Earthquakes have been in the news lately - in particular, two very strong earthquakes that recently hit California. Exactly where did they hit? ... Let's plot it on a map! But before we get busy analyzing the California data, here's a picture to get you in the mood for studying
BCBS 239 verlangt es, der Fachbereich braucht es, die IT-Abteilung will es, und kaum eine Bank hat es: ein leistungsfähiges Tool, das die Anforderungen an die explorative Datenanalyse genauso erfüllt wie die Vorgaben für das Risiko-Reporting. Beides zu schaffen, ist in der Tat ein Spagat. Auf der einen Seite stehen
Technology is transforming our lives. It's revolutionising the way we buy groceries, send gifts, listen to our favourite music, communicate with loved ones, and much more. Because it's so convenient and ubiquitous, we expect ultra-fast and highly personalised services from all the companies we engage with. As a result, businesses
I recently showed how to create an annotation data set that will overlay cell counts or percentages on a mosaic plot. A mosaic plot is a visual representation of a cross-tabulation of observed frequencies for two categorical variables. The mosaic plot with cell counts is shown to the right. The
Large organizations are seeing an increase in the number of applications that are migrating to the cloud. SAS is a global organization with travel expense accounting, personnel management and IT support as cloud applications. But when should analytics applications move to the cloud? Here are five reasons why you should
We just had the big July 4th holiday weekend here in the US. And as with many holidays, there was a lot of drinking. Which got me thinking/wondering ... which counties do not allow alcohol to be sold (ie, which counties are 'dry')? And it seemed like a question that
While the global pharmaceutical industry has been changing profoundly in the last 15 years, it has also been facing some huge challenges. Growing demand, increased competitiveness, reduced time to market, quality adherence and the spiralling cost of developing new drugs have increased pressure on pharma companies to deliver on tighter
The mosaic plot is a graphical visualization of a frequency table. In previous articles, I showed how to create a mosaic plot in SAS by using PROC FREQ and how to define a template in the Graph Template Language (GTL) by using the MOSAICPARM statement. This article shows how to
SAS코리아가 6월 20일 삼성동 코엑스 인터컨티넨탈 호텔에서 국내 주요 제약 및 임상시험수탁기관(CRO) 산업 관계자를 대상으로 ‘제약산업의 데이터 분석과 리포트 시각화: SAS 분석 프레임워크 소개와 활용 방안 및 시각화 데모’ 세미나를 성황리에 개최했습니다. SAS는 이번 세미나에서 데이터 분석 인사이트에 기반한 제약 기업의 신규 비즈니스 창출 방안과 글로벌 기업의 선진 사례를 통한
I think it's time to replace my 2008 Prius. It has served me well, been basically maintenance-free, and gotten good gas mileage ... so, why not just get a newer Prius? Well, I've got the itch to get back into an SUV for my daily driver (I had a Bronco
Neural networks, particularly convolutional neural networks, have become more and more popular in the field of computer vision. What are convolutional neural networks and what are they used for?
Jim Harris shares some simple tips about how to minimize data usage.
Technological advancements are changing every industry – and the health care industry is no exception. The value of AI has never been greater than when it’s used to improve patients’ conditions and save lives. For example, Cancer Center Amsterdam joined forces with SAS to improve patient care outcomes with AI.
Can you still hear it? The "D" word. For years it has been haunting conference keynotes and through clever and less clever books. The Axel Springer Group has made it. The German automobile manufacturers have not yet but are catching up. My CD player at home didn't survive – even
An informat helps you read data into a SAS data set. SAS supports more than 100 informats. The most common informats are related to dates and times and make it easy to read an input string such as 28JAN2001 and convert it to a SAS date such as 15003. Yet
O SAS prepara-se para mais uma edição do SAS Fórum Portugal, o maior evento nacional de Advanced Analytics, que se realiza no dia 4 de Julho, no Centro Cultural de Belém, em Lisboa. Desta vez, o evento terá um sabor especial, uma vez que coincide com o 25º Aniversário do
Math and statistics are everywhere, and I always rejoice when I spot a rather sophisticated statistical idea "in the wild." For example, I am always pleased when I see a graph that shows the distribution of race times in a typical race (such as a 5K), as shown to the
Cases of the measles have certainly been making headlines in the news recently. And with all the data at our disposal these days, it seems like we should be able to predict which areas in the US are most likely to have measles outbreaks, eh? A group of independent researchers
SAS/STAT software contains a number of so-called HP procedures for training and evaluating predictive models. ("HP" stands for "high performance.") A popular HP procedure is HPLOGISTIC, which enables you to fit logistic models on Big Data. A goal of the HP procedures is to fit models quickly. Inferential statistics such
In this post I wanted to bring attention to the book Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents: How to Heal from Distant, Rejecting, or Self-Involved Parents. Of the 2,000+ books that are in our Work/Life Library, this is a book that I refer to most often. I continue to receive
In short, digital transformation concerns competition, speed, quality and costs. In the current connected world, the consumer has a lot of choices and is also less bound to a single provider. The customer expects immediate answers to rely on. Will someone wait two weeks for a loan approval, or will
When fitting a least squares regression model to data, it is often useful to create diagnostic plots of the residuals versus the explanatory variables. If the model fits the data well, the plots of the residuals should not display any patterns. Systematic patterns can indicate that you need to include
My last blog post discussed the applications of AI in retail and how retailers were starting to use solutions like image recognition to improve customer experience. However, implementing AI is not without its challenges. This post continues the conversation with Shailesh Jain, Group Head of Analytics at Landmark Group, about
As the sharing economy grows, you can catch a ride on Uber, have meals delivered by Grubhub ... and even stay in someone else's house (rather than a hotel) via sites like Airbnb. And speaking of that last one, I recently read an article listing Airbnb's top 20 'wish-listed' homes
Foi em Dezembro de 1991 que a relação do SAS e a Fidelidade começou, na altura entre o representante do SAS em Portugal e a Bonança, mais tarde integrada no que é hoje a Fidelidade, sendo que em 1995 e já com o SAS Portugal, foram assinados dois licenciamentos, um
A previous article describes the DFBETAS statistics for detecting influential observations, where "influential" means that if you delete the observation and refit the model, the estimates for the regression coefficients change substantially. Of course, there are other statistics that you could use to measure influence. Two popular ones are the
David Loshin suggests that reference data could be the foundation of future governance structures.
My article about deletion diagnostics investigated how influential an observation is to a least squares regression model. In other words, if you delete the i_th observation and refit the model, what happens to the statistics for the model? SAS regression procedures provide many tables and graphs that enable you to
In these modern times, my utility bill has a bar chart so I can see how my current consumption compares to my historical usage. I decided to create my own version of this utility bill bar chart, and make a few improvements along the way. If you're into SGplot bar
In this 'Rosetta Graph' example, I demonstrate how to control bar chart colors in Gchart and SGplot. But first, here's a little diversion... some artwork in my office here at SAS. There's a *lot* of artwork hanging around at SAS, but this particular painting wasn't created by the SAS artists