
Advanced Analytics
Natalia Summerville 0
Maximize product quality with Optimization and Machine Learning models

Machine Learning models are becoming widely used to formulate and describe processes’ key metrics across different industry fields.  There is also an increasing need for the integration of these Machine Learning (ML) models with other Advanced Analytics methodologies, such as Optimization. Specifically, in the manufacturing industry, SAS explored state-of-the-art science

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
KiWan Lee 0
금융산업 Analytics 고도화를 위한 주요 트렌드

Contents 변화는 기회를 만든다! 2021년 주요 변화 동인 금융산업 Analytics 고도화를 위한 주요 Trends 변화는 기회를 만든다! 1968년 멕시코 올림픽 이전에 육상 높이뛰기는 ‘엎드려뛰기’나 ‘가위뛰기’가 일반적인 방식이었으며, 200cm 이상을 뛰어야 메달권에 들어갈 수 있었다. 하지만, 1963년 메드퍼드 고등학교 2학년에 재학 중이던 Dick Fosbury는 높이뛰기 선수 테스트에서 160cm를 넘는데 실패하였다. 사실

Advanced Analytics
Automated linearization in SAS Optimization

Linear programming (LP) and mixed integer linear programming (MILP) solvers are powerful tools. Many real-world business problems, including facility location, production planning, job scheduling, and vehicle routing, naturally lead to linear optimization models. Sometimes a model that is not quite linear can be transformed to an equivalent linear model to reduce

Rick Wicklin 0
The Farey sequence

Here is an interesting math question: How many reduced fractions in the interval (0, 1) have a denominator less than 100? The question is difficult is because of the word "reduced." If we only care about the total number of fractions in (0,1) whose denominator is less than 100, we

Mike Gilliland 0
Tom Wallace (1935-2021)

We learned this week of the passing of one of the giants in our field, Tom Wallace. Tom was as gracious and fine a gentleman as you'll meet. Through his writing, teaching, and consulting work -- in frequent collaboration with Bob Stahl -- tens of thousands of industry practitioners have

Philip Jones 0
A unique partnership helps identify unmet needs in the energy and utilities industry

Utilities all over the country are facing multiple disruptions, from climate change to distributed energy generation to a growing need to embrace digital transformation. These challenges are more pronounced for midsize public power utilities, which are community-owned, not-for-profit and often more vulnerable to economic challenges than investor-owned utilities. As new

Programming Tips
Rick Wicklin 0
Pi and products

This is my Pi Day post for 2021. Every year on March 14th (written 3/14 in the US), geeky mathematicians and their friends celebrate "all things pi-related" because 3.14 is the three-decimal approximation to pi. Most years I write about lower-case pi (π), which is the ratio of a circle's

Advanced Analytics
Joe Mueller 0
SAS Conversation Designer: interacting with APIs

By making requests through API calls you can expand the functionality of the bots you make with SAS Conversation Designer; allowing your bots to query external sources for up-to-date information, score a model, and many other possibilities. This is very beneficial as SAS Conversation Designer is included in many offerings of the modernized SAS Viya platform, meaning you can easily create bots that are integrated with the other services of the SAS Viya platform or third-party services.

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