
Find out how analytics, from data mining to cognitive computing, is changing the way we do business

André Novo 0
O futuro da eficiência no setor público está no uso inteligente dos dados

Como utilizar soluções tecnológicas de análise de dados para garantir ganho de eficiência, de produtividade, e oferecer respostas mais rápidas e assertivas na solução de problemas? Essas são questões comumente levantadas por diversas organizações privadas, e a busca por resultados as obrigam a buscar essas respostas. No setor público, entretanto,

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
José Mutis O. 0
Analítica avanzada, una de las tecnologías que ayudan a la reactivación de las empresas en Colombia… y en toda Latinoamérica

Ser más eficiente gastando menos recursos Vender más (aún en estos tiempos) Tener unido a los equipos de trabajo, a pesar de las distancias Mantener seguro el entorno TIC de la empresa ahora desde casa Tomar las decisiones correctas en medio de escenarios de incertidumbre Afectación directa a la producción

Byoung-Jeong Choi 0
[AutoML 시리즈 2] SAS AutoML 주요 기능 AtoZ

기업이 데이터 기반의 의사결정을 하기 위해서는 AI를 특정 영역이 아닌 분석 라이프사이클 전반으로 확대하고, 이 라이프 사이클은 의사결정 프로세스와 연결돼야 합니다. 개방된 플랫폼에서 분석 시간을 줄이고, 그 결과를 운영시스템에 빠르게 적용해 더 큰 비즈니스 가치를 실현할 수 있어야 합니다. 지난 시리즈에서는 모델링 작업을 위한 피처 자동 생산과 자동 튜닝 정도로

Analytics | Students & Educators
Ewa Hryciuk 0
Analytical competence needed to drive innovation in Poland

Innovation is currently an extremely desirable feature for every country. However, a ranking published by the European Commission shows that Poland is struggling to create an environment that supports development. Development and innovation need people with competence in new technologies, such as analytics. Last year’s Modelling for Business conference showed

David Wendt 0
Help jij Notilyze aan een Computable Award?

Misschien heb je het al gehoord: SAS partner Notilyze is genomineerd voor de Computable Awards 2020 in de categorie Services! Met deze prijzen erkent het vakblad Computable bedrijven, projecten en personen die zich het afgelopen jaar hebben onderscheiden in de ICT. SAS is trots dat Notilyze is genomineerd, en het

Mike Gilliland 0
Usage of forecasting in organizations

The practice of business forecasting falls well short of the potential exhibited in academic research and forecasting competitions. Chris Chatfield* noted this in a 1986 editorial in the International Journal of Forecasting, where he called on statisticians to find a better way of communicating the better use of existing methods

Analytics | Data for Good
Josh Morgan 0
Mental health and criminal justice connections studied in innovative California program

Getting people with mental health conditions the help they need is a top priority for many Californians, according to a recent California Health Care Foundation report. In 2004, Golden State voters approved the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). Enacted into law in January 2005, MHSA has generated approximately $15 billion

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Management
Gustavo Guerrero 0
Operar desde la nube: más poder y agilidad

¿Por qué es hoy el mejor momento para migrar a la nube? Porque su conveniencia, ubicuidad y flexibilidad permiten que una organización siga operando sin interrupción en situaciones normales y extraordinarias, ya sea una crisis económica, política, natural o sanitaria como la actual. Pero también porque la nube ha alcanzado

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