El pasado 22 de agosto, más de 90 líderes empresariales de varios países latinoamericanos se unieron para hacer un recorrido de ciclismo durante casi dos horas. Lo hicieron pedaleando en vivo desde cada una de sus casas, pero conectados a través de Zwift, una de las plataformas de ciclismo virtual
Sports & Entertainment
“El deporte moderno se ha convertido en una gigante base de datos que hay que saber entender para obtener los mejores resultados”, dice Jhon Jairo Osorio, un reconocido periodista deportivo colombiano especializado en ciclismo. Jhon Jairo suele participar como comentarista en las transmisiones que canales de televisión colombianos hacen de
Desde hace tiempo, la tecnología se ha venido uniendo al deporte. Lo ha hecho con el fin de mejorar el desempeño de los jugadores y más recientemente con el propósito de impactar la experiencia de los aficionados. Es por eso que ya es muy normal ver tecnologías como: Sistemas de
Critics of sports analytics (and there are some entertaining ones) love to point out that analytics isn’t capable of capturing the things that don’t show up on a box score. A player who dives on the floor to save a loose ball, a quarterback strategically misleading a defender to free
These are incredibly tough times, and fortunately, everyone I know is still healthy, safe and doing everything they can to stay that way. I know I'm lucky -- the worst I've suffered so far under coronavirus stay-at-home orders is sports withdrawal. I'm trying to fill that void in my life
I'm a bit of a boat paddling enthusiast, as you might have guessed from some of my previous paddling blog posts. The amount of exertion in race-paddling is similar to running - the longest race I've paddled in a race so far was 13 miles (half-marathon distance). But in the
El mundo se está transformando y con él todos los mercados. La Tecnología Analítica, La Inteligencia Artificial, el Internet de las Cosas y la Cuarta Revolución Industrial son temas que conforman la Transformación Digital de las empresas y tienen la capacidad de mejorar el desempeño y los procesos de
I asked Jaimy van Dijk if it's true or false if analytics has huge potential in sport.
Toda industria tiene una alta demanda de recursos de Inteligencia Artificial (IA) – en especial, sistemas de respuesta a preguntas que se puedan utilizar para asistencia legal, búsquedas de pacientes, notificación de riesgo e investigación médica. Otros usos de la IA incluyen: Atención a la salud. Las aplicaciones de IA
The Rise of Skywalker, the final movie in the third set of the three Star Wars trilogies, will finally be released tomorrow (December 20, 2019). That's 9 movies, in about 42 years. And, if the first movies aren't still fresh in your mind (or perhaps you weren't even born when
From sports and health data to environmental and policy data, our data visualization experts have used SAS technologies to explore and present analyses on hundreds of topics throughout the year. We've selected some of the best in this end-of-year roundup to showcase their skills and SAS technologies, and to demonstrate
A diario los directivos y dueños de las empresas toman decisiones que tienen impacto en sus negocios, por lo que, al incorporar la analítica en sus procesos, pueden tomar mejores decisiones, incluso cuando se tienen que evaluar miles o millones de alternativas como parte de una actividad cotidiana. Sin embargo,
Football fans around the world have something exciting to look forward to, with the European Championship scheduled to take place in June and July 2020. Twenty teams out of 24 have already qualified for the tournament, and after last Saturday's draw, the teams and fans are now getting ready to
Los datos, y sobre todo su significado y usabilidad, se han ido transformando con el tiempo. Anteriormente hablar de datos era pensar en unos y ceros, en tablas estáticas o incluso en materiales que no se aprovechaban. Hoy, pensar en datos es pensar en la fuente principal de las historias,
I recently saw in several social media posts that sales of vinyl records are forecast to be higher than sales of CDs this year (2019) for the first time since 1986. Two questions came to mind - 1) Is this true? and 2) Is this a big deal? Let's analyze
With all this sitting at a desk writing code, I have to do something to keep in shape. And for me, that something is paddling boats ... as fast as I can - and occasionally trying to race them. This past weekend I entered the race at Hunting Island, SC.
After a marathon of a season, 162 games in each team's schedule to be precise, the stakes for Major League Baseball are higher in October, and postseason play is underway. Whether it's the renewal of an old rivalry, redemption for last year's runners up, or rooting for this season's breakout
Eliud Kipchoge recently ran a marathon in under 2 hours. It was a special marathon where they had set up the best possible conditions to help him achieve this goal (such as swapping in pace-setting runners to block the wind for him), so it won't count as the world record
The SAS Championship golf tournament is happening this week, here in Cary, North Carolina! If you're following along and watching the scores, you might wonder how they're doing compared to past years, and what kind of scores it generally takes to win. Follow along as I plot the data from
If you consume NBA content through social media, then you know just how active that online community is. Basketball arguments and ‘hot takes’ on the Internet are about as commonplace as Michael Jordan playing golf instead of running a functional NBA front office. I wondered if NBA fans happened to
Por primera vez, Latinoamérica tiene un campeón del Tour de Francia. Se llama Egan Bernal, es colombiano y según los especialistas, se trata de un deportista prodigio que apenas empieza a construir una gran historia. Y es que, a sus 22 años, Egan es el cuarto ciclista más joven en
We just had the big July 4th holiday weekend here in the US. And as with many holidays, there was a lot of drinking. Which got me thinking/wondering ... which counties do not allow alcohol to be sold (ie, which counties are 'dry')? And it seemed like a question that
Major European football (soccer) leagues came to an end after an intensive year. Manchester City claimed the Premier League title after a high-intensity title race against Liverpool. It is unbelievable that Liverpool would have won 25 out of the last 27 PL titles with 97 points. Luckily, the Reds
Sin duda, el liderazgo es una de las habilidades fundamentales que garantiza nuestro éxito en el mundo de los negocios, y como mujeres, siempre nos hemos visto en la obligación de respaldar cada uno de nuestros logros a través de un fuerte compromiso laboral. Sin embargo, ser una mujer trabajadora
Marathons seem to be popular these days, therefore I decided to dive into some data and find a way to apply analytics. You might find this interesting if you're a fan of marathons - or if you like seeing the details behind cool graphing techniques! Before we get started, here's
¿Cuál es el futuro de la televisión de paga en un mercado donde los servicios de streaming ganan terreno a gran velocidad? Al responder, hay quienes están convencidos de que conservará su reinado por mucho tiempo más; otros auguran un franco declive en el mediano plazo. De acuerdo con firmas
The past few years, I've created maps showing things you might visit and do during the big SAS Global Forum (SASGF) conference. This year the conference is in Dallas, and ... you guessed it ... I've created a Dallas map! If you're familiar with my previous maps, you know that
Changing how we’ve viewed the beautiful game forever. How often have we looked at a game and wondered, “How did he miss that?!” Now, with expected goals (xG) metric, we can really see if our frustration is justified, and perhaps use that to predict future results. The use of analytics
El uso de herramientas de analítica avanzada permite a las organizaciones desplegar capacidades de “Customer Decisioning” para entregar a sus clientes una experiencia de consumo excepcional, gracias a una mayor relevancia en cada interacción. En la actualidad, los clientes esperan una experiencia perfecta, altamente personalizada y relevante ya sea en
Si reconoces que el análisis de datos es fundamental para el éxito de tu organización, entre el 28 de abril y el 1 de mayo tienes que estar en Dallas, Texas, la sede del evento más importante del ámbito de la analítica avanzada. ¿Qué motivos justificarían el viaje? Podríamos señalar