
Elizabeth Dove 0
What you need to know about programmatic advertising

Once upon a time, the only way to buy and sell advertising inventory was based on the relationship between advertiser and publisher. The exchange was manual, with advertisers paying publishers an agreed-upon price for every impression. The process involved a lot of phone calls, spreadsheets, negotiation and re-negotiation, all of

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Stock Plots

This weekend I was reviewing my portfolio of stocks as usual.  Yes, I do have a small stock portfolio with a few stocks, and normally I use free stock charting software to review the stock plots.  These sites allow you to view the daily stock prices along with many technical

Work & Life at SAS
Amanda Pack 0
Love Your Body Now!

In June, my husband and I completed this silly race called Storm the Beach – totally out of my norm, it was only 5 miles :)  and included things like climbing, crawling, wading through the ocean, balancing, rope swinging, and running through soft sand.  It was nuts, but so fun,  and

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Modernization and data-driven culture – Part 2

Modernization is a term used to describe the necessary evolution of information technologies that organizations rely on to remain competitive in today’s constantly changing business world. New technologies – many designed to better leverage big data – challenge existing data infrastructures and business models. This forces enterprises to modernize their approach to data

Internet of Things
Thomas Keil 0
Why IoT deployments need design thinking

Design thinking is, broadly speaking, allowing user experience, or even users, to drive design. It’s a profoundly human-centered process, with commentators using words like ‘collaborate’, ‘experience’, and even ‘empathy’ in their descriptions. Steve Jobs is said to have used it in creating the iPod and iPhone, because it brings together

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Graph Table with Class

As often is the case, this article is prompted by a recent post on the SAS/GRAPH and ODS Graphics page communities page.  A user wanted to create a Graph Table showing a bar chart with tabular data for each of the category values along the x-axis.  The user was creatively using

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