
Find out how analytics, from data mining to cognitive computing, is changing the way we do business

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Customer Intelligence
Andrew Fowkes 0
Creating a personalised retail experience that stands out from the crowd

Nearly everyone in retail knows the value of personalisation. Getting there, however, can be a problem. Here’s how your retail store can be a business that better understands the customer. Personalising the shopping experience is the surest way to the consumer’s pocket. Consumers buy more and buy more often when

Alex Coop 0
The future of AI from 5 influential figures

There is no shortage of challenges associated with the deployment of AI: a lack of access to infrastructure, a lack of skills, and new legislation meant to enforce the responsible use of this evolving technology. But the most consequential questions facing us are innately human. Namely, ensuring human agency, safety

Jong-Phil Park 0
SAS와 Microsoft의 초자동화(Hyper Automation)

Hyper Automation, 초(超) 자동화 제조, 여신, 물류 등의 산업군 및 마케팅, 영업 등의 직군에 종사하신다면 자동화(Automation)라는 용어는 그리 낮 설지 않은 용어일 것 입니다. 자동화는 인간의 노동 효율을 극대화하기 위해 인간의 개입을 최소화 하고 기계 또는 컴퓨터의 능력을 활용하는 방향으로 진화해 왔습니다. 예를 들어 마케팅 영역에서의 자동화의 경우, 마케팅 전략을

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence | Machine Learning
Lisa Loftis 0
Out with the old, in with the new: 3 strategies for addressing the demise of cookies

The clock is ticking as the end of third-party data is near. Safari and Firefox have eliminated third-party cookies and Google Chrome is not far behind. Below are three steps marketers can take to address the changing cookie landscape: Create moments that matter by providing a digital experience that convinces

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Andrés Mauricio Torres 0
Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, la inteligencia artificial en la era de los metaversos

Recientemente el mundo empezó a hablar con mayor frecuencia de los metaversos, una nueva experiencia en materia de conectividad que llevará a los usuarios a vivir asombrosas experiencias inmersivas y multisensoriales a través de novedosos dispositivos y plataformas tecnológicas. Aún cuando todavía hay muchos interrogantes y alternativas de cómo es

Julia Maurer 0
Agil bedeutet nicht chaotisch 

Die agile Arbeitsweise wird von vielen in Zusammenhang mit Softwareentwicklung gebracht. Wie im vorherigen Blogbeitrag zur agilen Transformation bereits erwähnt, hat SAS Ende 2020 die agile Transformation im Bereich Pipelineentwicklung / Demand-Generation vorangetrieben und durch die Vorteile des agilen Arbeitens auf den Bedarf an effizienterer Zusammenarbeit und mehr Fokus in

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
José Mutis O. 0
10 cambios basados en datos que pueden hacer las empresas para impulsar su reactivación

En varios de los países latinoamericanos, los gobiernos nacionales y departamentales han venido presentando diversas agencias analíticas y nuevos centros de monitoreo especializados en estas últimas semanas. Esta es una muestra más de cómo lo ocurrido en este último tiempo ha hecho que se tenga mucho más presente la inteligencia

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Luiz Malere 0
A hora e a vez dos cientistas de dados

Uma das profissões mais cobiçadas e bem remuneradas atualmente é a de Cientista de Dados. Grandes empresas de telecomunicações, instituições financeiras e redes de varejo estão formando times com estes profissionais, e o movimento não é restrito às grandes corporações. Empresas médias também estão sedentas em busca de cientista de

Olivier Penel 0
How to Get Started With Responsible AI

In my previous article, “The Vital Ingredients of Responsible AI,” I described the principles that underpin the need to develop AI systems that factor in the human factor, not only contribute to business outcomes but also protect individuals, society and the environment. While it’s difficult to argue with those principles,

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