Ist Ihnen das auch schon mal passiert? Sie radeln mit Ihrem Fahrrad zügig durch Gegend, und plötzlich werden Sie scheinbar mühelos von einem anderen Radfahrer überholt. Keuchend sehen Sie dem anderen hinterher und wundern sich über die unglaubliche Fitness des vermeintlich untrainierten oder älter aussehenden Rasers. Erst auf den zweiten
Tag: SAS Visual Analytics
SAS Business Data Network is SAS’ solution for managing glossaries of common business terms. This is part of the SAS Data Governance offering as well as bundled with Advanced versions of all SAS Data Management bundles. One thing that is important regarding Data Governance in general, and this solution in
Reporting can reveal last year’s graduation rates or this semester’s completion rates at a local community college. But drilling further into that data to ask why students aren’t graduating or why they aren’t enrolling requires more complex analysis. At Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio, college administrators and professors are
El papel del CEO en las grandes empresas ha venido transformándose a la velocidad con que la tecnología dispone para él la información crítica de su negocio. Y ahora que puede tenerla casi al instante, su protagonismo y responsabilidad son mayores. Para gerentes de vanguardia. >> Vea también: Analítica y
Report designers often discover after aggregating data by groups in the Visual Analytics Designer that it would also be nice to see additional aggregations of the data, for example, a maximum or minimum of that sum across groups. This means creating an ‘aggregation of an aggregation.’ If you plan your report objectives in
When your job involves making decisions that affect thousands of college students, making the right decisions can have a large impact on the future. Giving college administrators easy access to reliable analytics can help improve enrollment and graduation rates – and find answers to complex questions that cut across many
Pick your category? If this title seems familiar, that’s because in my last blog, Use parameters to pick your metric in VA Reports, I covered how to use parameters to allow your users to pick which metric they want to view in their visualizations. This is a great technique that
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMMUNICATION STANDARDS to organizacja określająca międzynarodowe standardy komunikacji biznesowej i przedstawiająca propozycje dotyczące projektowania zrozumiałych raportów biznesowych i prezentacji. Niniejszym wpisem rozpoczynamy serię artykułów dotyczących tych rekomendacji – osadzając je w kontekście narzędzia do wizualnej eksploracji danych – SAS Visual Analytics.
En el mundo en el que vivimos, caracterizado en la rapidez de la información, nos hemos empezado a acostumbrar a términos como Big Data o el Internet de las Cosas. Lo primero nos hace pensar en muchas cifras y datos. Lo segundo, en la interconectividad de todo y los muchos datos que eso
In a previous blog, I discussed SAS date and time values, and how date and time formats can be used to your advantage in SAS Visual Analytics. That blog addressed some of the features provided for handling date information, like date formats, date hierarchies, and calculated data items based on time
Look at the report below. Imagine being asked to allow your users to select which Measure, highlighted in yellow, they are looking at: Income, Expense or Profit. This is a frequent report requirement and I’m going to outline just one of the ways you can design your report to satisfy
In diesem Gastbeitrag von Kybeidos geht es darum, wie der Feinstaubbelastung in Städten mit Big Data Analytics begegnet werden kann. Kybeidos präsentiert sich auf dem SAS Forum in Bonn am 28. April mit einem eigenen Stand. Lassen wir ab jetzt Kybeidos sprechen: Stellen Sie sich vor, Sensoren im Straßenbelag beurteilen die
For thousands of years, the human experience has been recorded by storytellers. Stories tell the tale of our lives: beginning, middle and end. Stories document the triumphs and tragedies of heroes and villains and everything in between. Human beings are storytellers -- it's a trait as uniquely human as an
In the past, configuring a new autoload library for SAS Visual Analytics was a manual process involving steps to create very specific folder structures and to copy and edit scripts and SAS programs. No more! Updates to the SAS Deployment Manager have added a new task that creates and configures new autoload libraries
In a couple of my previous blogs I discussed how to audit who made changes to data in a SAS environment. In the last couple of weeks I have been asked how to do the same thing for SAS Visual Analytics reports and explorations. The Visual Analytics administrator overview report
We continue to ready ourselves for this year’s SAS Global Forum coming up next month. On Monday, April 18, there will be two SAS Certification testing events. Then after the conference wraps up, SAS training instructors will be offering unique, hands-on training that you won’t find anywhere else. In this
You may have noticed that when using date information in SAS Visual Analytics, that the date data values can be displayed in a variety of ways. You may see your dates displayed like Jan1916, 03Jun1915, or 03/12/16, for example. In this blog I’ll help you understand SAS date and time
Si entre las preguntas que se plantea en su gestión están ¿cómo mejorar la presentación de mis reportes?, ¿cómo puedo comunicar a la organización información clave de una forma clara, sencilla y oportuna? Entonces le interesará saber cómo la Visualización Analítica ayuda a las organizaciones en el mejor entendimiento y
In this post, I continue the journey of getting data profiling results into SAS Visual Analytics. In my first blog I described the process of collecting DataFlux Data Quality profiling metrics to load a datamart. Now we load this datamart into memory (LASR) and then plug a VA report on
Raus aus der Theorie, rein in die Praxis .... eine kleine Frage zur Einstimmung: Was haben Mathematikunterricht, eine Improvisationstheatervorstellung, eine Schulung (egal welche) und Big Data Analytics gemeinsam?
In SAS Visual Analytics 7.3, the usage reports accessed from the administrator includes a relationship report. This report provides very basic lineage and dependency information for selected object types. The data to populate this report comes from the middle-tier relationship service. Once you enable the collection and extraction of this
Ich bin ein Betroffener! Vom Digital-naiv zum Digital-native mittel Transformation - Der Mensch hat nur eine kurze Zeitspanne in seinem Leben, in der er regelrecht nach Veränderungen schreit – nämlich im Windelalter, wenn die Besagte mal wieder bis zum Rand voll ist – ansonsten halten sich die Freuden über Veränderungen
In my last blog (What is going on with my Visual Analytics audit data collection) I reviewed how middle-tier auditing works and where to look for logs to debug issues. In this follow up blog I will do the same for the Visual Analytics audit data archiving process. The archive process is
How do public higher education institutions get funded? In the past, state funding was tied to enrollment, but now more states are tying funding to institutional performance. State Legislatures want more accountability for money spent on higher education and have turned to performance-based funding (also called outcomes-based funding). As such,
When SAS Scotland gave students 48 hours to build a prototype computer system to help increase police effectiveness, nine teams accepted the challenge. The venue was the University of Glasgow's Hackathon, one of the largest student hackathons in the UK, attracting 200 attendees. SAS Scotland has co-sponsored the event for the past three
In my last blog I discussed purging audit records from the Web Infrastructure Platform SharedServices database. The blog generated a fair bit of discussion around the SAS Visual Analytics auditing data gathering and archive process. So let’s take a step back and in this blog review how data collection for auditing works and
Hidely-hodely, everyone! As you might imagine, the size and variety of the gift inventory at the North Pole puts Wal-Mart to shame. And while we’ve been at this for hundreds of years, we still make too many of some things and not enough of others. No elf can forget the
You could argue that it’s misguided for someone like me to say data science doesn't have to be difficult. After all, I’ve been in the industry for many years and should have a few tricks up my sleeve for dealing with data. But with the latest data visualisation technology –
Know your data. Do a needs analysis. Organize for success. Empower users. These are four best practices for data and analytics that you'll want to hear more about. In my first three posts in the Analytics in Real Life blog series, we learned how higher education customers are using SAS and why
As of Visual Analytics 7.2, the home page is designed to serve as the entry point for not only Visual Analytics, but also additional SAS applications and solutions. To this end, the SAS Visual Analytics home page is documented in both the SAS Visual Analytics Administration Guide and the SAS Intelligence