Tag: operations research

Advanced Analytics
Automated linearization in SAS Optimization

Linear programming (LP) and mixed integer linear programming (MILP) solvers are powerful tools. Many real-world business problems, including facility location, production planning, job scheduling, and vehicle routing, naturally lead to linear optimization models. Sometimes a model that is not quite linear can be transformed to an equivalent linear model to reduce

Advanced Analytics
Mathematical optimization at SAS

Note from Udo Sglavo on mathematical optimization: When data scientists look at the essence of analytics and wonder about their daily endeavor, it often comes down to supporting better decisions. Peter F. Drucker, the founder of modern management, stated: "Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision."

Advanced Analytics
Subramanian Pazhani 0
Back to School Optimization

Public and private schools are struggling to figure out how to bring face-to-face instruction to students during this pandemic. Health risks to students and teachers, parents struggling with child-care options and/or support for virtual learning, and schools’ capacities and budget limitations make this problem a severe logistical challenge. Schools need

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Sertalp B. Cay 0
Visiting all 30 Major League Baseball Stadiums - with Python and SAS® Viya®

Ballpark Chasers A cross-country trip is pretty much an all-American experience, and so is baseball. Traveling around the country to see all 30 Major League Baseball (MLB) stadiums is not a new idea; there's even a social network between so-called "Ballpark Chasers" where people communicate and share their journeys. Even

Advanced Analytics
Jared Erickson 0
Creating Synthetic Data with SAS/OR

A common barrier to quantitative research, especially in health and financial areas, is the inability to share sensitive data due to confidentiality and privacy. It can be difficult and time consuming to get permission to share the data, which means useful research is delayed or not even attempted. However, collaborators seeking

Advanced Analytics
Imre Pólik 0
How good is the MILP solver in SAS/OR?

There has been a lot of speculation over the years about the quality of the optimization solvers in SAS/OR, in particular the mixed integer linear optimization (MILP) solver. Measuring the performance of optimization solvers and comparing different solvers on a test set is a crucial part of modern optimization solver development.

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