Red light therapy (RLT) is pretty amazing! Although it may seem like a new technology in recent years due to more mainstream articles, it’s not. I’ve been using it for a couple of years and have found it beneficial on many levels. Over 25 years ago astronauts discovered that red
A previous article showed how to simulate multivariate correlated data by using the Iman-Conover transformation (Iman and Conover, 1982). The transformation preserves the marginal distributions of the original data but permutes the values (columnwise) to induce a new correlation among the variables. When I first read about the Iman-Conover transformation,
SAS' Leonid Batkhan presents an implementation of parallel processing by spawning multiple SAS sessions using SYSTASK statements with subsequent synchronization.
Simulating univariate data is relatively easy. Simulating multivariate data is much harder. The main difficulty is to generate variables that have given univariate distributions but also are correlated with each other according to a specified correlation matrix. However, Iman and Conover (1982, "A distribution-free approach to inducing rank correlation among
SAS and Microsoft certifications can help with your professional and career development. And now, you can even take certification exams from the comfort of your own home.
I've got this buddy, Carter Johnson - he's a little bit crazy, but a lot of fun to follow... He holds/held several different long-distance paddling world records, and was one of the coaches for the group that paddled kayaks from Cuba to the US (see my blog post). A few
Cast your ballots for the SAS Support Communities, nominated for the Khoros Kudos Award: Best-in-Class: Community.
Depression and anxiety are the two most common mental health issues in the U.S. Over the past decade or so, more and more research is linking these common issues with lifestyle habits, meaning that what we eat and how much we move, sleep, play and stress out can affect our
Many nonparametric statistical methods use the ranks of observations to compute distribution-free statistics. In SAS, two procedures that use ranks are PROC NPAR1WAY and PROC CORR. Whereas the SPEARMAN option in PROC CORR (which computes rank correlation) uses only the "raw" tied ranks, PROC NPAR1WAY uses transformations of the ranks,
Looking for ways to combat pandemic fatigue or summer slide? Would you like resources to boost your child's confidence and competency? Or do you need a backseat activity on your family’s next road trip? SAS® Math Stretch is the answer. It's a free iPad app that captivates early learners while
SAS® CodeSnaps is an easy, affordable, and engaging tool. All you need is one iPad, the free CodeSnaps app, one Sphero robot, and a problem to solve. Students work collaboratively in teams to generate the code required to move the Sphero; they build a program using the printable coding blocks, scan it with the app, and execute the program to check their logic. CodeSnaps is accessible and appropriate for all learners across all disciplines. Get creative and challenge your students to navigate an obstacle course, find members of a word family, explore the digestive system, or travel the Oregon Trail. Your imagination is your only limitation.
Organizational psychologist Adam Grant studies how we lead, work and live and his pioneering research has inspired people to question their assumptions about motivation, generosity and creativity. His unique and counterintuitive ideas are backed by data-driven science and case studies (he loves data just as much as I do!). Adam's
For many univariate statistics (mean, median, standard deviation, etc.), the order of the data is unimportant. If you sort univariate data, the mean and standard deviation do not change. However, you cannot sort an individual variable (independently) if you want to preserve its relationship with other variables. This statement is
Our traditional assumptions about data are evolving, and so is our understanding of data literacy. Data is more than numbers, charts and graphs. And data literacy is not just for data scientists. “If you’re talking with people who aren’t already data fluent, you have to make them aware that data is
Recently, we’ve released a new feature in ASTORE: score with multiple analytic stores. In the process, we may create multiple analytic stores with dependencies among them (the output of some analytic stores is an input to others). This feature streamlines the scoring process of multiple analytic stores. It enables the
We’ve all experienced the value that innovation has brought to our lives. The cloud, enormous data sets and more accurate AI modeling have enabled many organizations to bring new products and services to market in ways we could not have imagined 20 years ago. The health care and life sciences
You've probably seen a population pyramid, such as this one I showed in a previous blog post. But let's scrutinize population pyramids a bit deeper, with an eye on special features that can make them even more useful! I was inspired to give population trees a second look by this
While live advisors sleep, this friendly, sophisticated chatbot is there to help victims of identity fraud.
It is well known that classical estimates of location and scale (for example, the mean and standard deviation) are influenced by outliers. In the 1960s, '70s, and '80s, researchers such as Tukey, Huber, Hampel, and Rousseeuw advocated analyzing data by using robust statistical estimates such as the median and the
Minnesota's longitudinal data system integrates early childhood education, K-12, postsecondary and workforce data to create a panoramic view of education outcomes. The merging of systems results in data linking and improves the overall data quality and performance of the P-20 Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) and Early Childhood Longitudinal
Ready to turn big data into big business insights? Look to the cloud.
At SAS, curiosity is at the heart of who we are and what we do. It’s one of our core values, and what drives us forward every day. It’s been this way since the beginning, and our rich history of curiosity has paved the way for some unique aspects of
With the SAS Visual Data Science Decisioning (VDSD) trial, you get the ultimate analytics experience with free access to all SAS Viya analytic capabilities for 14 days. SAS Visual Data Science Decisioning provides the ultimate experience covering the entire analytics lifecycle – from managing data, developing models, and deploying models to take decisions.
Mental health and data sharing. Seeing those phrases in a single sentence gives even the most seasoned professionals pause. This is legitimately sensitive data. And there are often specialized confidentiality and privacy laws due to the stigma and discrimination against those with mental health disorders. All the same, many agencies are starting to ask
Nut butters are a secret weapon for making fruits, raw veggies and oatmeal more satisfying. If you’ve branched out beyond peanut butter, you know store-bought nut and seed butters can get expensive and often contain added sugar and oils, so why not make your own? If you have some nuts,
When data contain outliers, medians estimate the center of the data better than means do. In general, robust estimates of location and sale are preferred over classical moment-based estimates when the data contain outliers or are from a heavy-tailed distribution. Thus, instead of using the mean and standard deviation of
Most computers can execute operations in parallel due to their multicore infrastructure. Performing more than one operation simultaneously has the potential to speed up most tasks and has many practical uses within the field of data science. SAS Viya offers several products that facilitate parallel task execution. Many of these
In SAS Studio, the ordering of rows and columns in the Table Analysis task are, by default, arranged by the internal ordering of the values used in the table. The table arranges the variables alphabetically or numerically by increasing value. For example, traditional coding uses 1 for Yes and 0
In the US we are seeing rapid changes related to COVID-19 cases, the ending of mask requirements and messages of “a return to normal”. I want to be sensitive to the fact that not all parts of the US or the world are seeing improvements and in some places the
In her Ted Talk, Gavriella Schuster, Corporate Vice President of Commerical Partner Team at Microsoft, shares that in 1991, 36% of the computing workforce in the United States was women. In 2020, that number fell to 25%. We're going in the wrong direction of gender equity in high tech.