Whether or not to legalize marijuana is a hotly debated topic these days. And no matter which side of the debate you're on, I think you will be interested in seeing several ways to visualize which states have legalized marijuana, and when ... Their Version Here's the original graph that
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. Did you know that according to the American Diabetes Association an estimated 30 million or 9.4 percent of Americans has diabetes? Over ten years ago two of my family members were diagnosed. Hearing this news was both scary and overwhelming for the entire family.
Missing values present challenges for the statistical analyst and data scientist. Many modeling techniques (such as regression) exclude observations that contain missing values, which can reduce the sample size and reduce the power of a statistical analysis. Before you try to deal with missing values in an analysis (for example,
SAS Viya is an exciting addition to the SAS Platform, allowing you to conduct analysis faster than ever before and providing you the flexibility to utilize open source technologies and generate insights from data in any computing environment. The blog post “Top 12 Advantages of SAS Viya” does a great
If you’re like me, you probably feel like there's more bad news than good in the world today. And, it makes me that much more grateful when I hear some good news. That’s part of why I love Giving Tuesday so much – it’s a day where my social media
You never know where you’ll see great teaching in action. That was made abundantly clear to me when my family ventured to rural Lillington, North Carolina to learn about falconry, civilization’s oldest form of hunting. We are not hunters ourselves, but my husband is fascinated by birds of prey and
The most highly anticipated business announcement this fall is probably the location for Amazon's second headquarters (dubbed HQ2). Amazon plans to spend $5 billion on their HQ2, and employ about 50,000 people in high-tech jobs. They received 238 proposals before their October 19 deadline, but haven't announced a winner yet.
SAS, la empresa líder en soluciones de analítica y Big Data en el mundo, predice los escenarios en los que se moverán las empresas y los negocios el próximo año. La necesidad de avanzar más decididamente en sus procesos de transformación digital y de experimentar nuevas posibilidades sacándole mayor provecho a su
When you run an optimization, it is often not clear how to provide the optimization algorithm with an initial guess for the parameters. A good guess converges quickly to the optimal solution whereas a bad guess might diverge or require many iterations to converge. Many people use a default value
Autounfall und positives Kundenerlebnis? Wie passt das denn zusammen? Vor einigen Monaten ist es dann doch passiert: einmal unaufmerksam gewesen und Auffahrunfall in der Stadt verursacht. So ein Mist! Nicht wirklich schlimm – nur ein bisschen Blechschaden, aber super ärgerlich … Nachdem das Auto abgeschleppt und der erste Ärger verflogen
If you're preparing a big Thanksgiving dinner, then you don't want to leave out the most popular side dish, do you?!? But what is the most popular side dish? ... If you don't already know, then perhaps some data & analytics can help! But before we get started, here's a
이 기사는 SAS Korea가 번역 및 편집했으며 원래 Rick Wicklin이 썼습니다. 원문이 여기에 있습니다. 이번 블로그를 통해 ODS 템플릿을 효율적으로 수정할 수 있는 SAS 프로그래밍 기법, 일명 ‘커펠드 템플릿 수정 기법(Kuhfeld’s Template Modification Technique; TMT)’을 소개하고자 합니다. 다섯 단계만 거치면 20줄 미만의 SAS 코드만으로 이 기법을 구현할 수 있는데요. 방법은 간단하지만
A statistical programmer read my article about the beta-binomial distribution and wanted to know how to compute the cumulative distribution (CDF) and the quantile function for this distribution. In general, if you know the PDF for a discrete distribution, you can also compute the CDF and quantile functions. This article
Social media has brought anniversary dates to the forefront. Every day, my view of Google Photos or Facebook shows me a collection of photos from exactly some number of years ago to remind me of how good things were back then. These apps are performing the simplest of date-based math
Here in the US, we're preparing to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. Therefore this Thursday most families in the US will be having a big turkey dinner. Although I'm a bachelor guy and eat out all the time, I'm actually a pretty good cook - and I'd like to share with
I recently spent two days with an innovative communications customer explaining exactly what SAS analytics can do to help them take their advertising platform to a whole new level. Media meets data resulting in addressable advertising. SAS would essentially be the brain behind all their advertising decisions, helping them ingest
For the third installment of this series I visited Marlies van Sonsbeek (CEO) and Andrew Hagens (Chief Innovation Officer) of Finaps in their beautiful office in the south of Amsterdam. Company Overview Finaps is a young innovative company founded at the end of 2010 by two former ABN-Amro colleagues. Not
Just last week, Walmart announced that they'll be testing inventory management robots. These robots will cruise store aisles, scanning shelves to identify out-of-stock products and other issues. According Reuters, Walmart is testing these camera-equipped robots in a handful of stores, but plans to expand the test to 50 stores. We
This article shows how to simulate beta-binomial data in SAS and how to compute the density function (PDF). The beta-binomial distribution is a discrete compound distribution. The "binomial" part of the name means that the discrete random variable X follows a binomial distribution with parameters N (number of trials) and
Information Dashboards were the hot topic a few years ago, but the hype seems to have died down lately. A good dashboard is still a very useful way to summarize, analyze, and share data - so I thought I'd re-visit the topic, and try to improve an old dashboard. Did
Improper payments continue to plague the federal government, though many actions are in motion to help turn the tide. The Trump Administration’s Building a Better America: A Plan for Fiscal Responsibility, released in July 2017, emphasizes reducing improper payments, currently estimated by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to total
Ich muss gestehen: Wenn es um Weihnachtsgeschenke geht, bin ich ein „echter Mann“. Alles auf den letzten Drücker erledigen, nur nicht zu früh anfangen … Und genau so war es auch im letzten Jahr, als ich kurz vor Weihnachten erschrocken festgestellt habe, dass Heiligabend schon am 24. Dezember stattfindet. Geschenke
노벨상의 유래 매년 10월 초, 전 세계의 이목이 스웨덴과 노르웨이로 쏠립니다. 바로 세계에서 가장 권위 있는 시상식 '노벨상(The Nobel Prize)'이 열리기 때문인데요. 노벨상은 다이너마이트를 발명해 거대 재벌이 된 스웨덴 화학자 알프레드 노벨(Alfred Nobel)의 유언에 따라 그가 남긴 재산으로 노벨 재단을 설립하며 시작됐습니다. 최초의 노벨상은 1901년 물리학, 화학, 생리학 및 의학, 세계
La economía analítica es una tendencia que evoluciona los procesos de transformación digital. De hecho, como parte de la agenda de países desarrollados en la que las organizaciones privadas y entidades públicas se diferencian, hace más eficientes sus labores y ayuda a alcanzar nuevos niveles de éxito con una combinación de gestión de
Blockchain technology and payment integrity in health care Blockchain technology has arrived in the health care space, bringing anticipation of revolutionary change in operational efficiency, data management, security, fraud prevention, disease prevention, and perhaps even in payments. While these are not new goals, I am ever the optimist. As almost
It's easier said than done to be a data-driven business, but the squeeze is worth the juice.
Kultur- und Freizeitattraktionen, gutes Gastronomieangebot, Sicherheit und Infrastruktur, viel Grün – oder doch ganz einfach niedrige Lebenshaltungskosten? Für jeden definiert sich ein lebenswerter Ort ganz unterschiedlich. Statt Bauchgefühl hier Daten objektiv entscheiden zu lassen – das ist der Ansatz des Projektes „Paradise Found“, bei dem SAS Daten aus fast 150.000
Any look back at analytics in 2017 makes it clear that machine learning and artificial intelligence appear to be the ‘next big things’ that can solve just about any problem, from writing new hit songs to curing disease. Not one to buy into the hype, I became curious as to
Did you know that a SAS/IML function can recover from a run-time error? You can specify how to handle run-time errors by using a programming technique that is similar to the modern "try-catch" technique, although the SAS/IML technique is an older implementation. Preventing errors versus handling errors In general, SAS/IML
As the banking industry continues to combat increasing fraud challenges, payment fraud is growing exponentially. This growth stems from a shifting payment landscape with new and varied payment options. Globally, governments are introducing new initiatives like faster payments and real-time payments which compress turnaround times. These initiatives are altering the