Start off the New Year by brushing up your SAS programming skills! Begin your goal to become SAS certified or explore these New SAS books and other SAS Press titles, many of which will be making their bookshelf debut at SAS® Global Forum 2018 in Denver, CO! Want to be notified when a new book
予測モデル生成において、従来は、人が考えてデータの中から特徴を抽出する必要がありましたが、ディープラーニングでは、この特徴を自動的に抽出して学習することが可能になっています。 半面、どのように特徴が抽出されているのかに関しては、基本的にはブラックボックスであり、説明責任が求められるような業務要件では、その分析結果を業務に活用することが難しい場合もあります。 しかし、近年ディープラーニングから出てきた結果の根拠=判断根拠を可視化する手法がいくつか考案されてきています。 関連情報サイト: SAS Viyaでは、各種のディープラーニング(DNN, CNN, RNN)を用いた学習が可能ですが、今回はCNNを用いた画像認識において、判断根拠となり得る情報の出力に関してご紹介します。 この例は、複数のイルカの画像をCNNで学習し、対象の画像(写真)がイルカなのかどうかを判別するものです。 モデルを作成後、以下の画像をモデルに当てはめてスコアリングを実施。 この画像は「イルカ」だと判定されたのですが、その判断根拠の一つとして、以下のように、この画像のどの部分がより重要であると判断されているのかを可視化することが可能になっています。 【レイヤー1のfeature map】 【レイヤー18のfeature map】 SAS Viyaでは、モデルのスコアリング時のオプションとして、指定したレイヤ(層)の特徴マップ(feature map)を画像として指定ライブラリに出力することが可能です。 >> スコアリング用のアクション:”dlScore” の layerOut={出力先ライブラリとテーブル名} オプションと layers={出力対象レイヤ名} オプション >> 上図はライブラリに出力された画像(feature map)を表示したものです。
Your statistical software probably provides a function that computes quantiles of common probability distributions such as the normal, exponential, and beta distributions. Because there are infinitely many probability distributions, you might encounter a distribution for which a built-in quantile function is not implemented. No problem! This article shows how to
What is Forecast Value Added? Please enhance your Valentine's Day with this treat offered up by the Journal of Business Forecasting. Eric Wilson's very nice discussion of Forecast Value Added, originally published in the Spring 2016 issue of JBF, is now available online: "What is Forecast Value Added?" Eric also
You might have seen a SAS Global Forum infographic floating around the web. And maybe you wondered how you might create something similar using SAS software? If so, then this blog's for you - I have created my own version of the infographic using SAS/Graph, and I'll show you how
When I first learned to program in SAS, I remember being confused about the difference between CLASS statements and BY statements. A novice SAS programmer recently asked when to use one instead of the other, so this article explains the difference between the CLASS statement and BY variables in SAS
전 세계가 눈 한 번 깜짝할 사이도 안 되는 찰나의 순간에 울고 웃습니다. 바로 냉혹해서 더 감동적인 스포츠 경기 때문인데요. 스포츠에서 정밀하게 시간을 측정하는 전문가 ‘타임 키퍼’의 역할은 매우 중요합니다. 덕분에 동계 스포츠의 꽃인 스피드 스케이팅은 1000분의 1초까지 시간을 측정할 수 있을 정도로 관련 기술이 빠르게 발전하고 있죠. 전 세계
Kürzlich habe ich mich sehr amüsiert über eine Reportage im Fernsehen: Man fragte Jugendliche, was sie mal beruflich machen wollen, und die Antworten waren „YouTube-Star“, „DJ“ und immer wieder auch „Influencer“. Letzteres ruft gerade bei der Ü30-Generation Verwunderung hervor, da man irgendwie an Grippe denkt – die Aussprache ist gleich,
Todd Wright summarizes several GDPR-related blog posts that cover topics ranging from what the GDPR means to how you can manage consent.
2월, 봄기운을 느끼기에는 아직 추운 날씨지만 꽃 수요가 집중된다고 하는데요. 바로 2월 14일 발렌타인 데이와 졸업식 시즌 때문입니다. 올해도 어김없이 거리는 로맨틱한 분홍빛으로 물들고 있는데요. 이맘때면 초콜릿, 셔츠, 넥타이, 향수 등 선물 고르기에 골머리를 앓는 분들도 많아지죠. 물질만으로 사랑하는 마음을 다 표현할 수는 없기에 더욱 어려운 일인 것 같습니다. 그런데
In the hype and excitement surrounding artificial intelligence and big data, most of us miss out on critical aspects related to collection, processing, handling and analyzing data. It's important for data science practitioners to understand these critical aspects and add a human touch to big data. What are these aspects?
Did you know that SAS can combine or "merge" a symbol and a line pattern into a single legend item, as shown below? This kind of legend is useful when you are overlaying a group of curves onto a scatter plot. It enables the reader to quickly associate values of
As the old saying goes, the only constant is change. The corollary that I’ll add is this: and the pace of change feels like it's directly proportional to Moore’s Law. Utilities used to be favorites for conservative investors. Smooth. Steady. When there was change, it was incremental. But today, uncertainty
This is a guest blog by Hayden Dawes, LCSW, LCAS-A, as part of the Work/Life February Relationships Series. We offer our sincere thanks to Hayden for volunteering to contribute! As we head into Valentine's week of 2018, I am struck at the differences as to how children and adults typically celebrate
Want to see my newly minted certified professional badge? Scroll down to take a peek. Yes, I managed to successfully complete the Base SAS Programmer certification exam… with, ahem, flying colors I might add. Here are my tips to tackle the Base SAS certification exam: 1. Get clear on the
우리 모두가 개인 비서의 도움을 받는 세상, 상상이 가시나요? 어쩌면 빠르게 다가올지도 모르겠습니다. 바로 가상 비서, 챗봇 기술의 발전 덕분인데요! 챗봇(chatbot)은 채팅(chatting)과 로봇(robot)의 합성어로 자연어 처리(NLP; Natural Language Processing)와 인공지능(AI)을 이용해 사람과의 대화를 시뮬레이션하고 응답을 도출하는 컴퓨터 프로그램입니다. 쉽게 말해 사람의 이야기에 알맞은 답이나 정보를 제공할 수 있는 기계죠. 단순하고 자동화된 작업을 처리할
Jim Harris considers the technical infrastructure challenges of data preparation for streaming data.
If N random people are in a room, the classical birthday problem provides the probability that at least two people share a birthday. The birthday problem does not consider how many birthdays are in common. However, a generalization (sometimes called the Multiple-Birthday Problem) examines the distribution of the number of
In an earlier blog, I asked you to participate in CertMag/GoCertify’s Annual IT Salary survey. The response was fantastic and I’m happy to report that we made the list of the Top 75 IT certifications out of more than 900. This marks the first time SAS has been part of
Wenn ich mir die Zielbilder eigentlich aller Unternehmen in Bezug auf den Umgang mit ihren Kunden anschaue, so fällt immer dieselbe Aussage ins Auge: „Wir möchten den Kunden in den Mittelpunkt stellen und ihm ein positives Kundenerlebnis bieten“. SUPER! Das ist 1) nichts Neues und klingt 2) fast zu schön,
This article simulates the birthday-matching problem in SAS. The birthday-matching problem (also called the birthday problem or birthday paradox) answers the following question: "if there are N people in a room, what is the probability that at least two people share a birthday?" The birthday problem is famous because the
Forecasting Research Survey The Centre for Marketing Analytics and Forecasting at Lancaster University is conducting a new study on how demand forecasters do forecasting. They invite all practitioners who are working with forecasts, such as demand planners and supply managers, to take part in the study. The survey is anonymous
Can felons vote? This seemed like a simple question, but I realized that I wasn't 100% sure of the answer. Therefore I looked into the data ... and apparently "it depends". Follow along and see how I created a map to help answer this question. But before we take the
This is a guest blog by Shelly Hummel, LMFT and Carole Cullen, LMFT as part of the Work/Life February Relationships Series. We offer our sincere thanks to Shelley and Carole for volunteering to contribute! Jennifer and Dave have been married for 3 years. “We have a huge argument every December
Wahrscheinlich schreibt Richard David Precht gerade an einem Buch über künstliche Intelligenz – und es wäre wirklich nicht schlecht, wenn sich möglichst viele Menschen so genau wie möglich über dieses Thema informieren könnten, ohne selbst Spezialist sein zu müssen. Denn, das ist 2017 bereits klar geworden, künstliche Intelligenz betrifft uns
For the past few years, I've been hearing from many news sources that Detroit is the most violent large city in the US. If the news is saying this, then the data should corroborate it, eh? Well, of course I decided to check for myself... When comparing crime data across
Do you know what the #1 fear in North America is? Most people say fear of public speaking or fear of death, but you may just want to consider this new fear upping the charts - the fear of writing a SAS Certification exam! The real test begins before even
@philsimon provides more thoughts about the opportunity that GDPR provides marketing departments.
Kundenerfahrungen in Echtzeit genießen einerseits hohe Priorität in Marketingabteilungen vieler Unternehmen, die Umsetzung ist andererseits vielfach noch eine Herausforderung. Da der Marktdruck durch das Internet und die Digitalisierung immer größer wird, sind die Unternehmen gezwungen, ihren (potenziellen und realen) Kunden ein Erlebnis während der Interaktion oder im Dialog zu vermitteln,
This article shows how to construct a "stacked band plot" in SAS, as shown to the right. (Click to enlarge.) You are probably familiar with a stacked bar chart in which the cumulative amount of some quantity is displayed by stacking the contributions of several groups. A canonical example is