
Data Management
Jim Harris 0
MDM intersections, Part 2: Data governance

Master data management (MDM) is distinct from other data management disciplines due to its primary focus on giving the enterprise a single view of the master data that represents key business entities, such as parties, products, locations and assets. MDM achieves this by standardizing, matching and consolidating common data elements across traditional and big

Rick Wicklin 0
Overlay plots on a box plot in SAS: Discrete X axis

Box plots summarize the distribution of a continuous variable. You can display multiple box plots in a single graph by specifying a categorical variable. The resulting graph shows the distribution of subpopulations, such as different experimental groups. In the SGPLOT procedure, you can use the CATEGORY= option on the VBOX

Learn SAS
Jane Eslinger 0
My one PROC REPORT wish

The one thing, above all others, that I wish PROC REPORT could do is know which observations from my data set that I want kept together on a single page of non-Listing output.  This is problematic for two reasons.  1. PROC REPORT cannot read my mind!  2. PROC REPORT does

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
MDM intersections, Part 1: Data quality

Master data management (MDM) is distinct from other data management disciplines due to its primary focus on giving the enterprise a single view of the master data that represents key business entities, such as parties, products, locations and assets. MDM achieves this by standardizing, matching and consolidating common data elements across traditional and big

Work & Life at SAS
Big Win for Consumers: “Added Sugar” Listed on New Food Label

If you’ve followed recent health news, you’ve read reports confirming the negative health effects of excess sugar consumption.  High sugar intake has been linked to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, brain diseases and more.  Numerous health organizations including the American Heart Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, Institute of Medicine (IOM) and

Work & Life at SAS
Page Cvelich 0
Are you missing too many recesses?

Just before my son's wedding this spring, I was considering what I could share about Michael at the rehearsal dinner.  As I sorted through pictures from his childhood, I came across one from 5th grade.  Michael played the main character in Leo Tolstoy's Christmas story, "Papa Panov".  During the performance, he stayed in

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