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SAS has a programming language, but IS that all it is? Nope, but it still ranks high as a most marketable programming skill.
Actualmente el panorama económico es complicado y esto puede generar diversas incertidumbres tanto a nivel personal como institucional y gubernamental. La volatilidad financiera se refiere a la rapidez y magnitud con la que cambian los precios de activos financieros, como acciones o divisas. Estos cambios pueden ser causados por varios
Learn how SAS and cloud computing can help insurers realize operational and business benefits.
Data and AI literacy are no longer optional but essential for success in both academic and professional settings. Educators are tasked with equipping students with the skills necessary to analyze and interpret information effectively. However, students and businesses can also learn these essential skills through available resources. SAS education resources
Millions of people worldwide struggle with a silent blood sugar problem known as insulin resistance. Unfortunately, our fast-paced, high-stress, inactive lifestyles contribute to this unwanted, complex condition. However, insulin resistance can be prevented and sometimes reversed with diet and lifestyle changes. So, what is insulin resistance and how do you
Fitting a Gradient Boosting Model - Learn how to fit a gradient boosting model and use your model to score new data In Part 6, Part 7, and Part 9 of this series, we fit a logistic regression, decision tree and random forest model to the Home Equity data we
When it comes to presenting at events like SAS Innovate on Tour, it’s never just a one-way street. No matter how many countries I visit, how many times I click through my slides, or how often I speak to a room full of people who love technology, I always learn
Modern software for statistical graphics automatically handles many details and graph defaults, such as the range of the axes and the placement of tick marks. In the days of yore, these details required tedious manual calculations. Think about what is required to place ticks on a scatter plot. On the
AI is at its best when it is used to enhance productivity and improve the lives of those it affects. When used correctly, AI can also save lives. That’s the vision driving a new project at SAS, where applied AI models and cameras create a simulated work environment focused on
We often hear about cyberattacks, hackers, ransomware, and other nefarious deeds in the news, but not all data breaches are caused by third parties.
In a world rich in data, data enthusiasts and problem solvers can have greater success and innovate faster with flexibility in choice. To code or not to code. The answer aligns with the problem and the data talent working to solve it. What does innovation look like inside your organization?
夏といえばひまわり。鮮やかな黄色は一輪でも強い存在感を放ち、我が家の食卓を飾る花でもある。ひまわりの花は常に太陽に向かって咲き、時間とともに太陽を追いかけるとされている。しかし、実際にはこのように動くのは芽生えから開花前のつぼみの時期までの話だ。 自然界にあるひまわりの成長には、太陽、気温、降水量、土壌など多くの要因が影響するが、これらの要因がどう関係するのだろうか。人工的な実験でも可能だが、たとえばひまわりの成長データを収集し、統計分析を用いることで最適な成長条件や栽培環境が特定できるはずだ。また、ビッグデータならではの機械学習アルゴリズムを使えば成長のルールやパターンを見つけることもできる。アナリティクスを駆使すれば(SASで開講中のアナリティクスコースはこちら⇒トレーニングコース | SAS)、収穫量の予測や最適な施肥方法、栽培条件も見つけられるだろう。実際、ひまわりの市場は世界で5.6兆円に登る巨大なマーケットなのだ。 ところで、ひまわりといえば気象衛星を連想するのは私だけだろうか。初代号が1977年に打ち上げられ、今度が10号になるが、最初は愛称で呼ばれていたものが後に正式名称となった。気象庁のサイト(気象庁 Japan Meteorological Agency)では、ほぼリアルタイムでひまわりの衛星写真がさまざまな切り口から見られるが、天気や防災に関する情報のほか、上記のような分析に欠かせない環境や気象のデータも豊富に提供されている。 2024年9月初旬 相吉
In SAS, DATA step programmers use the IN operator to determine whether a value is contained in a set of target values. Did you know that there is a similar functionality in the SAS IML language? The ELEMENT function in the SAS IML language is similar to the IN operator
When we think about our skin and skin health we might think about cleansers and moisturizers, but the foods we choose to eat can have a big impact on skin health. Whether its acne, rosacea, eczema or psoriasis, they can all be impacted by what we eat. Even aging, the
A previous article shows how to implement recursive formulas in SAS. The article points out that you can often avoid recursion by using an iterative algorithm, which is more efficient. An example is the Fibonacci sequence, which is usually defined recursively as F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) for n