The flu season has started here in the U.S., and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data it has caused 214 deaths in the first week of 2020. Is this number higher, or lower, than usual? When does the flu season start, and how long does
Health Care
Cuando hablamos de convertir datos en inteligencia no solamente estamos haciendo referencia a obtener de ellos conocimiento para tomar las mejores decisiones. También se trata de tener formas de comunicación mucho más efectivas e impactantes a través de capacidades avanzadas de visualización, para lograr que el conocimiento sea realmente usado
The new method tackles the challenge of missing features under the multi-task learning framework. The proposed method is effective for prediction and model estimation when missing data is present.
A continuación, se mencionan algunos ejemplos: Comercio electrónico: La industria de comercio electrónico es probablemente una de las más dinámicas en términos de innovación tecnológica: cada vez que los usuarios interactúan con las aplicaciones y páginas web de las empresas, toda la información es continuamente capturada y representa la
Los científicos de datos altamente calificados y los profesionales analíticos escasean a medida que las organizaciones luchan por encontrar soluciones a problemas empresariales cada vez más complejos. En este entorno, las soluciones de Analítica Avanzada y de Inteligencia Artificial (IA), se presentan como propuestas idóneas, construidas para la velocidad y
A diario los directivos y dueños de las empresas toman decisiones que tienen impacto en sus negocios, por lo que, al incorporar la analítica en sus procesos, pueden tomar mejores decisiones, incluso cuando se tienen que evaluar miles o millones de alternativas como parte de una actividad cotidiana. Sin embargo,
Los datos, y sobre todo su significado y usabilidad, se han ido transformando con el tiempo. Anteriormente hablar de datos era pensar en unos y ceros, en tablas estáticas o incluso en materiales que no se aprovechaban. Hoy, pensar en datos es pensar en la fuente principal de las historias,
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Value-Based Payments (VBP), health care’s new magic, “silver bullet” that will solve all our fraud problems. Last month, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued a press release entitled, “HHS Proposes Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute Reforms to Support Value-Based and
According to the Price Waterhouse Cooper 2018 Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey, the reported rate of economic crime is on the rise, up to 49% in 2018. That makes the use case I want to share particularly relevant, no matter what industry or sector you're in. This use case
I suffer from arthritis. You can tell just by watching me walk: Depending on the day, I have a slight limp, which varies in severity based on a number of factors such as the time of day and recent physical activity. Years of treatment for my condition have shown me
With NHANES data from the CDC, we can use SAS to research the impact of endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Special sampling techniques are needed when using these data.
Analytics-based approaches in healthcare offer a new way of thinking about fraud. They are able to predict potential events.
Por José Mutis O. *Post basado en la presentación de David McDonald en SAS Forum Colombia Desde siempre, pero especialmente en la actualidad, el mundo ha estado en un proceso de transformación constante. Las nuevas tecnologías y procesos que han surgido de la nueva era digital hacen que hoy más
Artificial intelligence has great potential to improve the lives of so many people, especially in the health sector. In Holland, for example, the Amsterdam Medical Center uses computer vision to process patient data, and particularly images. With SAS’ help, it is moving closer to a position where it can deliver
SAS코리아가 6월 20일 삼성동 코엑스 인터컨티넨탈 호텔에서 국내 주요 제약 및 임상시험수탁기관(CRO) 산업 관계자를 대상으로 ‘제약산업의 데이터 분석과 리포트 시각화: SAS 분석 프레임워크 소개와 활용 방안 및 시각화 데모’ 세미나를 성황리에 개최했습니다. SAS는 이번 세미나에서 데이터 분석 인사이트에 기반한 제약 기업의 신규 비즈니스 창출 방안과 글로벌 기업의 선진 사례를 통한
Technological advancements are changing every industry – and the health care industry is no exception. The value of AI has never been greater than when it’s used to improve patients’ conditions and save lives. For example, Cancer Center Amsterdam joined forces with SAS to improve patient care outcomes with AI.
Cases of the measles have certainly been making headlines in the news recently. And with all the data at our disposal these days, it seems like we should be able to predict which areas in the US are most likely to have measles outbreaks, eh? A group of independent researchers
Sin duda, el liderazgo es una de las habilidades fundamentales que garantiza nuestro éxito en el mundo de los negocios, y como mujeres, siempre nos hemos visto en la obligación de respaldar cada uno de nuestros logros a través de un fuerte compromiso laboral. Sin embargo, ser una mujer trabajadora
Hoy en día, las organizaciones necesitan analítica de alto rendimiento para mejorar todos sus indicadores de negocio, ya no es un lujo: es una necesidad. La transformación digital y el análisis empresarial son una prioridad en la agenda de muchas empresas que buscan destacar en un mundo hiper competitivo que
As we honor Mental Health Month, there are many calls to reduce suffering. Seems reasonable, right? It’s even in California’s Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), where public systems are called to “reduce subjective suffering.” And as we broadly focus more on outcomes in health, measuring suffering (and hopefully its reduction)
Para quienes trabajamos en el mundo de la analítica, nos resulta cada vez más sencillo explicar cuál es el impacto social de nuestro trabajo y por qué el desarrollo de esta ciencia -que tomamos profesionalmente- es un tema que nos apasiona tanto. Nosotros sabemos que la analítica es capaz de cambiar el
지난 2월, 미국 노스캐롤라이나(NC)주는 SAS 및 InterSystems와 제휴하여 주 정보기술부(North Carolina Department of Information Technology; NC DIT) 산하의 ‘건강 정보 교환 센터(Health Information Exchanges; HIE)’ NC HealthConnex의 현대화 소식을 발표했습니다. NC HealthConnex는 향상된 진료 서비스와 환자의 안전을 지원하고 진료 이전을 용이하게 하며, 주 전역에 걸쳐 4,500개 이상의 의료 시설에 관련
According to the World Cancer Research Fund, Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with 12.3% of new cancer patients in 2018 suffering from breast cancer. Early detection can significantly improve treatment value, however, the interpretation of cancer images heavily depends on the experience of doctors and technicians. The
El uso de herramientas de analítica avanzada permite a las organizaciones desplegar capacidades de “Customer Decisioning” para entregar a sus clientes una experiencia de consumo excepcional, gracias a una mayor relevancia en cada interacción. En la actualidad, los clientes esperan una experiencia perfecta, altamente personalizada y relevante ya sea en
Si reconoces que el análisis de datos es fundamental para el éxito de tu organización, entre el 28 de abril y el 1 de mayo tienes que estar en Dallas, Texas, la sede del evento más importante del ámbito de la analítica avanzada. ¿Qué motivos justificarían el viaje? Podríamos señalar
Here in the US, there's a lot of talk about the flu each year. First, people discuss whether or not to get the flu shot. Then there are discussions about whether or not you or your friends have the flu (or something else). Then the discussions about what strain of
This is the fifth and final post in my series of posts about the deep learning model I developed to detect tumors in 3D CT scans of livers. My last post talked about visualizing the results of the computer vision project. This post will cover model accuracy and the final
I am obsessed with jigsaw puzzles. Specifically, 1000-piece mystery puzzles, entertaining not just for their pictorial humor, but also for the challenge. Unlike traditional puzzles, you don't know what you are putting together because the completed puzzle isn't pictured on the box. Mystery puzzles are constructed so that you must
I was recently honored to share the stage with government and medical leaders to discuss ways to impact the nation’s opioid epidemic. Hosted by The Washington Post, this event included often spirited conversations on ways to solve this national crisis. As the medical director for SAS US Government, I have
This is the fourth post in my series about a computer vision project I worked on to identify liver tumors in CT scans. In my previous post, I had taken a break from my deep learning model to work on data management and data labeling. Now, I’ll return to the