Tag: data management

Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
Georgia Mariani 0
The impact of data governance and analytics: An interview with the U. of Idaho

What's the impact of using data governance and analytics for the business side of education? It's an interesting question, and during a video interview, Dale Pietrzak, Ed.D.,Former Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation (IEA) at the University of Idaho shared details on the results they're realizing from using SAS for

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Management | SAS Events
Heather Hallett 0
Puzzle obsession ... piecing together a 360-degree view of a patient.

I am obsessed with jigsaw puzzles. Specifically, 1000-piece mystery puzzles, entertaining not just for their pictorial humor, but also for the challenge. Unlike traditional puzzles, you don't know what you are putting together because the completed puzzle isn't pictured on the box. Mystery puzzles are constructed so that you must

Analytics | Data Management | Learn SAS | Machine Learning
Michael Herrmann 0
DevOps & SAS: Entwicklung und Betrieb aus einer Hand?

K(o)ennen Sie schon „DevOps“? Machen Sie SAS? Dann lohnt sich eventuell ein frischer Blick auf die Kombination! Denn immer mehr Unternehmen probieren, ihren produktiven Betrieb auch in die Hände der Software-Entwickler zu legen (2 von 3 laut Jenkins) – speziell in der Analyse, insbesondere beim agilen Modellieren und dem Veredeln

Data Management
Leo Sadovy 0
No, data is not the new oil

By now you’ve seen the headlines and the hype proclaiming data as the new oil. The well-meaning intent of these proclamations is to cast data in the role of primary economic driver for the 21st century, just as oil was for the 20th century. As analogies go, it’s not too

Advanced Analytics | Data Management | Programming Tips
Leonid Batkhan 0
SAS tools for GDPR privacy compliant reporting

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) taking effect on 25 May 2018 pertains not only to organizations located within the EU; it applies to all companies processing and holding the personal data of data subjects residing in the European Union, regardless of the company’s location. Here are four selected SAS tools for GDPR that allow you to protect personal data in SAS reports by suppressing counts in small demographic group reports.

Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
SAS Colombia 0
SAS, más de cuarenta años ayudando a la empresas a obtener valor del Big Data

Aunque el término Big Data lleva solo 20 años de uso a nivel mundial, SAS ya tiene más de cuatro décadas inspirando lo extraordinario, un reto que muchas compañías y empleados ya han asumido, incorporando soluciones de analítica en procesos tan increíbles como la exploración del sol, la protección del

Analytics | Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
David Kennedy 0
Criminal justice data system speeds prosecutions, helps put offenders away

Much has been written about the value that North Carolina’s Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Automated Data Services (CJLEADS) system has brought the state’s court personnel and law enforcement officers. CJLEADS integrates dozens of NC criminal justice and law enforcement data sets, a vast improvement over the state’s legacy processes. Law

Advanced Analytics | Data Management
Michael Herrmann 0
Beam your customers into invisibility: a data protection masked ball to get you up to speed with the GDPR

Here are some new tips for masking. The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires your company to implement (quote) all necessary technical and organizational measures and to take into consideration the available technology at the time of the processing and technological developments. So, how can you comply with

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