In many countries, retail has been right at the centre of the coronavirus storm. Some retailers – those selling essential goods – have been unable or barely able to keep up with demand. Other sectors, notably clothes and luxury goods, have seen a complete drop-off in demand. Some retailers have
When the technology is deeply embedded into the curriculum, we sometimes describe the resulting programmes as creating an ‘analytics skills factory’.
“He spends a lot of time wandering around in circles in the backyard,” my wife said to someone on the telephone. That’s true. Our backyard is only about 1/8th of an acre and I have taken to wandering outside and walking around the fence line. Ostensibly, I am checking to
In a previous article, I discussed the definition of the Kullback-Leibler (K-L) divergence between two discrete probability distributions. For completeness, this article shows how to compute the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two continuous distributions. When f and g are discrete distributions, the K-L divergence is the sum of f(x)*log(f(x)/g(x)) over all
Fraud prevention: Collaboration is one of the traits we have utilized to maximum effect in pretty much everything.
The COVID-19 pandemic challenged agriculture and supply chains, but the overarching resilience of agriculture around the world speaks to the industry's efficiency, built-in redundancy and indispensability. In the US, flourishing interactions between government, industry and academic stakeholders underscore how ag represents unity and consilience. And there may be no better
바이러스는 어떻게 확산될까요? 전염 가능성을 높이는 요인은 무엇일까요? 사람에 따라 증상이 다른 이유는 무엇일까요? 어떤 치료법이 효과 있을까요? 백신 개발은 얼만큼 진행된 걸까요? 매일 새로운 연구 결과가 발표되고 세계 각지에서 연구 프로젝트가 진행되고 있지만, 코로나19와 신종 코로나바이러스에 대해서 우리는 여전히 아는 것보다 모르는 것이 더 많습니다. 그리고 풀어야 할 궁금증은
The Kullback–Leibler divergence is a measure of dissimilarity between two probability distributions. An application in machine learning is to measure how distributions in a parametric family differ from a data distribution. This article shows that if you minimize the Kullback–Leibler divergence over a set of parameters, you can find a
SAS Viya User muss kein Data Scientist sein, Business Analysten sowie Anwendungsentwickler und Führungskräfte profitieren von den Möglichkeiten in SAS Viya.
Written by Allison Hines and Kara Roberts To encourage and inspire others to think of ways to give back during this pandemic, we’re sharing stories of how SAS employees are spreading compassion in their local communities. They’ve done everything from making masks and preparing meals for their communities to leading virtual dance classes and collecting supplies for hospitals. Keep reading to learn how our employees are lifting spirits
The banking sector sets a benchmark for other industries in many areas. When businesses need to process large volumes of transactions reliably, maintain 24/7 availability, meet complex regulatory requirements, analyse risks or make financial plans, they often aim to follow the same practices and adopt the same technologies that banks
この記事はSAS Institute Japanが翻訳および編集したもので、もともとはLee Ellen Harmerによって執筆されました。元記事はこちらです(英語)。 ハチを減少から救うために本当に必要なこととはなんでしょうか。 ハチの減少は目新しいニュースではありません。これまでにも、メディアによって農作業の工程や農薬がハチに影響を与えていることが取り上げられています。また、スタートアップ企業がハチの個体数を再び立て直そうと取り組んできた例があります。しかし依然として、ハチは世界的に重大な減少の一途を辿っているのです。 ハチを守るためには、養蜂家らが彼ら自身で出来る以上のことが必要とされています。養蜂家は自身の所有するハチやの巣箱の状態について熟知していますが、より大きな環境におけるハチについての知識は持ち合わせていません。そこは、市民科学者や一般市民らが力を発揮できるところです。 今日のハチの個体数の状態について理解し、減少を食い止めるためには、まず初めに私達のまわりにいるハチの実態を明らかにせねばなりません。ハチの保護を可能にするためには、ハチを“数える”ことが必要なのです。ハチの世界的な個体数を計数することは、地球上のハチの未来を守る第一歩です。ハチの計数作業によって集められたデータによって、ハチの種属ごとの生息地、そしてその生息地にハチがどのように分布しているのかといった重要な情報が明らかになります。SASはアパラチアン州立大学と共同でその取り組みを進めています。 ハチの保護に不可欠なテクノロジー 花粉媒介者であるハチとその環境を守るためには、私達はもはや伝統的な手法だけに頼ることはできません。その代わりとして使用されるのが、テクノロジーなのです。データの収集は始めの一歩でありますが、そのデータを可視化することで、養蜂家と研究者に迫り来る脅威を最も早く警告することができます。この指示器は、ハチに関するコミュニティの意思決定者に、これまで不可能と思われていた洞察を与えることができます。 その技術を実現するためのデータを集めるには、皆さんの助けが必要です。World Bee Countアプリケーションを通じて、人々はハチの計数に貢献し、周囲の環境にいるハチの写真を送信することができます。 “World Bee Countによって、私達はクラウドソーシングでハチのデータを集めることができます。それを使って、地球上のミツバチの個体数を可視化し、今日のミツバチに関する最大級の有益なデータセットを作り上げることができるのです。” アパラチアン大学 分析研究・教育センター理事 Joseph Cazier教授 SASは世界の最も逼迫した問題を解決することに意欲的であり、ハチを守ることも無視することはできない問題であると考えています。これまで、私たちは分析によってハチの健康を促進させようと試み、そしてData for Goodへ情熱を注いできました。つまりこのパートナーシップは、好奇心と探究心を持って世界的な問題を解決しようとするSASの本質的な精神を反映しているのです。 アナリティクスをすべての人に SASは世界花粉媒介者マップを作成しました。これは、World Bee Countアプリを用いて”ハチを数える“ことで、市民科学者や養蜂家からクラウドソーシングで集められたデータを視覚化したものです。このプロジェクトの後の段階では、研究者は作物の収穫高や降水量、その他ハチの健康に関係する重要なデータポイントを重ね合わせます。そうして、私達の世界でもっとも重要な花粉媒介者について、より包括的な理解を集約させます。 多くの人がデータを追加し、相関関係が導き出されるような豊富なデータセットを作成することで、可視化によるアナリティクスが実現できます。ハチのデータの単純な可視化から始まる取り組みは、ハチの個体数やその減少に繋がる要因の研究、そしてどのようにして私達がハチ全体の健康を促進させることが可能かといったような研究に対して、無限の機会を提供できるでしょう。 アプリをダウンロードして始めよう アプリケーションで写真を送信することは小さなことですが、ハチを保護するための活動として重要な役割を果たします。ハチは蜂蜜という素晴らしい自然の恵みを与え、私達に彩り豊かな朝の食卓を提供すると共に、私達の健康を促進させてくれます。5月20日は世界蜂の日として制定されています。beescount.orgからアプリをダウンロードして蜂の日を祝うと共に、見つけたハチの数をカウントしてみませんか? 今月だけでなく6月や7月、そしてその先のハチ月を超えてこの活動を続けていけたらいいですね!
You may not have heard the term "whole person education" before but it recognizes the critical intersection of schools and a young person's behavioral health. When I was running youth behavioral health treatment programs, schools were a major part of raising awareness and advocating for help for many kids. I
Forecasting with SAS®: Special Collection SAS Press has added to its selection of free downloadable eBooks with the new Forecasting with SAS®: Special Collection. From the description: Want to get the most insight out of your data and improve the quality of your forecasts? SAS offers many different solutions to
If you have been learning about machine learning or mathematical statistics, you might have heard about the Kullback–Leibler divergence. The Kullback–Leibler divergence is a measure of dissimilarity between two probability distributions. It measures how much one distribution differs from a reference distribution. This article explains the Kullback–Leibler divergence and shows
Die Lage am Arbeitsmarkt entspannt sich wegen der Corona-Ausnahmesituation: Wo steht der Handel gerade, Herr Spaan?
Analytics does not remove the need for reliable procedures, or well-trained staff—but it improves the monitoring of both.
코로나19가 전 세계적으로 확산되고 장기화되면서 우리는 요즘 삶의 방식이 새롭게 변화하는 모습을 실시간으로 지켜보고 있습니다. 학교에 가서 듣던 수업, 회사에 출근하여 처리하던 업무 등 늘 당연하게 여기던 일상이 대부분 언택트(Untact), 디지털 방식으로 전환되고 있지요. 처음이라 낯설고 아직 불안정한 부분들도 많지만, 지금의 위기 상황을 극복하고 모두가 하루 빨리 건강한 일상을 되찾으려면
SAS is underpinning this powerful combination of SAS and IBM infrastructure to optimize the analytics life cycle.
We will use prescriptive analytics and optimization to select a stock portfolio that maximizes returns while taking risk tolerance into account.
If you are a government leader, or one of the millions of people employed in the public sector globally, these last 100 days have probably been the most challenging of your lifetime. It is also an unprecedented opportunity to show how dedicated public servants and their agencies can best serve
To respond to these demands the Police service will need to adapt and use every potential technology to support their officers in this unprecedented time.
This month we celebrated International Nurses Day at a time when nurses and other health care professionals have never been so needed. This important day also fell on what would have been Florence Nightingale’s 200th birthday. Most people know Florence Nightingale as the famous nurse who saved hundreds of lives during the
As many individuals and organisations are finding out, today’s supply chains are incredibly long and complex. Goods can cross many borders, often several times, to complete a final product. Most of the time, as consumers, we don’t know or care about such issues. However, the coronavirus crisis and concerns around
To achieve this kind of Intelligent Decisioning across hundreds of thousands of customer accounts, you can’t rely on manual analysis.
This article shows how to perform two-dimensional bilinear interpolation in SAS by using a SAS/IML function. It is assumed that you have observed the values of a response variable on a regular grid of locations. A previous article showed how to interpolate inside one rectangular cell. When you have a
SAS partners with Appalachian State University on the World Bee Count initiative to support bee health.
One of the problems that trips up experienced SAS users when they begin to use SAS Enterprise Guide is a result of simple geography. The SAS Enterprise Guide application runs here, on your desktop. The SAS Workspace session (which accesses data and cranks through your analysis) runs over there, on
The analytics lifecycle and transition requires unique skills, such as programming and modelling. I think telcos don't have enough analytics experts.
If you're close to my age, you probably remember Joe Walsh's song Ordinary Average Guy. That song popped into my head when I was writing this example about moving averages, so I encourage you to listen to it while reading the blog post. Many people are looking at graphs lately