A relação do SAS com a Lusitania Seguros – a 1ª Companhia de Seguros a surgir no mercado segurador com capitais 100% nacionais – data de 2014, aquando da implementação da solução de Firmwide Risk Management, com o projeto de Solvência II. Dois anos mais tarde, foi implementada a Solução
Search Results: INSURANCE (459)
One analysis suggests that in the first year of using process mining, the telecoms company had decreased its cost per process order by almost 40% and improved its productivity.
A major UK insurance company used text analytics to categorise complaints.
How to address insurers' challenges by providing AI and machine learning to streamline a customer centric pricing process.
Today's blog is by Jenny Bradley of Triangle Smart Divorce in Cary, NC. We are so appreciative of our friends in the community who gracously share their knowledge and expertise. Names matter. Names are part of our identity. Many cultures have naming ceremonies. What if you feel like the name you
Which measures financial services can take to keep their customers complaints at a minimum.
Surprise! The data team does more than you think to implement certain legislative actions.
Industrial leaders need an #IoT #analytics platform and a strategy that generates intelligence in lockstep with business needs.
A lot of employers claim to have wonderful work/life balance, and say they support their employees and families. While that may be true, it doesn’t ring truer than it does at SAS. I’ve never felt more supported as someone who struggled to become a mother. When I finally did become
A simple example of how you can combine SAS and open-source technologies to solve real business issues.
It’s been over a year since my previous blog post, so it seemed like a good time for a refresh. Also, it’s just over a year since the EU implemented GDPR. This regulation promised users could take back control of their data and opt-in/opt-outs, while businesses could get fined up
Um es mit Stephen Hawking zu sagen: „Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change". Das wissen vor allem auch die Digitalisierungsverantwortlichen von Versicherungen. Und wenn wir über den Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz in einer eher risikoaversen und sich langsam ändernden Branche nachdenken, dann gilt dieser Satz umso mehr. Denn
In July 1984 I was a public health nurse assigned to Willow Spring, Holly Springs and Fuquay, bustling between three public schools, home health visits, and a clinic on Fuquay Avenue that shared space with the local DMV office—a small white frame house divided in half to provide two essential
In this post I wanted to bring attention to the book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents. Of the 2,000+ books that are in our Work/Life Library, this is a book that I refer to most often. I continue to receive
Os novos paradigmas resultantes da introdução de novas tecnologias e da alteração de comportamentos e hábitos de consumo, resultam em forças esmagadoras que pressionam as indústrias a alterações substanciais na forma como trabalham e interagem com os seus clientes. A área dos Seguros não é exceção e movimentos de consolidação
How intelligent decisioning solutions can help you stay relevant in the era of digital banking Fierce competition, advances in technology, and consumer expectations for hyperpersonalised services are forcing the financial services sector to evolve. To adapt to rapid market developments, many banks and insurers are launching ambitious digital transformation projects.
No es un secreto que el fraude se ha consolidado como uno de los principales obstáculos para el crecimiento de las empresas aseguradoras en todo el mundo. En muchos casos es el freno que impide el cumplimiento de los objetivos de negocio y, en otros, es la amenaza que impacta la rentabilidad
Nach Lust und Laune scheinen Versicherer die Jahresprämien ihrer Policen in schöner Regelmäßigkeit zu erhöhen. Wenn der zweimal gefalzte Brief so unschuldig im Kasten auf Öffnung wartet, möchte man am liebsten gar nicht reinschauen. Michael Rabin, Versicherungsexperte mit analytischem Weitblick, hat sich bereit erklärt, hier und jetzt eine Lanze für
More and more organizations are moving to the cloud, but for some moving data isn’t an option. With a remote managed software and services (RMSS) solution deployment, however, it’s still possible to experience the benefits of cloud, without the data or solution ever leaving your premises or existing cloud provider.
El fraude en seguros siempre ha existido, presentándose de diferentes maneras para adaptarse a cada época. Hoy en día, la magnitud del fraude en seguros no solamente es sorprendente, sino que aumenta. Las actividades fraudulentas prevalecen a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida de la póliza. A medida
The day you have been planning for (and paying for) is fast arriving! Your college student is graduating and taking that next step toward full-fledged adulthood. What’s not to celebrate? And please do take the time to celebrate. 😊 After a week or two, however, it’s time to talk about
There's a chasm in today's business world between "can" and "should." Let's hope that gap closes soon.
This episode covers one of the greatest challenges in Dutch data science: how to distribute €43 billion (no, that’s not a typo) among all Dutch health care insurers in a fair, equal and transparent way. To learn more, I visited the biggest health insurer of the country, Zilveren Kruis, and
Im vorangegangenen Blogbeitrag bin ich darauf eingegangen, welchen geschäftlichen Nutzen die IFRS-9-Umsetzung für Banken haben kann – abgesehen davon, die Aufsichtsbehörden zufriedenzustellen. Die gleiche Frage stellt sich Versicherern vor dem Hintergrund von IFRS 17. Bis vor Kurzem war die Bilanzierung von Versicherungsverträgen denkbar einfach. Die meisten Accounting-Standards erfordern keine speziellen
David Loshin examines various aspects of data governance that are essential for regulatory compliance.
Joyce Norris-Montanari discusses data engineers in the second of her two-part series.
By now, we're all aware of the seismic shift occurring across industries as a result of the Internet of Things. But do we all see the changes in the same light? From where I sit, there's still a wide gap in viewpoints and perspectives. In its simplest form, we often
인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝이 최근 화두로 떠오르며 이를 둘러싼 여러 오해가 생기고 있습니다. 특히 사기 분야에 대해서는 더 많은 오해를 하고 있는데요. 인공지능과 머신러닝이 정교한 기술과 방대한 양의 데이터를 사용해 도움을 주고 있다는 사실, 알고 계신가요? 인공지능과 머신러닝은 기술은 우리의 일상적인 업무에서 생각해보지 못했던 질문을 던집니다. 이러한 질문들은 보편적으로 알려져 있지 않은 사실이기
After almost 32 years, I am retiring from SAS.
Joseph Woodside discusses the use of using ensemble modeling in SAS for fraud detection and readmissions.