Do you wish you could predict the likelihood that one of your customers will open your marketing email? Or what if you could tell whether a new medical treatment for a patient will have a better outcome than the standard treatment? If you are familiar with propensity modeling, then you
Life Sciences
In my previous post, I shared how I’ve been working on a fascinating project with one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. The company is applying SAS Viya computer vision capabilities to an advanced medical device to help identify potential quality issues on the production line. By providing 100% visual
Over the past few months, I’ve been working on a fascinating project with one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies to apply SAS Viya computer vision to help identify potential quality issues on the production line as part of the validated inspection process. As I know the application of these
A continuación, se mencionan algunos ejemplos: Comercio electrónico: La industria de comercio electrónico es probablemente una de las más dinámicas en términos de innovación tecnológica: cada vez que los usuarios interactúan con las aplicaciones y páginas web de las empresas, toda la información es continuamente capturada y representa la
Los científicos de datos altamente calificados y los profesionales analíticos escasean a medida que las organizaciones luchan por encontrar soluciones a problemas empresariales cada vez más complejos. En este entorno, las soluciones de Analítica Avanzada y de Inteligencia Artificial (IA), se presentan como propuestas idóneas, construidas para la velocidad y
A diario los directivos y dueños de las empresas toman decisiones que tienen impacto en sus negocios, por lo que, al incorporar la analítica en sus procesos, pueden tomar mejores decisiones, incluso cuando se tienen que evaluar miles o millones de alternativas como parte de una actividad cotidiana. Sin embargo,
Gespräch mit Helmut Linde von Merck über seine Meetup-Ambitionen. Helmut ist ein begehrter Gastredner in der Data Science Szene Rhein-Main.
Gespräch mit Helmut Linde von Merck über seine Meetup-Ambitionen. Helmut ist ein begehrter Gastredner in der Data Science Szene Rhein-Main.
According to the Price Waterhouse Cooper 2018 Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey, the reported rate of economic crime is on the rise, up to 49% in 2018. That makes the use case I want to share particularly relevant, no matter what industry or sector you're in. This use case
With NHANES data from the CDC, we can use SAS to research the impact of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Special sampling techniques are needed when using these data.
Los seres humanos tenemos una característica –entre muchas que nos hacen únicos– que requiere de la comprensión de nuestros interlocutores para causar el efecto deseado: somos capaces de decir una cosa queriendo expresar un sentimiento completamente diferente. Lo llamamos sarcasmo, ironía o mordacidad. Pero, si a veces es difícil para
The startup ecosystem is dynamic and the flow of venture capital into tech is at an all-time high. Billions of dollars are invested in tech startups every year. Many tech startups market themselves as ‘powered by AI’ and pitch investors with buzzword laden phrases such as, ‘we leverage state of
As you will have read in my last blog, businesses are demanding better outcomes, and through IoT initiatives big data is only getting bigger. This presents a clear opportunity for organisations to start thinking seriously about how to leverage analytics with their other investments. Demands on supply chains have also
While the global pharmaceutical industry has been changing profoundly in the last 15 years, it has also been facing some huge challenges. Growing demand, increased competitiveness, reduced time to market, quality adherence and the spiralling cost of developing new drugs have increased pressure on pharma companies to deliver on tighter
SAS코리아가 6월 20일 삼성동 코엑스 인터컨티넨탈 호텔에서 국내 주요 제약 및 임상시험수탁기관(CRO) 산업 관계자를 대상으로 ‘제약산업의 데이터 분석과 리포트 시각화: SAS 분석 프레임워크 소개와 활용 방안 및 시각화 데모’ 세미나를 성황리에 개최했습니다. SAS는 이번 세미나에서 데이터 분석 인사이트에 기반한 제약 기업의 신규 비즈니스 창출 방안과 글로벌 기업의 선진 사례를 통한
Technological advancements are changing every industry – and the health care industry is no exception. The value of AI has never been greater than when it’s used to improve patients’ conditions and save lives. For example, Cancer Center Amsterdam joined forces with SAS to improve patient care outcomes with AI.
When Jack Shostak and I first started thinking about writing a SAS book on implementing CDISC (Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium) standards, we held one truth to be self-evident: that at least some parts of the book would be outdated before it was even published. Thanks to some lucky timing
El uso de herramientas de analítica avanzada permite a las organizaciones desplegar capacidades de “Customer Decisioning” para entregar a sus clientes una experiencia de consumo excepcional, gracias a una mayor relevancia en cada interacción. En la actualidad, los clientes esperan una experiencia perfecta, altamente personalizada y relevante ya sea en
Si reconoces que el análisis de datos es fundamental para el éxito de tu organización, entre el 28 de abril y el 1 de mayo tienes que estar en Dallas, Texas, la sede del evento más importante del ámbito de la analítica avanzada. ¿Qué motivos justificarían el viaje? Podríamos señalar
One of the key health trends we’ll continue to follow in 2019 is the flood of medical and personal data that, if managed and analyzed properly, could help health care organizations provide better care, life sciences companies deliver better therapies and individuals make smarter lifestyle choices. Sounds great, but there
The first person to live to 150 has already been born. When I first heard this controversial idea, popularized by biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey of the SENS Research Foundation, it gave me chills. It’s amazing to think we could have 50 more years to spend with loved ones and
The potential for artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to transform the way health care and therapies are delivered is tremendous. It’s not surprising that the health care and life sciences industries are being flooded with information about how these new technologies will change everything. While it’s
I love my job, but I am not a morning person so I need a bit of inspiration to get out of bed. I’ve been a marketer for more than 15 years, and that inspiration has never been easier to find than since I joined SAS as an industry marketer
Singer-songwriter David Wilcox kept me out of prison. That’s not a country song gone bad – it’s a real-life experience. Almost two decades ago, I attended a David Wilcox concert in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina. His songs have always hooked my heart, and one in particular caught my attention that
La llegada de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial ha significado una ruptura de paradigmas en los diferentes sectores de la economía, no solo porque se ha traducido en el nacimiento de empresas con core digital capaces de repensar las industrias en las que operan, sino porque también tiene mucho que ver con
The SAS 9.4M6 software includes a new SGPIE procedure (preproduction) as introduced in the recent article - The SGPIE Procedure. In that article, I described the basic features of the two statements supported in the procedure, the PIE and the DONUT, with some examples. It is my humble opinion that
A few days back I published an article on including more subject data in a Waterfall graph. This was motivated by the desire from many users to view more data in the same graph, thus avoiding the need to refer to different graphs for the relevant information. In this case,
El universo de los datos es una realidad que está evolucionando más rápido de lo que muchos esperaban. Su impacto en los negocios ha sido tal, que la gran mayoría de las empresas están implementando o pensando en implementar soluciones de analítica que les permitan consolidar toda la información que
Any of you who are even slightly into politics, or have followed any news lately, have probably seen something about the DNA test Elizabeth Warren took to prove/disprove her Native American ancestry. The test indicates she might have had a Native American ancestor 6 to 10 generations ago. That's a
En los últimos 25 años las ciudades colombianas han venido expandiendo su territorio y han aumentado su demanda de recursos naturales y servicios vitales. Esto lo sustentan las cifras del DANE que muestran que en 2017, 76% de la población colombiana se concentró en ciudades frente a un 24% que