SAS Viya Workbench integrates seamlessly with SAS Model Manager for SAS model deployment and monitoring.
SAS Viya Workbench integrates seamlessly with SAS Model Manager for SAS model deployment and monitoring.
SAS' Sophia Rowland breaks down the roles of each team member in a long-term machine learning project and how they can better combine their efforts to increase efficiency and efficacy
El lavado de dinero se continúa posicionando como una de las principales problemáticas ilegales, por su asociación con actividades ilícitas y crímenes financieros. Un reporte de Global Financial Integraty, titulado “Crímenes Financieros en América Latina y el Caribe: entendiendo los desafíos de los países y diseñando respuestas técnicas efectivas”, estimó
What sets the SAS Model Card apart from previous model cards is the use of descriptive visuals, to make model cards accessible to all personas involved in the analytics process, including data scientists, data engineers, MLOPs engineers, managers, executives, risk managers, business analytics, end-users, and any other stakeholder with access to the SAS Viya environment.
Learn how an intern integrated SAS Viya® and open-source code (Python) into a Machine Learning project to combine their strengths within the context of predictive modeling, and to show off the variety of ways this integration can be accomplished.
SAS Decision Builder is a decision intelligence solution, which means that it uses machine learning and automation to augment human decision-making for better and faster insights that drive tactical and strategic business decisions. It’s a cousin to business intelligence and the next step after data engineering and model training, completing the analytics lifecycle to help achieve business goals.
The new SAS Certified Specialist: Statistics for Machine Learning credential is designed to help you showcase your expertise and commitment to staying ahead in the industry.
Cada vez mais as ferramentas de IA apoiam a tomada de decisão e ajudam na criação modelos que identificam tendências e padrões de comportamentos que, juntamente com regras de negócios, permitem que as empresas tomem decisões mais assertivas, seja qual for sua área de atuação. As análises mais avançadas incluem
Mudança cultural interna precisa ser conduzida pela alta gestão e orientada pela criação de um governo mais ágil A adoção de IA e analytics pelo setor público tem evoluído significativamente a forma como o governo opera e toma decisões. Esta transição não apenas melhora a eficiência das operações nos bastidores,
Developing an accurate understanding of statistics will help you build robust machine learning models that are optimized for a given business problem. SAS launched a new course that provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of statistics that you'll need to start your data science journey. This course is also a prerequisite to many courses in the SAS data science curriculum.
No mundo hiperconectado em que vivemos, os consumidores podem ter múltiplas jornadas de compras, com interações por sites, aplicativos, redes sociais ou até mesmo por uma ligação telefônica. Apesar das muitas opções de canais de contato disponíveis, o mais relevante para o cliente é a qualidade e o nível de
Crear mejores experiencias para los consumidores, llevarlas a nuevos niveles y conectar estrechamente con ellos son las principales premisas sobre las que se fundamenta la hiperpersonalización, un término que hoy domina las sesiones de trabajo de las áreas de marketing. Su objetivo principal es combinar datos sobre el comportamiento histórico
Hi! I’m Daniel, a technical intern at SAS and a student at North Carolina State University. Reinforcement learning is an exciting strategy that is versatile and broadly useful in the fields of data science and machine learning. I implemented an intelligent Minesweeper-playing model using SAS reinforcement learning, and this article
Hoy existen miles de proveedores de plataformas de datos para formular estrategias y campañas de marketing basadas en datos. No obstante, las cookies son cada vez más evitadas por aquellos consumidores que desean proteger sus datos en busca de su privacidad. Tanto Firefox como Safari han bloqueado las cookies de
SAS' Brandon Reese the EURO Meets NeurIPS 2022 Vehicle Routing Competition, which combined efforts of operations research and machine learning experts.
SAS Hackathon team, Data Hack Freaks, created an artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) based dynamic pricing approach that allows insurance providers to adjust pricing based on the changing nature of the risk behavior of their customers. This solution has three major components: The loss ratio score, telematics score
IDC 마켓스케이프 보고서에서 MLOps 플랫폼 부문 리더 제품으로 선정된 ‘SAS Model Manager’, DataRobot, Databricks, Dataiku, Domino Data Lab등에 성능 우위 입증 다양한 비즈니스 영역에서 머신러닝의 적용이 점차 활기를 띄며 증가하고 있는 가운데, 많은 IT 리더들은 인공지능과 머신러닝 기술을 선택하고 구현하기 위한 필수 기술로 ‘모델 옵스(이하 ModelOps)’를 지목하고 있습니다. AI타임즈에 따르면,
Dake IT uses augmented intelligence to build models for disease identification to help radiologists analyze scanned images. Medical imaging, such as x-rays and ultrasounds, is widely used across the medical community. From dentists and surgeons to oncologists, physicians everywhere rely on imaging to aid in diagnosing diseases, monitoring the spreading
¿Qué desafíos y avances traerá este 2023? Nadie lo sabe con certeza. El mundo ha experimentado disrupciones y cambios radicales en los últimos años y este 2023 no será la excepción. Por ello es vital que las organizaciones entiendan cómo la tecnología traerá beneficios al crecimiento de su marca. Existen
NeurIPS 2022 allowed researchers and practitioners to share progress and brainstorm new ideas for advancing machine learning and its related fields.
SAS' Marinela Profi and Sophia Rowland elaborate on IDC including SAS among the leading platform providers for Machine Learning Operations.
Anuja Nagpal and Yonglin Zhu of SAS R&D reveal how, MLPA – without any code and within a given timeframe – finds an effective pipeline for a data set after applying data preprocessing, feature engineering and modeling with hyperparameter tuning.
SAS' Bahar Biller expounds on the idea that stochastic simulations are large-data generation programs for highly complex and dynamic stochastic systems.
The landscape of supply chains has changed rapidly due to unforeseen disruptions. These changes include supply chain bottlenecks, inflation and geopolitical activities across retail and consumer goods industries. Retail supply chains are under immense pressure to keep up with these rapid changes. Innovators have been quick to take advantage of
Hace un par de semanas participé en un torneo de fútbol 7 con mis compañeros de SAS. Mientras calentábamos, uno de los más jóvenes se puso las manos en las rodillas, las flexionó, las estiró un par de veces y dijo: "Vamos a hacer un calentamiento noventero". Se partió de
Este recurso está diseñado principalmente para científicos de datos, analistas principiantes o intermedios que están interesados en identificar y aplicar algoritmos de machine learning para abordar los problemas de su interés. Una pregunta típica de un principiante, cuando se enfrenta a una gran variedad de algoritmos de machine learning, es:
The advantage of using SAS PROC KPCA is that you can preprocess your data so that you can classify groups with nonlinear classification boundaries.
El Buen Fin 2022, el evento comercial más esperado por millones de consumidores mexicanos tendrá lugar del 18 al 21 de noviembre. A lo largo de una semana, estarán a su disposición productos y servicios, promociones especiales y esquemas de pago de meses sin intereses. La derrama económica esperada de
SAS® Fast-KPCA implementation bypasses the limitations of exact KPCA methods. SAS® internally uses k-means to find a representative sample of a subset of points. This row reduction method has the advantage that c centroids are chosen to minimize the variation of points nearest to each centroid and maximize the variation to the other cluster centroids. In some cases, the downstream effect of using k-means on computing the SVD increases numerical stability and improves clustering, discrimination, and classification.
I will show you how to deploy multi-stage deep learning (DL) models in SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) and leverage ESP on Edge via Docker containers to identify events of interest.