of your implementation, which means that you should time how long a program takes to analyze data of varying sizes and characteristics. There are some general tips that can
SAS programmers have high expectations for their coding environment, and why shouldn't they? Companies have a huge investment in their SAS code base, and it's important to have tools that help you understand that code and track changes over time. Few things are more satisfying as a SAS program that
The revised EU Payment Services Directive (PSD2) has been a focal point for the financial services industry over the last couple of years and its adoption is set to revolutionise the payment ecosystem in Europe. New entrants, innovative technologies and increased regulation are already posing major challenges to traditional banks
Robots - everyone has probably been fascinated by the idea of robots at one time or another. From the early science fiction robots (such as Klaatu's robot Gort) to the mid-1980s movie robots (like Johnny 5), they have been portrayed in many different ways in fiction. These days, with the
Analytics-driven forecasting means more than measuring trend and seasonality. It includes all categories of methods (e.g. exponential smoothing, dynamic regression, ARIMA, ARIMA(X), unobserved component models, and more), including artificial intelligence, but not necessarily deep learning algorithms. That said, deep learning algorithms like neural networks can also be used for demand forecasting,
This question has been asked repeatedly for decades by anyone facing a new system. That system might be a new product, a new piece of equipment, a new process, or anything really that is new and not well understood. Ultimately, you might need to change this system but first you
I frequently get asked about my favorite book on a particular topic, how to find free SAS learning materials online, how to get help with SAS issues, etc. So I thought I'd share it with you here! Last updated 2/25/2020 Getting Started Resources New to SAS? Here's your SAS Starter
Visualizing the correlations between variables often provides insight into the relationships between variables. I've previously written about how to use a heat map to visualize a correlation matrix in SAS/IML, and Chris Hemedinger showed how to use Base SAS to visualize correlations between variables. Recently a SAS programmer asked how
If you know me, you probably know that I spend a lot of time on the water. I like speed paddling (dragon boat, outrigger canoe, surfski, and racing SUP), and I also have a big pontoon boat at Jordan Lake where I try to go fishing at least once a
Veterans transitioning back to civilian life face a number of challenges, many of which involve working in a non-military environment. The Honor Foundation helps Navy SEALs and other current and transitioning members of the U.S. Special Operations community enter civilian life. Last week, a group of former special operators visited several
In an increasingly complicated operating environment, the global oil and gas industry struggles to optimize their asset portfolio. Producers combat severe challenges inherent to aging facilities in the context of pricing volatility. Change is the new constant, as the cyclical nature of the oil and gas industry means that producers