In growing areas such as the Research Triangle Park, there is always the tough decision between developing land for business, or keeping it natural for parks and recreation. SAS is fortunate to have the great hiking trails at Umstead Park just across the road to the north - it's the
Sports & Entertainment
My sons were amazing babies. Around age 2.5, mutiny ensued. My eldest endured the wild combination of potty training, a new baby brother, transitioning into a "big boy" bed, and a beautiful developing imagination. While the youngest didn’t have the new baby to taunt his sleep, he did get
Off and on, users have expressed the need to include multiple blank categories on a discrete axis. Often, this is desirable to separate groups of bars (or categories) in a graph due to some difference their definition. Such a case was discussed in this blog article on using non breaking
ODS Graphics procedures primarily strive towards the following goal: "Make simple graphs easy and complex graphs possible". SGPLOT procedure allows you create simple graphs with a single plot statement, and create complex graphs by layering together or combining multiple plot statements. Generally, the appearance follows the guidelines set by industry
I recently took a trip to Scotland, to attend the Highland Games! (ok - that statement might be a tiny bit misleading) It was a very cool and interesting event, and I wondered where and when other such events might be happening. What better way to analyze this kind of
I have a busy life. Did I sign up for it? You bet! Now I’m trying to balance it all and do it well. I’m a mom first and foremost. Being a parent is the most important job someone can take on. Raising the next generation is no easy task
It's as easy as walking, right? Well, give it a try. October’s move of the month is the “Farmer’s” Carry. It is a SUPER-simple, full body, traveling exercise. It incorporates core stabilization and a familiar daily activity - walking. All you have to do is walk + carry something...preferably
On a recent visit to an In-House Users Group meeting at a Pharmaceutical company, I presented a 1/2 day seminar on creating Clinical Graphs using SG Procedures. Polling the audience for their experience with these procedures indicated that many SAS users are not familiar with these new ways to create graphs. So,
I recently paddled in a boat race, and was wondering how I did compared to all the other paddlers. And being a Graph Guy, I decided I should find a cool way to graph the data ... Here's some background information ... There's a great organization called Bridge II Sports
How do the North American amusement parks compare in popularity? If this question was to come up during a lunch discussion, I bet someone would pull out their smartphone and go to Wikipedia for the answer. But is Wikipedia the definitive answer - how can we tell if Wikipedia is wrong?
매일 전 세계 수백만 플레이어들이 가상의 전투에서 서로의 탱크를 무찌르기 위해 ‘월드 오브 탱크(World of Tanks)’에 접속합니다. 국내에서도 큰 인기를 끌고 있는 월드 오브 탱크는 벨라루스 게임 개발사인 워게이밍(Wargaming)의 온라인 MMO(대규모 다중 사용자) 슈팅 게임인데요. 등록된 온라인 사용자만 무려 1억1,000만명이 넘습니다. 워게이밍은 목표는 모든 레벨의 플레이어에게 멋진 경험을 제공하는 것으로, 부분 유료(free-to-play)
Die EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung kommt näher – ausweichen oder draufhalten? In den letzten Wochen hatte ich die tolle Gelegenheit mit zahlreichen Kunden und Partnern über die neue EU-Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) zu sprechen. Die Meinungen und Erwartungen sind dabei wirklich außerordentlich breit gefächert. Das ist nicht weiter verwunderlich, denn das Thema hat zuletzt stark an
Hopefully if you're viewing the eclipse today, you'll be using one of the safe methods that won't harm your eyes! ... But if you're somewhat of a trickster, here's an optical illusion you can send your friends after the eclipse, that might make them wonder (just for a second) if
If you know me, you probably know that I spend a lot of time on the water. I like speed paddling (dragon boat, outrigger canoe, surfski, and racing SUP), and I also have a big pontoon boat at Jordan Lake where I try to go fishing at least once a
In the spirit of my Forecasting Sharknadoes blog post, I now bring you Sunsquatch! In this blog post, I create a map that helps you find a location where you can see the total eclipse *and* have a chance of seeing Bigfoot (aka, Sasquatch)! But before we get into the nitty-gritty
There’s nothing like a funny race sign to keep you entertained during a race. Post chuckle, this one got me thinking. It’s true, making a lifestyle change - like adding 15-20 hours a week to train for long distance triathlon – definitely rocks the relationship boat. In our 8 years
A lot of my friends seem to be getting married these days. Which got me thinking about wedding parties. Which then got me wondering what songs DJs do/don't play at weddings these days. And what was the outcome of my meandering thoughts ... a fun & interesting graph, of course! It
Musings on Menopause and Fitness What the heck is happening to me??? I’m not sure if I’m happy or sad, freezing or on fire, coming or going, want to be healthy or eat an XL Papa Murphy pizza… Hormotional…Menopause… Like Mother Nature wasn’t cruel enough with menstruation, pregnancy, labor, delivery
지난 3월 31일 막을 올린 ‘2017 KBO 프로야구 정규시즌’이 어느새 중반부를 넘어섰습니다. 개막 두 달 만인 5월 30일 최소 경기 수 기준 역대 다섯 번째로 누적 관중 300만명을 넘어서며 식지 않는 인기를 과시하고 있는데요! 이처럼 수많은 관중들의 마음을 얻기 위해 그라운드 위 선수들의 치열한 경기 외에도 야구장 곳곳에서 다양한 시도들이
If you were a fan of the original Star Trek television series, you probably remember lots of little details about the show. And you might even feel sorry for the people who don't get the clever references you make to things from the show. If you're that person, then you'll
This past weekend, I was a volunteer helping with an Ironman 70.3 race. I was really impressed & inspired by the athletes ... I was also excited about the quantity and variety of data generated by this type of race (compared to a regular marathon). And as a 'graph guy' I
North Carolina is a very diverse state - especially when it comes to outdoor recreation opportunities. This weekend you could go hiking or kayaking in the mountains, watch a hot air balloon festival near Raleigh, and go wind surfing or fishing at the coast. And if you've got your SCUBA
When presenting information in form of a graph we show the data and let the reader draw the inferences. However, often one may want to draw the attention of the reader towards some aspect of the graph or data. For one such case, a user asked how to highlight one
Billy Beane attained fame in baseball and analytics circles long before Brad Pitt portrayed him in the 2011 film Moneyball. In fact, Beane was making quite the name for himself prior to Michael Lewis’s 2004 book of the same name. It’s no overstatement to claim that, as general manager (GM)
매년 봄, 농구의 본고장 미국은 대학 농구 최대의 토너먼트 ‘미국대학스포츠협회(NCAA)’ 경기로 전역이 들썩입니다. 특히 올해에는 NCAA 남자 농구 토너먼트 2차전이 대중을 사로잡았는데요. 전년도 챔피언인 빌라노바 와일드캐츠가 올해도 결승에 진출할 것이란 전문가 예측을 깨고, 8번 시드를 받은 위스콘신에게 진 것이죠! 또 정규 시즌 동안 SEC(South Eastern Conference)에서 24승 10패를 기록한 사우스
Opening Day is here! Every game experience at the ball park is memorable for my family. I'm excited to smell the fresh popcorn and peanuts. I love holding cold drinks in hopes of catching a foul ball with my cup. I’m anxious to see my team’s new prospects in action
In honor of March Madness, the RFC hosted our first March Mania Challenge led by our Fearless Trainer, Angie Fernandez. Team Captains gathered, or in my team’s case, conjured might be a better word ;), a group of five SAS Employees. Our task was to compete in dedicated Mania exercises consisting
March Madness is in full swing. And the success of the Dance Card formula powered by SAS -- along with stories about teams like the New York Mets, the Boston Bruins, the Orlando Magic and more, all using analytics -- demonstrates how sports and analytics are becoming more and more
Here in the US, it's the nationwide men's college basketball tournament season! Therefore let's use some data from the previous years' tournaments to sharpen our analytics & visualization skills... But before we get started, I must mention (brag?) that my alma mater, NC State University, won this tournament in 1983.
The second round of the 2017 NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament was an interesting one. Eight-seeded Wisconsin took out the reigning champion Wildcats, despite pundit predictions that Villanova could go all the way again. South Carolina, 24-10 in the SEC during the regular season, upset perennial favorite Duke by seven points.