Data for Good

See how data is being used to address humanitarian issues around the world

Analytics | Data for Good | Innovation
Jerry Williams 0
AI and sustainability: Balancing innovation with environmental impact

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can drive environmental innovation (EI) in sustainability and reduction of carbon emissions. However, the use of AI itself also comes with environmental costs. The high computational requirements of AI-based systems lead to significant energy consumption, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. The energy consumption of AI systems can

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Internet of Things
Emily Johnson 0
Protecting the planet: 7 ways analytics supports sustainability

Analytics are vital to a safer future. As a renowned sustainability leader, SAS is committed to making a positive impact on our customers, employees, and the planet. Climate change is more important than ever, and the explosion of big data is essential to navigating this crisis. Learn how analytics is

Advanced Analytics | Data for Good | Machine Learning
Cristina Pérez 0
Analítica de textos e IA para identificar patrones de trata de seres humanos en la documentación policial

La información que los organismos policiales almacenan sobre detenciones o incidentes delictivos, así como los avisos a los departamentos de policía, tienen un valor enorme para resolver futuros casos que se pueden plantear. Analizar manualmente esta gran cantidad de datos en busca de patrones puede llevar mucho tiempo y sus

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Learn SAS | Students & Educators
Ricardo Galante 0
História do SAS LAB na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Origem e benefícios do Laboratório Científico criado pelo SAS, na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. No final do ano passado, o SAS Portugal anunciou a criação de um laboratório científico - designado SAS-FCUL Lab - na FCUL - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, com o objetivo

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good
Ivan Fernando Herrera 0
¿Cómo la Inteligencia Artificial puede ayudar aún más en la lucha contra la corrupción en Latinoamérica?

La corrupción sigue siendo uno de los principales obstáculos para el desarrollo social y económico de los países latinoamericanos, pero uno de los que más puede ser impactado por la analítica avanzada con inteligencia artificial. Cálculos del Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina CAF estiman que por este flagelo se

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good
Josh Morgan 0
Supporting mental health with data and analytics through improved education policy

All students need hope at varying levels to graduate, especially those needing mental health support. Many students are still reacclimating to life after two years of COVID disruptions, on top of the usual anxiety that comes with beginning a new phase of life. New and unfamiliar surroundings, increased pressure of

Analytics | Data for Good | Work & Life at SAS
Danielle Pavliv 0
4 ways SAS is driving diversity, equity and inclusion with HBCUs

SAS' multidimensional culture blends our different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives from employees in 59 countries worldwide. We want everyone to feel confident expressing their ideas and know they will be respected for their unique contributions and abilities. At SAS, it’s not about fitting into our culture; it’s about adding to

Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good | Learn SAS
Reggie Townsend 0
Next generation of responsible AI innovators tackle real-world challenges with AI4ALL and SAS

As head of the SAS Data Ethics Practice, I spend a lot of time contemplating the social implications of AI. Considering its benefits like augmenting medical decisions and pitfalls, making decisions based on biased data results in dire consequences for patients. Such implications have the potential to impact society in a variety

Artificial Intelligence | Data for Good
Thomas Keil 0
Kalkulierbare Naturkatastrophen: „Mit analytisch gestützter Risikoberechnung können wir den Insurance Gap schließen.“

Fast 200 Todesopfer (davon 134 allein im Ahrtal), 33 Milliarden Euro an Sachschäden – das Hochwasser im Ahrtal 2021 war die teuerste Naturkatastrophe der europäischen Geschichte. Und weniger als ein Viertel der betroffenen Assets war versichert. Wer die Risiken von Überschwemmungen und anderen Naturereignissen früher erkennen und präziser einschätzen will,

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