Data Visualization

Get the right information, with visual impact, to the people who need it

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Suzanne Clayton 0
Digital transformation = increased expectations for media & entertainment

Consumers want content 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all around the world. It's a tall order for media & entertainment (M&E) companies and a 180 degree shift from days past. How do they provide enough content to meet demand? Audiences are binge watching over-the-top (OTT) programming, creating

Analytics | Data Visualization
Christine Komander 0
Data Scientist – Data Artist – Data Journalist – wie bitte, wer?

Nachdem der Data Scientist mittlerweile bei allen Digitalisierungsthemen und der damit einhergehenden Analytik in aller Munde ist, geistern nun auch etliche andere Rollendefinitionen durch die Positionierungen der verschiedenen Anbieter. Ein paar dieser neuen Bezeichnungen würde ich gerne aufgreifen und erklären, zusätzlich ein paar Denkanstöße mitgeben.

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Spark and Summary Plots

In the area of graphical visualization of data, Edward Tufte is a thought leader and has put forth many innovative ideas that enhance the understanding of the information in the graph with minimal distractions and potential for misinterpretation. One of his ideas has been the use of "Spark" plots.  As per my

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