
Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | SAS Events
Jeanne (Hyunjin) Byun 0
SAS, 향후 3년간 AI 분야 10억 달러 투자 계획 발표

SAS, 향후 3년간 AI 분야 10억 달러 투자 계획 발표 R&D 혁신 교육 및 전문가 컨설팅 지원 통해 기업 AI 역량 강화 국내에서도 AI 전문가 교육 프로그램 제공… 인재 양성 및 분석가 저변 확대 2019년 3월 28일 – 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS(www.sas.com/korea)가 향후 3년간 인공지능(AI) 분야에 총 10억 달러(한화 약

Artificial Intelligence
As organizações estão a preparar-se para um uso mais ético e responsável da Inteligência Artificial

92% dos líderes de IA formam as suas equipas em ética e 74% avalia, semanalmente, os resultados obtidos com a IA Se tivéssemos que destacar uma buzzword dos últimos tempos que vivemos escolheríamos Inteligência Artificial (IA). Uma tecnologia que, sem dúvida, nos transporta para outro patamar da chamada evolução tecnológica. Uma

Customer Intelligence | Students & Educators
Harry Clarke 0
The marketing best practices that drive student and financial value in higher education

In my previous post, “Why personalising the student experience is critical to higher education’s viability," we examined the role customer intelligence can play in driving value for universities and students across the higher education journey. Specifically, analytics has a vital role to play in helping decision makers, particularly marketers, to

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Nico Büttner 0
Gamification aus Sicht eines Gamers

Wie schon gesagt, ich bin Gamer. Ich bin außerdem Freizeit-Spieleentwickler und Angestellter. Es ist also nicht weiter verwunderlich, dass Gamification (ich möchte hier bei der englischen Schreibweise bleiben) ein interessantes Thema für mich ist. Gemeint ist damit die Übertragung von Techniken, die üblicherweise in Spielen eingesetzt werden, auf andere Bereiche,

Analytics | Data for Good | Data Management | SAS Events
Heather Hallett 0
Puzzle obsession ... piecing together a 360-degree view of a patient.

I am obsessed with jigsaw puzzles. Specifically, 1000-piece mystery puzzles, entertaining not just for their pictorial humor, but also for the challenge. Unlike traditional puzzles, you don't know what you are putting together because the completed puzzle isn't pictured on the box. Mystery puzzles are constructed so that you must

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