Bright Data
Analytics that enlighten your mind from the CEE regionRegular readers will be aware that in my last post, I made the case for a win-win approach for mature organisations to successfully deliver digital transformation. I think there are many ways we could explain this. Established organisations infrastructure may be old, or their work processes may be complex and
In my first article, I looked at the main areas covered by the 4th Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Directive from the EU. This post covers the amendments to that directive introduced by the 5th AML Directive, and suggests how organizations can address the requirements of the two directives. The 5th AML Directive:
GDPR is coming at all of us like a fast moving car on a narrow road late at night. At least that’s what it seems like to me sometimes when I see customers come to realize the full implications of the new law and get a stunned look on their
Wraz z rosnącą popularnością internetu branża marketingowa bardzo szybko dostrzegła, że przestrzeń internetowa jest dla niej bardzo ważnym kanałem dotarcia do potencjalnych klientów. Na stronach internetowych coraz częściej zaczęły gościć reklamy, które obecnie potrafią przybrać bardzo różną postać. Im bardziej treści reklamowe stawały się powszechne i niestety, co również miało
The first post of the 10 Commandments of Applied Econometrics series discussed the importance of the use of common sense and understanding of the theory of econometrics in data analysis. Today, I will present the next two commandments related to putting the statistical tools in the business context of a problem. 2. Avoid type
The rise of self-service analytics, and the idea of the ‘citizen data scientist’, has also brought a number of issues to the fore in organizations. In particular, two common areas of discussion are the twin pillars of data quality and data preparation. There is no doubt that good quality, well-prepared