With the cost-of-living crisis continuing and the UK now in a recession, industries have to acclimatise to shifting market trends and consumer behaviour to maintain revenue and hit sales targets. The telecommunications industry is susceptible to consumers’ different priorities in times of economic hardship - many consumers will stick with
Tag: customer experience
Tal y como comentamos durante el evento realizado con Expansión y McKinsey en nuestras oficinas, en el contexto de incertidumbre actual, las aseguradoras han tenido que subirse al tren de la digitalización para seguir creciendo. La crisis del COVID como acelerador de la digitalización en el sector seguros En un
If you're a marketer, you've likely heard the words "customer experience" tossed about for years. All the buzz is for a good reason: Positive customer experience (CX) increases profitability and improves employee engagement. But amid the spotlight on CX, many marketers are missing a key strategic element necessary to make
How can retailers start to navigate the current market volatility and risks and mitigate supply chain disruption?
Em anos recentes e especialmente depois da aceleração no e-commerce ocasionada pela Covid-19, evoluir abordagens em experiência do cliente (CX) se tornou prioritário para organizações de sucesso. A IDC prevê que investimentos globais em tecnologias nesta frente, que permitem geração de insights em tempo real e marketing personalizado, devem chegar
Design thinking, also known as collaborative design, is a way of innovating that puts customer needs above everything else. It requires you to observe how people really use products and interact with their environment in a very hands-on way, and feed that into your creative process. Design thinking is not
In today's environment, data is exceedingly important but also increasingly harder to get and manage. A reliable customer data platform (CDP) can provide significant value to retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies. Customer data platforms are used to consolidate and integrate customer and consumer data into a single data source. CDP
Why are some companies just so much better at customer experience? Last week’s #SASchat explored the defining characteristics of CX champions. As a member of the Global Practice Customer Intelligence team, I found this to be a very interesting discussion, and I certainly learned a lot. Here are my key
En el sector Seguros el precio es fundamental. Se trata de un tipo de productos que los clientes saben que es necesario contratar, pero esperan no tener que usarlos nunca, por lo que, en teoría y tradicionalmente, quieren pagar por ellos lo menos posible. Por su parte, las compañías de
Já não há mais dúvidas. As organizações estão migrando para a nuvem, seja para otimizar o TCO, seja para ter mais agilidade para alcançar seus objetivos de negócios. Afinal, contar com infraestrutura, software e serviços na nuvem oferece a flexibilidade e o poder de processamento necessários para o sucesso dos
Com metáforas interessantes, comparando dados e tecnologia com fazendas e foguetes, Kendji Wolf se orgulha dos algoritmos e das conquistas na Via Varejo. Atualmente a companhia conta com a Via Hubby, que administra toda parte tecnológica da empresa, como sistemas, arquitetura e dados. O executivo abre um parênteses para reflexão:
Vitor Vicente, head de vendas para telecom e varejo do SAS, e Eduardo Yamashita, diretor de operações do Ecossistema Gouvêa, abrem o SAS Retail Summit Brasil falando sobre as tendências para o setor de varejo. Vicente explica que a visão do SAS permeia a estratégia da digitalização em três grandes
“No one wants to be sold to, not even the most eager buyer in the world,” says Farnoosh Brock, a corporate trainer, speaker and writer. Brock is also an engineer and author of the book, The Serving Mindset: Stop Selling and Grow Your Business. She is a proponent of selling
An ideal quartet formation of a rock band consists of a voice, an electric guitar, a bass, and a drum kit. What else do we need to enjoy our favorite tunes and get inspired? There's another great quartet that could bring you fresh ideas and that is the insurance industry.
Vivemos tempos de mudanças rápidas e intensas. As inovações tecnológicas cada vez mais impactam as vidas das pessoas e das organizações, que precisam instantaneamente acompanhar o acelerado passo da digitalização. Observamos isso como nunca antes no ano de 2020. Espelho disso foi a evolução da computação em nuvem, tecnologia que
Data should alleviate strain instead of causing new pain Recent research from SAS and Accenture underlines what many of us already knew anecdotally. Marketers are increasingly frustrated by their inability to obtain and leverage insights into customer behavior. Marketing teams have data – heaps of data – but they are unable
Actuarial practice has always been analytical—so how much is advanced analytics disrupting this element of insurance? We discussed this issue in a recent #SASchat. The importance of competitive pricing Analytics is now being used in more and more areas in insurance, and particularly to tailor pricing more precisely to customers’
During the pandemic, millions of people have made the leap to digital banking. Identity analytics can help banks provide a delightful customer experience while keeping fraudsters out in the cold. Fraud is often seen as a cost centre for banks, but there’s an opportunity for fraud teams to become a
„Ich wusste gar nicht, dass man bei Ihnen einfach so anrufen kann.“
Economists and forecasters have painted a gloomy picture of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on UK society. The impact of lockdowns and travel restrictions on many sectors of the economy was expected to put businesses at risk and pull millions of families into financial hardship. In the energy and
The introduction of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)’s new policy on pricing practices in the general insurance market is one of the biggest shake-ups the insurance industry has seen in more than a decade. It’s not just a significant implementation challenge that needs to be delivered in a short deadline.
Es evidente que las empresas de las telecomunicaciones operan hoy en un entorno complicado que las obliga a tomar decisiones estratégicas importantes que van a definir su negocio en el futuro. Específicamente, son cuatro los factores que influyen en dicho contexto y que tienen un peso significativo en el momento
“We live in disruptive times… where the only constant is a change” – this statement seems very accurate to the situation we face today. The funny thing is that this is a quote from an ancient philosopher Heraclitus of Efez, who had said it almost 2500 years ago! The “new
Avec la crise sanitaire, le monde du retail s’est profondément transformé. Comment s’adapter aux changements et comment anticiper le retour à la normale ? Et surtout, quelle sera cette nouvelle normalité ? Les contraintes et restrictions qui accompagnent la crise sanitaire ont eu divers impacts sur la consommation, dont une
Comment parvenir à diminuer ses temps de réponse lorsque des situations imprévues surviennent ? Comment tenir compte des grandes étapes vécues par les clients, qu’ils soient particuliers ou entreprises ? En centralisant la donnée, en approfondissant sa connaissance client et en misant résolument sur le temps réel. Que ce soit lors
La pandemia fue un detonador clave del avance del comercio electrónico en México. Para muestra, la Asociación Mexicana de Ventas Online (AMVO), concluye en su Estudio de Venta Online 2021 que este medio de compra alcanzó un valor de $316,000 millones de pesos a lo largo de 2020, lo que
Aimez-vous rêver ? Moi oui et, pour être honnête, je rêve assez souvent. Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler de la banque de mes rêves. Je sais que le sujet est étrange mais pourquoi pas. Alors, à quoi ressembleraient les interactions quotidiennes avec la banque de mes rêves ? Le matin,
El sector bancario está viviendo una profunda renovación a causa de distintos factores. En primer lugar, se enfrenta a la revolución tecnológica que está afectado a todas las organizaciones y áreas de actividad a nivel global. Pero, además, está notando los efectos de un cambio en el sistema financiero que
Pour faire face à l’érosion du niveau de satisfaction des clients vis-à-vis de leur assureur, il est impératif pour ces derniers de moderniser, de fluidifier, mais aussi d’humaniser leur relation client. Une approche centrée sur une connaissance à 360° de l’usager peut répondre au déficit de fidélisation des assurés. Selon
We live in a data-driven world. With touchpoints rapidly multiplying, consumer data continues to increase in volume and complexity. Insights derived from these touchpoints are crucial to improving the context of customer experiences. Investments in digital transformation to achieve a 360-degree customer view are now a necessity. Businesses need to