IDC measures advanced & predictive analytics in its annual Worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics Software Market Shares* report – and has consistently ranked SAS as the #1 market leader for over two decades!
Las empresas buscan innovar constantemente y lanzar productos novedosos al mercado. Sin embargo, por la urgencia de adelantarse a la competencia, pueden pasar por alto etapas como investigar más a fondo el mercado y conocer las necesidades de los consumidores. Para que un proyecto de innovación alcance el éxito que
This June the Work/Life Relationship Series sent emails for three weeks with relationship research, insights and tips. A weekly email also provided questions for conversations and closeness. I'm sure many of us may find ourselves occasionally staring silently at our partners, friends or family, as we continue to endure these
Graphing data is almost always more informative than displaying a table of summary statistics. In a recent article about "dynamite plots," I briefly mentioned that graphs such as box plots and strip plots are better at showing data than graphs that merely show the mean and standard deviation. This article
Tropical Storm Ana, which formed in May this year, officially made 2021 the seventh consecutive year that a storm formed before the season's designated start. Since then we have seen a number of storms, representative of an increase of severe weather over the past few years, especially as we remember
“Bias is not inhuman. To have bias is absolutely human,” says Banu Raghuraman. If data enthusiasts are going to break the cycle of bias, however, “we have to be more aware of where the data is coming from, what it’s trying to tell us and how we can break the
Word embeddings are the learned representations of words within a set of documents. Each word or term is represented as a real-valued vector within a vector space. Terms or words that reside closer to each other within that vector space are expected to share similar meanings. Thus, embeddings try to capture the meaning of each word or term through its relationships with the other words in the corpus.
Written by Valeria Ravani Since the pandemic began, travel has been restricted to help curb the spread of COVID-19. We’re all eager for the days when we can travel again – for work, or for pleasure! Until that time comes, we’re going to take you on a virtual world tour,
The field of probability and statistics is full of asymptotic results. The Law of Large Numbers and the Central Limit Theorem are two famous examples. An asymptotic result can be both a blessing and a curse. For example, consider a result that says that the distribution of some statistic converges
A recent report suggests that the current state of climate change is alarming. Climate change puts billions of people at risk of events like extreme hurricane seasons and rising sea levels. However, data and analytics play a critical role in informing us about the situation, planning ahead, and raising awareness
The SAS/IML language supports lists, which are containers that store other objects, such as matrices and other lists. A primary use of lists is to pack objects of various types into a single symbol that can be passed to and from modules. A useful feature of using lists is that
Earth’s natural capital deserves protection – for our sake and for the future. Analytics can help.
In this Q&A with MIT/SMR Connections, Iain Brown, SAS’s head of data science for the United Kingdom and Ireland, discusses technical readiness for AI, customer adoption trends, IT’s changing role, and mission-critical considerations for technology and talent. Q: What does it mean, from both a technology and a cultural standpoint,
I’m a Leo and love the sun and the sea! There is something magical about the ocean breeze, the sand between my toes and the glistening sun on the ocean waves as they easily flow in and out in a rhythmic, calm manner. I imagine the seaweed beneath the water’s
I previously wrote about one way to solve the partition problem in SAS. In the partition problem, you divide (or partition) a set of N items into two groups of size k and N-k such that the sum of the items' weights is the same in each group. For example,
As organizations increasingly use artificial intelligence to collect and analyze data and identify individuals, the topic of ethical AI often rears its head. Last year, Michigan's Integrated Data Automated System flagged more than 540,000 unemployment claims as possibly fraudulent. Thousands of state residents’ accounts were inaccurately flagged, making it almost
The partition problem has many variations, but recently I encountered it as an interactive puzzle on a computer. (Try a similar game yourself!) The player is presented with an old-fashioned pan-balance scale and a set of objects of different weights. The challenge is to divide (or partition) the objects into
The International Institute of Forecasters and SAS® are funding two $10,000 grants to support research on forecasting. Per the announcement: For the eighteenth year, the IIF, in collaboration with SAS®, is proud to announce financial support for research on improving forecasting methods and business forecasting practice. The award for this year will be
모든 것이 빠르게 변화하는 디지털 트랜스포메이션 시대에 신속하고 유연하게 대응할 수 있는 기업 역량을 갖추는 것은 성공적인 비즈니스의 필수 요소가 되었습니다. 비즈니스 신속성과 유연성을 갖추기 위해서는 데이터 기반의 의사결정이 핵심인데요. 모든 산업 분야에서 변화의 중심에 있는 다양하고 복잡한 데이터를 분석하고 새로운 가치를 만들어내는 것은 더 이상 IT팀만의 업무는 아닙니다. 기존의
In an episode of The Health Pulse hosted by Greg Horne, we learn about Dawnté Early, PhD, whose idea and mission is to transform the mental health system so that everyone who needs care receives high-quality and culturally competent care. Early's work focuses on bringing together individual mental health data
SAS는 마이크로소프트에 이어 아마존, 구글, 레드햇 등 파트너십을 확대하고 있으며, 50여 IoT기술 기업과 협력하고 있습니다. SAS 브라이언 해리스 CTO는 이번 SAS 글로벌 포럼에서 SAS가 파트너십을 확장하는 이유, 그로 인해 고객이 누리게 될 혜택을 간단히 소개했습니다. 마이크로소프트, 아마존, 구글, 레드햇 지원 변화는 리스크가 아닙니다. 오랜 시간이나 엄청난 비용이 드는 것도 아닙니다.
A statistical programmer asked how to simulate event-trials data for groups. The subjects in each group have a different probability of experiencing the event. This article describes one way to simulate this scenario. The simulation is similar to simulating from a mixture distribution. This article also shows three different ways
The need for agile, accurate demand planning has never been greater. When considering migrating your demand management application to a cloud-native solution, you might experience platform management challenges ranging from lacking the resources needed to oversee application operations, to manipulating maintenance tasks that may distract from growing the business. Why
뉴노멀 시대에서는 데이터의 복잡성, 다양성, 규모가 극적으로 증가합니다. 분석 에코시스템은 그 어느 때보다 거대하며, 훨씬 복잡해졌습니다. SAS 브라이언 해리스 CTO는 이번 SAS 글로벌 포럼에서 이 같은 새로운 변화에 맞서는 SAS의 노력을 소개했습니다. 2021년의 화두는 ‘한 발 앞선 행동과 뉴노멀 시대에서의 번영’입니다. 이미 많은 기업이 시장의 기대에 부응하기 위해 적응하며 비즈니스
Jim Harris takes a deep dive into data lakes and how they relate to the cloud.
Catching up to the consumers Using technology and analytics to support marketing is not especially new. It is fair to say that it has been possible for some time. Many organisations have invested in marketing platforms, for example. However, there is a niggling problem. The investment may have been made, but few marketers are
SAS' Xilong Chen introduces the new DEEPCAUSAL procedure in SAS Econometrics for causal inference and policy evaluation and much more.
A colleague spent a lot of time creating a panel of graphs to summarize some data. She did not use SAS software to create the graph, but I used SAS to create a simplified version of her graph, which is shown to the right. (The colors are from her graph.)
A colleague spent a lot of time creating a panel of graphs to summarize some data. She did not use SAS software to create the graph, but I used SAS to create a simplified version of her graph, which is shown to the right. (The colors are from her graph.)
싱가포르에 본사를 둔 ADDO AI사는 인공 지능으로 세계를 변화시키고 있는 기술 기업으로, 세계 유수의 기업을 고객으로 두고 있는 있습니다. 이 회사의 공동 설립자 겸 대표 아예사 칸나(Ayesha Khanna)가 지난 SAS 글로벌 포럼에서 실제 기업의 사례를 중심으로 AI 트렌드를 소개하며, AI를 이용하여 경쟁에 앞서갈 수 있는 방법을 소개했습니다. 기계는 우리를 어떻게