
Alyssa Grube 0
Doing good and giving back

Written by Allison Hines and Kara Roberts  Over the last few weeks, we've shared stories of how SAS employees are banding together while staying apart during the COVID-19 crisis. Our people have donated their time and skills to the cause, including making masks for healthcare workers, leading virtual dance classes for students with special needs and hosting trivia games for charity via Zoom – among many other efforts. Keep reading

Work & Life at SAS
In Response to Recent Events: A message from the Work/Life Center

A message from the Work/Life Center: It is not surprising that the SAS community is deeply moved and troubled by the recent examples of racism that reflect larger systemic problems in our nation. Work/Life wants to respond to your requests for ideas about supporting colleagues and taking action in your community. We understand the urge to act and will provide suggestions in our

Advanced Analytics | Machine Learning
Austin Cook 0
Monotonic Constraints with SAS

A monotonic relationship exists when a model’s output increases or stays constant in step with an increase in your model’s inputs. Relationships can be monotonically increasing or decreasing with the distinction based on which direction the input and output travel. A common example is in credit risk where you would expect someone’s risk score to increase with the amount of debt they have relative to their income.

Advanced Analytics | Machine Learning
Rick Wicklin 0
The Kullback–Leibler divergence between continuous probability distributions

In a previous article, I discussed the definition of the Kullback-Leibler (K-L) divergence between two discrete probability distributions. For completeness, this article shows how to compute the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two continuous distributions. When f and g are discrete distributions, the K-L divergence is the sum of f(x)*log(f(x)/g(x)) over all

Analytics | Data Management
John Gottula 0
From 9 cows to the future of agtech

The COVID-19 pandemic challenged agriculture and supply chains, but the overarching resilience of agriculture around the world speaks to the industry's efficiency, built-in redundancy and indispensability. In the US, flourishing interactions between government, industry and academic stakeholders underscore how ag represents unity and consilience. And there may be no better

Work & Life at SAS
Alyssa Grube 0
Using what you have, right where you are

Written by Allison Hines and Kara Roberts  To encourage and inspire others to think of ways to give back during this pandemic, we’re sharing stories of how SAS employees are spreading compassion in their local communities. They’ve done everything from making masks and preparing meals for their communities to leading virtual dance classes and collecting supplies for hospitals. Keep reading to learn how our employees are lifting spirits

Mike Gilliland 0
Forecasting with SAS (free eBook)

Forecasting with SAS®: Special Collection SAS Press has added to its selection of free downloadable eBooks with the new Forecasting with SAS®: Special Collection. From the description: Want to get the most insight out of your data and improve the quality of your forecasts? SAS offers many different solutions to

Advanced Analytics | Machine Learning
Rick Wicklin 0
The Kullback–Leibler divergence between discrete probability distributions

If you have been learning about machine learning or mathematical statistics, you might have heard about the Kullback–Leibler divergence. The Kullback–Leibler divergence is a measure of dissimilarity between two probability distributions. It measures how much one distribution differs from a reference distribution. This article explains the Kullback–Leibler divergence and shows

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