
Rick Wicklin 0
Four essential sampling methods in SAS

Many simulation and resampling tasks use one of four sampling methods. When you draw a random sample from a population, you can sample with or without replacement. At the same time, all individuals in the population might have equal probability of being selected, or some individuals might be more likely

Data Management
Stuart Rose 0
Big data – game changer for insurers.

A recent survey by Capgemini found that 78% of insurance executive interviewed cited big data analytics as the disruptive force that will have the biggest impact on the insurance industry. That’s the good news. The bad news is that unfortunately traditional data management strategies do not scale to effectively govern

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Infographics using SAS

Infographics are all the rage today.  Open any magazine or newspaper and we see data and numbers everywhere.  Often, such information is displayed by adding some graphical information to add context to the data.  A couple of good examples are Communicating numeric information, and Facts about Hot Dogs. Riley Benson, our UX

Data Management
Matthew Magne 0
Simplify, secure and speed data access with data virtualization

Data virtualization simplifies increasingly complex data architectures Every few months, another vendor claims one environment will replace all others. We know better. What usually happens is an elongated state of coexistence between traditional technology and the newer, sometimes disruptive one. Eventually, one technology sinks into obsolescence, but it usually takes much longer than we expect. Think of

Programming Tips | SAS Administrators
Bobbie Wagoner 0
Accessing the provided Relationship Report in SAS Visual Analytics 7.3

In SAS Visual Analytics 7.3, the usage reports accessed from the administrator includes a relationship report.  This report provides very basic lineage and dependency information for selected object types.  The data to populate this report comes from the middle-tier relationship service.  Once you enable the collection and extraction of this

Advanced Analytics
Detecting Anomalies in the NFL Schedule

Super Bowl 50 (L?) is this Sunday, so it's time for another (American) football-related post. Steven Miller, a mathematics professor at Rutgers University, recently noted that the 2015 NFL schedule allowed a competitive advantage for some teams (including the Carolina Panthers). This figure he generated displays the 2015 regular season

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