
Work & Life at SAS
Katie Seavey Pegoraro 0
Lessons from Danny

My family dog Danny barks at everything...constantly. Knowing this makes the following story even more remarkable: My Dad and Danny were in the backyard when a possum approached from the other side of the fence. Once he caught Danny's attention, rather than running away, the possum continued to approach. Face to face with

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Long category values

The South East SAS Users Group meeting wound up yesterday.  The 25th anniversary conference was held on SAS Campus and it provided a great opportunity to meet with many enthusiastic SAS users and attend many informative presentations.  More on this in a follow-up article. During one of these presentations, Mary

Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
What is a factoid in SAS?

Have you ever seen the "Fit Summary" table from PROC LOESS, as shown to the right? Or maybe you've seen the "Model Information" table that is displayed by some SAS analytical procedures? These tables provide brief interesting facts about a statistical procedure, hence they are called factoids. In SAS, a

Advanced Analytics | Data for Good | Internet of Things
Larry Orimoloye 0
Scaling Internet of Things for dementia using particle filters

Dementia describes different brain disorders that trigger a loss of brain function. These conditions are all usually progressive and eventually severe. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, affecting 62 percent of those diagnosed. Other types of dementia include; vascular dementia affecting 17 percent of those diagnosed, mixed

Data Visualization | Programming Tips
Warren F. Kuhfeld 0
Advanced ODS Graphics: A deeper dive into documents, dynamics, and data objects

You can modify all of the components of the graphs that analytical procedures produce: the data object, graph template, and the dynamic variables. This post takes a closer look at dynamic variables (which you can see by using PROC DOCUMENT) and data objects and explores graphs that are constructed from more than one data object.

Advanced Analytics | SAS Administrators
David Stern 0
Creating and uploading custom icons and map pin icons in SAS® Visual Investigator

SAS Visual Investigator has an attractive user interface. One of its most engaging features is the network diagram, which represents related ‘entities’ and the connections between them, allowing an investigator to see and explore relationships in their source data. For maximum impact, each entity in the network diagram should have an

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Legend order redux

Once in a while you run into a pesky situation that is hard to overcome without resorting to major surgery.  Such a situation occurs when you have a stacked bar chart with a discrete legend positioned vertically on the side of the graph.  A simple example is shown below. title

Data Visualization | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Sanjay Matange 0
Legend items

Plot statements included in the graph definition can contribute to the legend(s).  This can happen automatically, or can be customized using the KEYLEGEND statement.  For plot statements that are classified by a group variable, all of the unique group values are displayed in the legend, along with their graphical representation

Advanced Analytics | Programming Tips
Ryan Lolli 0
Tip and tricks to promote CAS tables from session-scope to global-scope

When loading data into CAS using PROC CASUTIL, you have two choices on how the table can be loaded:  session-scope or global-scope.  This is controlled by the PROMOTE option in the PROC CASUTIL statement. Session-scope loaded proc casutil; load casdata="model_table.sas7bdat" incaslib="ryloll" outcaslib="otcaslib" casout="model_table”; run; Global-scope loaded proc casutil; load casdata="model_table.sas7bdat"

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