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SAS® Fast-KPCA implementation bypasses the limitations of exact KPCA methods. SAS® internally uses k-means to find a representative sample of a subset of points. This row reduction method has the advantage that c centroids are chosen to minimize the variation of points nearest to each centroid and maximize the variation to the other cluster centroids. In some cases, the downstream effect of using k-means on computing the SVD increases numerical stability and improves clustering, discrimination, and classification.

More digital channels are bringing greater connectivity and more data is bringing added complexity to organizations. All this can feel chaotic or like a fog of information warfare. As a result, the pace of disruption and data expansion require visual tools that accelerate data wrangling and modeling. To overcome complexity,
공원을 걷다 보면 좋아하는 운동을 하는 아이들을 흔히 볼 수 있습니다. 그들은 종종 기술을 연마하기 위해 오랜 시간을 보냅니다. 그러나 혼자서는 무엇을 어떻게 해야 현재를 개선해야 하는지 파악하기 어렵습니다. 좀 더 나은 수준으로 향상하기 위해서는 무엇을 해야 하는지 가르칠 수 있는 코치를 고용하면 좋겠는데, 그렇게 하는 것은 비용이 많이 듭니다. 이럴 때 어떤 대안이

Should you be using table salt, sea salt or kosher salt to season your food? Which is better? There are all kinds of options for salt these days, but are they really that different?

In this SAS administration tutorial Leonid Batkhan presents various SAS programming solutions on how to identify and prevent duplicate LIBREFs in SAS 9 metadata.

Estamos en la recta final de 2022, un año de grandes desafíos, pero también de oportunidades relevantes para las organizaciones de todo el mundo. Durante más de dos años, su fortaleza y resiliencia pasaron duras pruebas y hoy están aplicando las lecciones aprendidas para retornar su camino hacia el crecimiento

Many EU institutions are discovering the benefits of analytics to support policy decisions. But ultimately, no one has more potential to enrich output quality than policymakers themselves. Therefore, the entire organization must understand AI and analytics well. We call this the democratization of AI, bringing together the ideas of data

SAS' Yogender Kushawah introduces you to mining long sequences efficiently using the seqmc action in SAS Visual Analytics.

Mesmo com a tecnologia disponível atualmente, é muito difícil prever quando, onde e como podem ocorrer danos causados pelo clima. Custos com inundações devem crescer exponencialmente nos próximos 20 anos e a crise climática é uma ameaça constante. Infelizmente, desastres naturais nunca deixarão de existir, mas podemos fazer nosso melhor

I recently blogged about how to compute the area of the convex hull of a set of planar points. This article discusses the expected value of the area of the convex hull for n random uniform points in the unit square. The article introduces an exact formula (due to Buchta,

Higher Education has been slow to adopt analytics in comparison to the commercial sector, but those institutions that have embraced a culture of analytics have seen significant and tangible results. Higher Education analytics can help in nearly every corner of academia including enrollment and retention, student success, academic research and

Joseph Castle offers some important considerations that will help you when building and working in an OSS community.

Movimientos y acuerdos internacionales, derivados de preocupaciones sobre el deterioro ambiental, social y el impacto del cambio climático, han buscado el compromiso de los países, las empresas y la sociedad para tomar mayor participación y modificar la inercia actual a fin de frenar y revertir, en lo posible, sus efectos

Childbirth should be a safe and joyous occasion as parents welcome a new member into their family. Still, too often, that joy is overshadowed by maternal complications, including maternal and infant death. Each year in the United States, as many as 60,000 women experience severe, unexpected health problems related to

Okay, I know what you’re thinking, protective eyewear is not the latest trend hitting the runway this Fall! But perhaps it should be. Did you know that 90% of the eye injuries each year (over 2.5 million world wide per the American Academy of Ophthalmology) could be prevented with protective