I recently reacquainted myself with this excellent Executives Guide to AI from our friends at McKinsey & Company. The authors have distilled a complex topic into something easily digestible while avoiding jargon and hyperbole. While not in the CliffsNotes or Bluffer’s Guide category, this Insights article undoubtedly helps the reader
SAS, 향후 3년간 AI 분야 10억 달러 투자 계획 발표 R&D 혁신 교육 및 전문가 컨설팅 지원 통해 기업 AI 역량 강화 국내에서도 AI 전문가 교육 프로그램 제공… 인재 양성 및 분석가 저변 확대 2019년 3월 28일 – 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS(www.sas.com/korea)가 향후 3년간 인공지능(AI) 분야에 총 10억 달러(한화 약
Virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), eXtended reality (XR), mixed reality (MR), spatial augmented reality, hybrid reality. That's a lot of new technology and a lot of acronyms for a philosophical concept that has been pondered for millennia: what is reality? An intelligent reality is a technologically enhanced reality that
Der Sales Manager kann sich bezüglich des zu erwartenden Jahresergebnisses doch nicht so in Sicherheit wiegen, wie er dachte. Hans Huber aus unserem Callcenter hat eine höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit zu kündigen als Petra Hafner aus dem Controlling. Die Transaktionsverläufe der Kunden 42911, 85022 und 91294 passen ja gar nicht zu deren
Autor Convidado: Rui Salsas, Business Analytics Senior Consultant, Mind Source A utilização de ferramentas tecnológicas de apoio e suporte ao negócio já é um fator de diferenciação com largos anos. Para quem recorre à tecnologia SAS, e são muitos os clientes e parceiros, a realidade do passado era uso do
Cualquiera que esté informado sabrá que este no ha sido un año fácil en términos macroeconómicos para las organizaciones en América Latina, y particularmente en Argentina. En medio de este contexto, me enorgullece decir que el 2018 ha sido el mejor año de la última década para SAS Argentina, con
Special Feature Section Our special feature section in this 53rd issue of Foresight poses the question, Are You a Victim of Your Models? Here Tom Willemain, a longtime contributor to the journal, ponders why modeling and optimization algorithms haven’t displaced “gut instinct” in supply-chain forecasting as much as one would
Note: This is the first in a series of profiles of leaders in today’s utility analytics marketplace. “My job is to make people uncomfortable with the way they do things today. Transformation implies a revolution, not small incremental changes, and today the big revolution in any industry is in data,"
In simulation studies, sometimes you need to simulate outliers. For example, in a simulation study of regression techniques, you might want to generate outliers in the explanatory variables to see how the technique handles high-leverage points. This article shows how to generate outliers in multivariate normal data that are a
“We are at the cusp of one of the most exciting times in our lives and, if we get our strategy for AI right, then the UK will be able to reap the rewards for our economy for decades to come.” Greg Clark - Secretary of State for Business, Energy
92% dos líderes de IA formam as suas equipas em ética e 74% avalia, semanalmente, os resultados obtidos com a IA Se tivéssemos que destacar uma buzzword dos últimos tempos que vivemos escolheríamos Inteligência Artificial (IA). Uma tecnologia que, sem dúvida, nos transporta para outro patamar da chamada evolução tecnológica. Uma
The broad CCPA definition of personal information could open a can of worms for compliance and governance.
During the year 2020, many countries and areas will be conducting their decennial census, and making projections to estimate what their population will be in the future. Therefore I decided to dust off one of my old SAS/Graph samples based on the 2010 census, and rewrite it using more modern
UK government departments and the wider public sector are under huge pressure to improve service delivery and efficiency. We also know that investments in data analytics and data science play a key role in transforming services to help citizens. So what are the key challenges preventing more widespread adoption of
An important concept in multivariate statistical analysis is the Mahalanobis distance. The Mahalanobis distance provides a way to measure how far away an observation is from the center of a sample while accounting for correlations in the data. The Mahalanobis distance is a good way to detect outliers in multivariate
Deloitte’s 2019 Banking and Capital Markets Outlook begins by stating that “a decade after the crisis, the banking industry is on firmer ground.” Shortly after it asserts that “there may be no better time than now to reimagine digital transformation.” Having tinkered at the margins to keep the lights on,
In my previous post, “Why personalising the student experience is critical to higher education’s viability," we examined the role customer intelligence can play in driving value for universities and students across the higher education journey. Specifically, analytics has a vital role to play in helping decision makers, particularly marketers, to
Computer vision is one of the most sought-after artificial intelligence (AI) applications today, finding a wide variety of use cases in image recognition, object detection, biomedical assessment, and more. SAS supports a diverse set of AI and deep learning capabilities that can be used in many of these applications. One
My favorite tech influencers teach, ask questions and share their knowledge freely. They value quality over quantity, and they engage with each other authentically. My goals on social media are to learn, engage with the world socially, and to share what I think is cool – sometimes this is about
Flooding has been in the news the past few days, and that makes me want to analyze some data! I hang out at Jordan Lake (here in central North Carolina) a lot, so I decided to download the data for that lake, and do a graphical analysis. If you're interested
Wie schon gesagt, ich bin Gamer. Ich bin außerdem Freizeit-Spieleentwickler und Angestellter. Es ist also nicht weiter verwunderlich, dass Gamification (ich möchte hier bei der englischen Schreibweise bleiben) ein interessantes Thema für mich ist. Gemeint ist damit die Übertragung von Techniken, die üblicherweise in Spielen eingesetzt werden, auf andere Bereiche,
An analyst was using SAS to analyze some data from an experiment. He noticed that the response variable is always positive (such as volume, size, or weight), but his statistical model predicts some negative responses. He posted the data and asked if it is possible to modify the graph so
Here in the US, there's a lot of talk about the flu each year. First, people discuss whether or not to get the flu shot. Then there are discussions about whether or not you or your friends have the flu (or something else). Then the discussions about what strain of
„Die wichtigsten Dinge schreibt man am besten gleich in die Einleitung! Eventuell lesen einige ja gar nicht bis zum Hauptteil weiter“. Einen ähnlichen Gedanken hatte ich bei meinem aktuellen Buch Applying Data Science – Business Case Studies Using SAS auch. Da sind bereits in der Einleitung die Mehrwerte aufgezählt, die
Statisticians often emphasize the dangers of extrapolating from a univariate regression model. A common exercise in introductory statistics is to ask students to compute a model of population growth and predict the population far in the future. The students learn that extrapolating from a model can result in a nonsensical
This is the fifth and final post in my series of posts about the deep learning model I developed to detect tumors in 3D CT scans of livers. My last post talked about visualizing the results of the computer vision project. This post will cover model accuracy and the final
Nous voulons mener des actions et mesurer leur impact - de manière scientifique. Pour évaluer la vitesse moyenne (d'une voiture) à mi-chemin d'une distance donnée, nous devrions marquer le point médian et utiliser un chronomètre. Pour mesurer la conversion générée par un catalogue imprimé et la comparer à celle d'un
US farmers grow a lot of food ... but did you know some of them also grow fuel for our vehicles? Follow along and you'll learn how much fuel they grow, and also learn some tips about plotting this type of data! These days most gasoline in the US has
I am obsessed with jigsaw puzzles. Specifically, 1000-piece mystery puzzles, entertaining not just for their pictorial humor, but also for the challenge. Unlike traditional puzzles, you don't know what you are putting together because the completed puzzle isn't pictured on the box. Mystery puzzles are constructed so that you must
I look forward to Pi Day every year at SAS because it's a day of celebration including yummy pies and challenging games that challenge you to recall the digits after the decimal point in Pi. Plus you get to wear Pi t-shirts (I have about seven). Today, though we are going to talk about DLPy which sounds like Pi and