
Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Charlie Chase 0
Will artificial intelligence replace humans?

We have entered the “second machine age.” The first machine age began with the industrial revolution, which was driven primarily by technology innovation. The ability to generate massive amounts of mechanical power made humans more productive. Where the steam engine started the industrial revolution, the second machine age has taken

Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Allison Saito 0
Changing font size in SAS

When making a new piece of code, I like to use the smallest font I can read. This lets me fit more text on the screen at once. When presenting code to others, especially in a classroom setting, I like to make the font large enough to see from the back of the room. Here’s how I change font size in SAS in our three programming interfaces.

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Machine Learning
Shaun Barry 0
Machine Learning predicts victory for Spain. Fraud fighters should pay attention!

“Machine Learning” is a trendy term being kicked around (pun intended) by fraud fighters around the world. In fact, Machine Learning is such a popular term that it is becoming a staple in buzzword bingo games. Here’s a little secret about machine learning… many of the people who talk about

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Sertalp B. Cay 0
Visiting all 30 Major League Baseball Stadiums - with Python and SAS® Viya®

Ballpark Chasers A cross-country trip is pretty much an all-American experience, and so is baseball. Traveling around the country to see all 30 Major League Baseball (MLB) stadiums is not a new idea; there's even a social network between so-called "Ballpark Chasers" where people communicate and share their journeys. Even

Data Visualization | Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
Attrs, attrs, everywhere: The interaction between ATTRPRIORITY, CYCLEATTRS, and STYLEATTRS in ODS graphics

If you use PROC SGPLOT to create ODS graphics, "ATTRS" are everywhere. ATTRS is an abbreviation of "attributes." Most options that change the attributes of a graphical element end with the ATTRS suffix. For example, the MARKERATTRS option modifies attributes of markers, the LINEATTRS option modifies attributes of lines, and

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning
Ilknur Kaynar Kabul 0
Interpret model predictions with partial dependence and individual conditional expectation plots

We have updated our software for improved interpretability since this post was written. For the latest on this topic, read our new series on model-agnostic interpretability.  Assessing a model`s accuracy usually is not enough for a data scientist who wants to know more about how a model is working. Often

Programming Tips | SAS Events
Lexi Hawks 0
SAS Studio: A new way to program in SAS

SAS Studio is the latest way you can access SAS. This newer interface allows users to reach SAS through a web browser, offering a number of unique ways that SAS can be optimized. At SAS Global Forum 2018, Lora Delwiche and Susan J Slaughter gave the presentation, “SAS Studio: A New Way to Program in SAS.” This post reviews the paper, offering you insights of how to enhance your SAS Studio programming performance.

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