Search Results: Visual Analytics (1744)

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Tülay Stecher 0
Schnellstatistiken auf die Hand

Die letzten Jahre zeigen deutlich, wie rasant das Datenaufkommen in den Unternehmen wächst. Laut einer Prognose von Statista wird das Volumen der jährlich generierten digitalen Datenmenge weltweit in den kommenden 5 Jahren um das 5-fache (in Exabyte) steigen. Dies stellt sowohl die IT als auch die Fachbereiche vor immense Herausforderungen.

Paul Gittins 0
Nine years (and still together)

The IT industry is littered with examples of short-lived corporate partnerships and alliances that often appear impressive but regularly end or are withdrawn after the initial enthusiasm wanes. The old adage that “actions speaker louder than words” is especially pertinent and I regularly encourage clients to look for tangible examples

Data Management
Tom Davenport 0
5 steps to analytic modernization

Some organizations I visit don’t seem to have changed their analytics technology environment much since the early days of IT. I often encounter companies with 70s-era base statistical packages running on mainframes or large servers, data warehouses (originated in the 80s), and lots of reporting applications. These tools usually continue

Lavanya Mandavilli 0
Passcode security for SAS Mobile BI

Mobile devices travel with humans pretty much anywhere that humans want to go. Unlike desktop computers that stay fixed and grounded within brick and mortar walls, mobile devices are used in all sorts of locales – offices, homes, cars, planes, swimming pools, soccer fields, movie theaters – the list goes

Thomas Keil 0
Was kann SAS, was Open Source nicht kann?

Open Source und SAS – das sind auf den ersten Blick zwei ganz verschiedene Welten. Dabei verfolgt SAS eine ganze Reihe von Initiativen rund um Open Source – insbesondere im Umfeld des Big-Data-Frameworks Hadoop. Ich habe Andreas Gödde zum Nebeneinander und Miteinander der Technologien befragt. Andreas Gödde berät viele Kunden

Elizabeth Bautista 0
Nueva arquitectura de analítica en SAS

La plataforma SAS® Viya™ está diseñada para enfrentar los grandes desafíos que plantea el big data en la actualidad, es una nueva arquitectura de analítica útil para todos los niveles de la organización. En SAS, presentamos una nueva arquitectura de analítica de alto de desempeño diseñado para la innovación, que permitirá

Robert Collins 0
Let SAS® Studio do your clinical research ‘tasks’

SAS is widely used in clinical research activities including: Managing and transforming data. Generating tabular and graphical summaries. Performing powerful statistical analyses such as safety and efficacy evaluations. In addition, SAS provides a number of interfaces from which a user can select to work with the data. One of these

SAS Events
小林 泉 0
SGF2016: Hadoop関連セッション・論文(ユーザー・パートナー編)

SAS Global Forum 2016のユーザープログラムでの発表論文を、”Hadoop”というキーワードで検索し、SAS on Hadoopソリューション関連の論文を集めてみました。企業の競争戦略と密接に結びついているHadoop関連の事例はなかなか公開されないのですが、いくつかありました。これ以外にも、Hadoop事例を話すセッションがいくつかありました。 SAS Global Forum 2016 Proceedings – ユーザーおよびパートナーによるHadoop 関連の講演 Analytics and Data Management in a Box: Dramatically Increase Performance Teradata様が提供するHadoopの話です Nine Frequently Asked Questions about Getting Started with SAS® Visual Analytics インプリメンテーション・パートナーがVA & Hadoopの使用法、導入方法、管理方法についてエンドユーザーから良く受ける質問について触れられています。 Making It Happen: A novel way to save taxpayer dollars by

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