
Find out how analytics, from data mining to cognitive computing, is changing the way we do business

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Learn SAS | Work & Life at SAS
Adriana Rojas 0
Colaboración entre universidades y empresas: intercambio mutuo de conocimiento

No creo que ninguno de los lectores de este post llegue a sorprenderse si les contamos que en SAS estamos al 100% comprometidos con el mundo académico. No obstante, hace casi medio siglo que nuestra compañía nació precisamente en las aulas de una universidad, la de Carolina del Norte. Desde

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Reggie Townsend 0
Striking the balance: Navigating the pitfalls of AI technocentrism

Embracing AI is wonderful. From a practical business perspective, though, there are limits. This issue is broader than AI. However, I’ll constrain the conversation to that for now, given the attention AI is getting these days. Yes, some processes are undoubtedly good candidates for automation, but avoiding “technocentrism” is critical to

Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Jessica Curtis 0
Why digital logistics is the key to supply chain resiliency amid geopolitical uncertainty

In an increasingly interconnected world, geopolitical events in one region can cause a ripple effect across global supply chains. Due to technical complexity and the concentration of large manufacturers in the Asia Pacific region, the semiconductor supply chain is especially vulnerable to disruptions. In fact, more than 65% of the

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Junhyuk Jeong 0
컴퓨터가 사물을 보는 방법, CNN 이론 - 1편

컴퓨터가 인간보다 잘 하는 몇 가지 분야가 있는데, 그 중 하나가 바로 이미지 인식입니다. 2012년 알렉스넷이 개발된 이후 컴퓨터 비전 분야는 급속도로 성장하여 우리 일상에 자연스럽게 스며들었습니다. 오늘 포스팅에서는 컴퓨터가 이미지를 어떻게 인식할 수 있는지 이론을 중심으로 살펴보도록 하겠습니다. 1. 컴퓨터 비전의 과거 우리가 모니터를 통해 바라보는 이미지의 구조부터 알아보겠습니다.

Analytics | Learn SAS
Catherine (Cat) Truxillo 0
5 claves para crear equipos de analítica más sólidos

Debido a la complejidad y cambios en el mercado, las organizaciones de todo el mundo están aprovechando las oportunidades para hacer mejores predicciones, identificar soluciones y dar pasos estratégicos y proactivos, lo que significa que dependen cada vez más de los big data. Sin embargo, en su búsqueda de resistencia

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Min-Gi Cho 0
통합 금융 범죄에 대처하는 가장 효과적인 방법, 'FRAML'

자금 세탁 방지와 사기 방지 환경의 통합 접근 방안 금융 범죄의 현황과 대응 금융 범죄(Financial Crimes)라 함은 개인적 사용 및 사익을 위해 불법적으로 재산의 소유권을 전환하는 모든 불법 행위를 포함하는 광범위한 용어입니다. 금융 범죄는 다양한 유형의 사기(Fraud), 절도(Theft), 스캠(Scam), 탈세(Tax Evasion), 뇌물 수수(Bribery), 횡령(Embezzlement), 신원 도용(Identity Theft), 위조(Forgery) 등에 의해

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Franklin Manchester 0
A trusted copilot: 3 ways SAS® Viya® can help insurers navigate challenges

Disaster and insurance have always shared a symbiotic relationship – one begets the other. In 2022, insurers shouldered historic underwriting losses. Worsening results continued in Q1 of 2023 for the US property and casualty (P&C) industry, posting its first and largest net underwriting loss in the first quarter in 12

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Yinliang Wu 0
How to evaluate SAS expressions in PROC DS2 dynamically

Some readers read the article “how-to-evaluate-sas-expression-in-data-step-dynamically” and wonder if there is a same mechanism or functionality in DS2. As indicated in that article, SAS provides similar features in DATA step, PROC CAS and PROC Python, but some projects like ESP (Event Stream Processing) projects would store those expression definition in

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Risk Management
Thiago Escrivão 0
IFRS 9 e CMN 4.966: o que as novas regras significam para o CIO?

Bancos precisarão avançar seus modelos analíticos para se adequar às regras de previsão de perda esperada de crédito e normas internacionais No mercado financeiro, garantir a conformidade às regulamentações é uma constante na vida do tomador de decisão de tecnologia - e o IFRS 9 e a CMN 4.966/21 são

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