In machine learning, a feature is another word for an attribute or input, or an independent variable. What is feature engineering? Feature engineering is a process of preparing inputs for machine learning models. The goal of feature engineering is to to improve classification accuracy by considering the limitations of the
Interessanterweise sprachen mich in den letzten Monaten viele Unternehmen der unterschiedlichsten Branchen an und erzählten mir, dass sie sich eben nicht an den „Leuchtturm“-Beispielen ihrer eigenen Branche messen lassen wollen, sondern am „besten Unternehmen in Bezug auf ein herausragendes Kundenerlebnis“. Kurz: Sie wollen so sein wie Amazon. Es sieht wirklich
We’re bringing the concept of #VideoTag to LinkedIn. What's #VideoTag, you ask? It's an online adaptation of the old schoolyard game. In short, you record a video of yourself, upload it to LinkedIn and tag others to respond. It’s a fun, easy way to spur conversation online by showing your
I peruse many different websites to get my news, and I always keep an eye out for good (or bad) presentations of data. I recently saw a posting on reddit claiming "U.S. GDP is greater than the total of all others combined." This news seemed too good to be true
The SGPLOT procedure in SAS makes it easy to create graphs that overlay various groups in the data. Many statements support the GROUP= option, which specifies that the graph should overlay group information. For example, you can create side-by-side bar charts and box plots, and you can overlay multiple scatter
나만의 파라다이스를 찾아라! 여름 휴가 계획 모두 세우셨나요? 어디로 갈지 아직 고민 중이시라면! 클릭 몇 번만으로 전 세계에서 나와 가장 잘 맞는 도시를 알려주는 ‘SAS 파라다이스 파운드(SAS Paradise Found)’ 프로젝트를 소개합니다. 사람마다 매력적인 여행지와 거주지를 선택하는 기준은 다르기 마련인데요. SAS 파라다이스 컨피규레이터(Paradise Configurator)는 가족, 문화, 자연, 안전 및 인프라, 생활비, 레스토랑
How important is the customer experience in communications today? “Very important” is an understatement. It should be the top area of focus for all communications providers. It’s no secret that when customers are extremely satisfied, they become brand champions for the companies that provide them the products and services they
There are many quotes with words of wisdom to help you live your life. But sometimes one quote seems to contradict another. For example, "Don't sweat the small stuff." ... and "The devil is in the details." When it comes to creating graphs (and perhaps living my life in general),
Data-Science-Plattformen müssen vielen Anforderungen gerecht werden. Ihre Aufgaben sind relativ genau definiert – und die Erwartungen, die Unternehmen mitbringen, oft sehr hoch. Darüber hinaus sind die Anwendergruppen alles andere als homogen. Dieser Blog erläutert, was insbesondere IT-Entscheider erwarten. Was ist eine Data-Science-Plattform? Die Antwort ist einfach: Sie dient dazu, Erkenntnisse
Looking for use cases for analytics to derive value at an electrical utility? We have identified over 125 ways you can use analytics to improve the business processes at an electric utility. I recently posted a series of blog posts discussing four different use cases. Now I'd like to share
This article shows how to score (evaluate) a quantile regression model on new data. SAS supports several procedures for quantile regression, including the QUANTREG, QUANTSELECT, and HPQUANTSELECT procedures. The first two procedures do not support any of the modern methods for scoring regression models, so you must use the "missing
Beim diesjährigen SAS Forum Deutschland in Bonn boten Sascha Schubert und ich einige Hands-on-Sessions zu Data Science und Analytics an. Nichts Neues, denken Sie wahrscheinlich. Aber mir sind einige Veränderungen zu vorherigen Events aufgefallen, die meiner Ansicht nach auf einen größeren Umbruch in der analytischen Landschaft verweisen. Hier also meine
For part 7 of this series, I had the pleasure of interviewing mathematician, former colleague, and data science “rock star” Longhow Lam. Since there’s no need for an office for his one-person company, we decided to meet for lunch in a very hot (31 degrees) and sunny Amstelveen city
In many movies, there is often a scene where the star says "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way" (and the hard way usually involves quite a bit of pain). So it is with interrogations ... and so it is with writing SAS code! Today I'm
Soccer has been on my mind since the recent tournament in Russia, and fraud is always on my mind. Fighting fraud today means thinking about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Everyone says so. Like me, you probably wonder how AI and ML work – especially in fraud. What
Recently, Scott Jackson, Director Business Intelligence at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill shared their data quality, reporting and analytics journey. They're using SAS in a multitude of ways – from operations, institutional research, athletics – and are now looking to scale to the enterprise. They've been so successful
Several weeks ago, I wrote about practical advice from a Chief Data Scientist in my blog “From Aristotle to Pi: Practical advice from a chief data scientist.” Now I want to offer my advice as a newbie trying to navigate through machine learning concepts and how to code them. Over
국제 이주민은 전 세계 인구의 3.5% 이상을 차지하고 있습니다. 즉 2억5천만 명 이상이 출생 국가 또는 국적과 다른 나라에서 살고 있다는 뜻인데요. 모든 이주민이 한 국가에 산다면 그 인구는 세계에서 다섯 번째로 클 것입니다. 전 세계 사회경제적 환경에 큰 영향을 미치는 이주와 난민은 여러 국가와 기업이 함께 해결해야 할 국제적
지난 7월 17일, 세계 이모티콘의 날을 맞아 애플, 유튜브, 페이스북 등 글로벌 기업들은 새로운 이모티콘을 공개하고 관련 설문조사 결과를 발표하는 등 다양한 이벤트를 진행했는데요. 많은 사람들이 습관처럼 사용하는 이모티콘은 온라인 비주얼 커뮤니케이션이라는 새로운 트렌드의 핵심 요소로 자리잡았습니다. 온라인, 특히 모바일에서 빠르고 명확하게 표현을 전달해야 할 때 이모티콘은 전 세계 누구와도
I started my computer career as a Unix system administrator, and when I began using SAS almost 30 years ago it was only natural that I used it on Unix computers (they were the most powerful/capable computers I had access to at the time). I've picked up a lot of
If you need more than just well-mixed data, take a look at data preparation from SAS.
When you use a regression procedure in SAS that supports variable selection (GLMSELECT or QUANTSELECT), did you know that the procedures automatically produce a macro variable that contains the names of the selected variables? This article provides examples and details. A previous article provides an overview of the 'SELECT' procedures
Nach den ersten beiden Beitragen zum Thema IFRS-17-Umsetzung (Teil 1 und Teil 2) geht es nun ans „Eingemachte”: die Architektur und die Systeme, die für eine 100-prozentige Erfüllung der Richtlinie benötigt werden. Voraussetzung ist eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen den verschiedenen Abteilungen, darunter Bestandsverwaltung, Rechnungswesen, Aktuariat und IT. Rund um die IFRS
このブログでは、SAS Viyaで提供される各種機能やリソースへのアクセス制限を設定する方法を紹介します。 ユーザーやグループが行うことができる(あるいは参照することができる)内容はルールによって設定されます。ルールは以下の権限要素によって構成されています。: ・プリンシパル:ユーザーまたはグループ。 ・ターゲット:サービス、フォルダ、レポートなどのリソース。 ・権限:アクセスのタイプ(たとえば、読み取りまたは書き込み)。 ・設定:アクセスが提供されているかどうかの表示、たとえば許可または禁止。 ルールのターゲットは、uniform resource identifier(uri)を使用して識別されます。URIは、フォルダやレポート、データプランなどのコンテンツ、またはデータのインポートなどの各種の機能などを表すことができます。 SAS Viyaでのuriの例をいくつか紹介します。 ・データプラン:/ dataPreparationPlans / plans / 810e2c6b-4733-4d53-94fd-dfeb4df0de9e ・フォルダ:/ folders / folders / e28e35af-2673-4fc7-81fa-1a074f4c0de9 ・機能性:/ SASVisualAnalytics / ** 以下の例では、「レポート開発者」カスタムグループを作成し、そのグループのユーザーのみがSAS Visual Analyticsでレポートを作成することができるように設定しています。 カスタムグループを作成します。 ルールを使用して、そのグループに使用機能に対する権限を設定します。 1. カスタムグループを作成 SAS Viyaの環境の管理(SAS Environment Manager)上で、管理者(管理者のみがユーザーとグループを管理できます)が、ユーザー>カスタムグループ>カスタムグループの新規作成を選択します。 カスタムグループの新規作成画面で、「名前」にグループ名、「ID」に一意のID、「説明」に必要に応じて説明を記載します。 新しいグループが作成されたら、編集ボタンをクリックして、新しいメンバーをグループに追加します。 ユーザーまたは他のグループを新しいグループのメンバーとして追加することができます。 2.ルールを使用して、そのグループに使用機能に対する権限を設定 「レポート開発者」グループのみがSAS Visual Analyticsの機能にアクセスできるようにルールを作成、または更新します。まず、SAS Visual Analyticsに現在適用されているルールを見ていきます。 環境の管理(SAS Environment
I can recognize several languages when I hear people speaking them (mostly because I lived in the Alexander International Dorm at NC State University). Therefore when I found a map of the most common languages spoken in each US state, it caught my attention, and I decided to try creating my
A programmer recently asked a question on a SAS discussion forum about design matrices for categorical variables. He had generated a design matrix by using PROC GLMMOD and wanted to use the design columns in a subsequent procedure. However, the columns were named COL1, COL2, COL3,..., so he couldn't tell
머신러닝 모델 해석력 시리즈 3탄! 오늘은 머신러닝 모델의 작동 원리에 대한 인사이트를 도출할 수 있는 변수를 표시하는 두 가지 방법에 대해 자세히 살펴보고자 합니다. 머신러닝 모델 해석력 시리즈 1탄과 2탄을 놓치셨다면, 클릭해주세요! 1탄: 인공지능(AI)과 머신러닝을 신뢰하기 위한 필수 조건, 해석력! 2탄: 머신러닝 해석력 시리즈 2탄: 데이터 세트를 이해하고 해석하는 방법 데이터 과학자가 모델이
@philsimon chimes in about how success in one area can lead to success in another.
As you might have guessed from some of my previous blog posts, I'm an avid paddler. I like to paddle boats, and I like to try to go fast! And when I'm considering buying a new boat, it's only natural that I would analyze the data to make an informed
Welche einschneidenden Veränderungen IFRS 17 für Versicherer unter anderem für das Rechnungswesen und die Finanzabteilung mit sich bringt, habe ich in meinem vorangegangenen Blogbeitrag erläutert. Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt ist die Implementierung von Technologie, die bei der Umsetzung der Richtlinie hilft, und damit verbundene spezifische IT-Fragen. Die Richtlinie tritt doch erst