Work & Life at SAS

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Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
Parenting and Scaffolding

This year I am teaching a series of parenting classes called “Planful Parenting.” The goal of these classes is to give parents an opportunity to take a step back from the day-to-day challenges of parenting to think about their philosophy of parenting, their values related to parenting and how parenting your

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Adriana Rojas 0
Colaboración entre universidades y empresas: intercambio mutuo de conocimiento

No creo que ninguno de los lectores de este post llegue a sorprenderse si les contamos que en SAS estamos al 100% comprometidos con el mundo académico. No obstante, hace casi medio siglo que nuestra compañía nació precisamente en las aulas de una universidad, la de Carolina del Norte. Desde

Work & Life at SAS
Celeste Cooper 0
Eastern Body, Western Mind

It's easy to feel pulled in too many directions.  Living in the Western world and studying mind/body modalities from an Eastern perspective can often feel like a tug of war. The Western culture is often focused on the pursuit of attainment while the East accentuates “letting go.” As I grew

Work & Life at SAS
Alyssa Grube 0
Reboot Your Resume

When was the last time you updated your resume? If it’s been… awhile (no shame!), making updates may feel daunting. Even if you’re happy in your current role, it’s always a good idea to have an updated resume. After all, you never know when an awesome internal or other opportunity

Work & Life at SAS
Rebecca Allen 0
Where? In a chair

If you are like me, you spend most of your day sitting.  The average adult in the US spends 8-12 hours of their day sitting.  Whether you are sitting because your work requires it or you have reduced mobility due to an injury or condition, you can improve overall fitness

Work & Life at SAS
Lisa Allred 0
The Playlist

This weekend I was in the car with my son and his spouse, and they were listening to one of their new favorite bands.  When they got to a song I liked, I asked my son to add it to my playlist.  His spouse had never heard of this playlist

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