Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Spark and Summary Plots

In the area of graphical visualization of data, Edward Tufte is a thought leader and has put forth many innovative ideas that enhance the understanding of the information in the graph with minimal distractions and potential for misinterpretation. One of his ideas has been the use of "Spark" plots.  As per my

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Clinical Graphs: A1c Plot

Last week I was visiting San Diego for the SANDS conference.  I always enjoy this conference as I get to interact closely with the users to hear of their pains and innovative solutions to creating Clinical Graphs. In the conference Ed Barber asked about displaying A1c data along with some

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Likert Graph Revisited

A few weeks back I posted an article on ways to create a WindRose Graph using SGPLOT procedure.  The process is relatively simple.  Create (R, Theta) data with both numeric axes where the Theta is a value in the data range is 0-360, and R is the corresponding response value.  Then

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Stock Plots

This weekend I was reviewing my portfolio of stocks as usual.  Yes, I do have a small stock portfolio with a few stocks, and normally I use free stock charting software to review the stock plots.  These sites allow you to view the daily stock prices along with many technical

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Graph Table with Class

As often is the case, this article is prompted by a recent post on the SAS/GRAPH and ODS Graphics page communities page.  A user wanted to create a Graph Table showing a bar chart with tabular data for each of the category values along the x-axis.  The user was creatively using

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Polar Graph - Wind Rose

Last week I posted an article on displaying polar graph using SAS.  When the measured data (R, Theta) are in the polar coordinates as radius and angle, then this data can be easily transformed into the XY space using the simple transform shown below.     x=r*cos(theta * PI / 180);     y=r*sin(theta * PI

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Polar Graph

There are many situations where it is beneficial to display the data using a polar graph.  Often your data may contain directional information.  Or, the data may be cyclic in nature, with information over time by weeks, or years.  The simple solution is to display the directional or time data

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Scalable Turnip Graph

A Turnip Graph displays the distribution of an analysis variable.  The graph displays markers with the same (or close) y coordinate by displaying the markers spread out over the x-axis range in a symmetric pattern.  Recently, a question was posted on the SAS Communities page regarding such a graph. Here is an example of

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Dial KPI using SGPLOT

Last week I was at PharmaSUG 2016, where I presented a 1/2 day seminar on creating Clinical Graphs using SAS.  I was gratified to have a enthusiastic audience of about 28 attendees and we had a great interactive session.  I also presented a paper on Clinical Graphs Using SAS.  More

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Directed Link Networks

A few weeks ago I posted an article describing how to display simple Network Diagrams with Curved Links using SGPLOT procedure.  The key requirement is that the node positions have to be computed by user.  Often, for simple diagrams, nodes can be positioned using a simple layered layout.  Separately, I also

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Coffee Recipes

For a long time, Starbucks represented to me as the good coffee cup, with me paying upwards of $4 for a Latte.  But on a recent visit to San Francisco, my son introduced me to a few other options. Philz crafts a great cup of java, with the barista making

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Diagrams with curved links

Let us continue with our journey beyond standard plots and charts.  Often we need to create some simple diagrams to visualize the connections between different entities such as patients and providers or even a social network. Many of you may not have a custom tool to create diagrams.  But you have Base SAS, so

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Infographics Bar Chart

Last week I posted an article on creating Infographics using SAS.   The interest shown by the SAS community in this topic came as a surprise.  Also, it so happened by coincidence, a SAS users also  called into Tech Support just about the same time with a query about creating  Infographics type graph

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Infographics using SAS

Infographics are all the rage today.  Open any magazine or newspaper and we see data and numbers everywhere.  Often, such information is displayed by adding some graphical information to add context to the data.  A couple of good examples are Communicating numeric information, and Facts about Hot Dogs. Riley Benson, our UX

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Legend Order

In the previous article on managing legends, I described the way to include items in a legend that may not exist in the data.  This is done by defining a Discrete Attribute Map, and then requesting that all the values defined in the map should be displayed in the legend. In

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