
Customer Intelligence
Oliver Börner 0
Richtige Kfz-Versicherung oder nicht …? Das zeigt sich erst, wenn was passiert

Autounfall und positives Kundenerlebnis? Wie passt das denn zusammen? Vor einigen Monaten ist es dann doch passiert: einmal unaufmerksam gewesen und Auffahrunfall in der Stadt verursacht. So ein Mist! Nicht wirklich schlimm – nur ein bisschen Blechschaden, aber super ärgerlich … Nachdem das Auto abgeschleppt und der erste Ärger verflogen

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
SAS Korea 0
[SAS 프로그래밍 팁] ODS 템플릿 수정 기법

이 기사는 SAS Korea가 번역 및 편집했으며 원래 Rick Wicklin이 썼습니다. 원문이 여기에 있습니다. 이번 블로그를 통해 ODS 템플릿을 효율적으로 수정할 수 있는 SAS 프로그래밍 기법, 일명 ‘커펠드 템플릿 수정 기법(Kuhfeld’s Template Modification Technique; TMT)’을 소개하고자 합니다. 다섯 단계만 거치면 20줄 미만의 SAS 코드만으로 이 기법을 구현할 수 있는데요. 방법은 간단하지만

Suzanne Clayton 0
Analytics = brilliance

I recently spent two days with an innovative communications customer explaining exactly what SAS analytics can do to help them take their advertising platform to a whole new level. Media meets data resulting in addressable advertising. SAS would essentially be the brain behind all their advertising decisions, helping them ingest

Analytics | Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
John Stultz 0
US government, analytics researchers step up fight against improper payments

  Improper payments continue to plague the federal government, though many actions are in motion to help turn the tide. The Trump Administration’s Building a Better America: A Plan for Fiscal Responsibility, released in July 2017, emphasizes reducing improper payments, currently estimated by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to total

Analytics | Data Visualization | Learn SAS
SAS Korea 0
데이터 시각화를 이용한 ‘노벨상 수상자’ 관련 흥미로운 인사이트!

노벨상의 유래 매년 10월 초, 전 세계의 이목이 스웨덴과 노르웨이로 쏠립니다. 바로 세계에서 가장 권위 있는 시상식 '노벨상(The Nobel Prize)'이 열리기 때문인데요. 노벨상은 다이너마이트를 발명해 거대 재벌이 된 스웨덴 화학자 알프레드 노벨(Alfred Nobel)의 유언에 따라 그가 남긴 재산으로 노벨 재단을 설립하며 시작됐습니다. 최초의 노벨상은 1901년 물리학, 화학, 생리학 및 의학, 세계

Analytics | Machine Learning
Thomas Bodenmüller-Dodek 0
Blogparade (#paradisefound) zum Projekt Paradise Found: Haben Sie Ihr Paradies gefunden?

Kultur- und Freizeitattraktionen, gutes Gastronomieangebot, Sicherheit und Infrastruktur, viel Grün – oder doch ganz einfach niedrige Lebenshaltungskosten? Für jeden definiert sich ein lebenswerter Ort ganz unterschiedlich. Statt Bauchgefühl hier Daten objektiv entscheiden zu lassen – das ist der Ansatz des Projektes „Paradise Found“, bei dem SAS Daten aus fast 150.000

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Machine Learning
Jen Dunham 0
Considering fraud-fighting with machine learning and artificial intelligence?

Any look back at analytics in 2017 makes it clear that machine learning and artificial intelligence appear to be the ‘next big things’ that can solve just about any problem, from writing new hit songs to curing disease. Not one to buy into the hype, I became curious as to

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Veena Hirannaiah 0
Combat wire fraud with analytics

As the banking industry continues to combat increasing fraud challenges, payment fraud is growing exponentially. This growth stems from a shifting payment landscape with new and varied payment options. Globally, governments are introducing new initiatives like faster payments and real-time payments which compress turnaround times. These initiatives are altering the

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